Chapter 27: Enjoyment

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It was two days after that small accident, my arm is still in the middle of healing but thanks to my aura, I might be back to normal in the next day or two. Not being able to participate the fight sure is quite suffering for me, I can't believe this happened. While the others are in the arena having fun, I was left in the audience watching them win and lose.

The only company I have at the moment was Velvet, whom was taking a picture at my weapon for an unknown reason. At first I thought she was gonna take a picture of me but it ended up with that. She is quite nice to have around actually, I yawned, getting bored of just watching from the side.

"You tired?" Velvet said.

"Not really, more like bored. I don't want to stay here watching while the rest are having fun in there. This is so unfair." I pouted as fumes come out of my ears two times.

"You'll be back to normal before you know it! Just wait a little longer and heal yourself." She smiled.

"You're right. Still, I hate this, I wanna do something entertaining." I said.

"Team JNPR wins the match!" Port announced.

The crowd started cheering as the four of them rejoiced, I smile at their happy faces and wish I can clap for them. I hate this broken arm, my aura please heal me faster. They all walked out of the arena and the next match will commence in fifteen minutes, I stood up from my seat and looked at Velvet.

"Guess I'll be heading off now, was nice talking to you Velvet. See ya." I waved at her with my good hand.

"Likewise, see you!" She waves back and smiles.

I walked my way out of the arena and met up with Team JNPR, Ren was being dragged by Nora, a face of misery that screams help is shown. This made me chuckle and smile nervously, Pyrrha as well is having the same expression as mine. The duo went ahead towards somewhere where it obviously involves pancakes, that leaves her and Jaune, seemingly clueless on what to do in there spare fifteen minutes, I entered the fray.

"Yo!" I greeted them.

"Hello Y/N!" Pyrrha waved at me and I did the same back to her.

"Hey, so how's your arm doing?" Jaune asked.

"It's doing fine, it'll be back to how it is by tomorrow or the day after that thanks to my aura." I replied, looking at my arm.

"That's great! Wanna grab something to eat before the next match starts?" He offered.

"Sure! I'm kind of hungry after that fight, even if I didn't do much in there." Jaune sheepishly chuckled.

"You did a fantastic job though, Jaune! Because we worked together, we won the match." Pyrrha reassures him.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Because of the mighty Jaune, he and his team had won!" Jaune's confidence went back.

Me and Pyrrha both looked at each other and smile. The three of us walked around to look for anything to eat. We happen to stop by noodle stand, since the owner of that stand has great noodles we decided that what we should eat are his noodles. Sitting down on the spare seats, we each ordered specific flavored noodles, the owner began to cook as we wait for it.

"By the way, have you seen Ruby and her team around here?" Pyrrha asked.

"Don't know if they're still in their dorm, lazing around or they've arrived here to watch the rest of the upcoming matches. I really don't worry much about them right now since I know they're all right." I told her.

"Could it be that they might be officially planning on their kind of hang out?" Jaune chimes in.

"Hang out? But why though? The four of them can already spend their time here, I mean it's the Vytal Festival!" I exclaimed.

"Of course we girls also look for something else to entertain us." Pyrrha says.

Our noodles had finally finished cooking and arrived, the three of us began to eat but before that we payed the owner. I immediately took a bite and smiled at the tastiness of the food, and so we had a nice conversation as we eat and head off back to the Colosseum after having a nice meal. The next match is about to start in the next three minutes, we saw Nora and Ren already there in the audience sitting down. We approached the two and sat down beside them.

"We're so glad you could join us on watching this fine match!" Nora said in an energetic way as usual.

"Me too, Nora. Where did the two of you went a while back?" Jaune asked her.

"You know, somewhere. Pancakes." She laughed.

"All right.. got it." He said.

The match has commence and the teams from Vacuo and Atlas entered the battlefield, as I was about to enjoy watching this match go on, an Atlesian soldier appeared and approached me.

"You are Mr. Rose of Team RNGD from Beacon right?" He asked.

"Uhm, yeah that's me. Do you need anything?" I said.

"If would you please follow me to General Ironwood's location. He wishes to speak to you about the incident with your arm." He stated.

"Right now? Can it wait later, I wanna watch the rest of the fights today." I whined.

"Request denied, the general wants to speak with you ASAP." He said.

"Augh fine.." I grumbled and stand up.

"See you Y/N." Jaune said.

"Yeah, bye guys. Be sure to tell me what happened!" I said as me and the soldier walk away.

"Will do! Be safe." Nora said.

The two of us were soon out of the Colosseum and were heading our way to the area where most of the bullheads are parked. Minutes passed and we arrived in front of a larger bullhead, so Ironwood is inside that aircraft waiting for me. I wonder if he had found any clues as to what is the cause of my abrupt injury.

As the ramp slowly goes down, we walked inside the bullhead and went to where the general is. When we finally arrived, I had assumed that it might be only him along with a bunch of Atlesian soldiers to gaurd him, it turns out we have some additional guests. They were two of the same team that me and my team fought in my last battle, confusion hits me as I wondered why they are here.

I looked over at General Ironwood and see him looking at me. Giving him a confused look, I finally asked;

"Hey general, so what is it that you want to discuss about regarding the incident that involved me injuring my arm?" I asked.

"Before I answer that, I would like to ask how is your current condition?" Ironwood said.

"I'm doing good. Arm is healing drastically faster than I had imagined, thanks to my aura of course." I rub the cast.

"That's a relief to hear, now on to the main point. About the fight between your team and Team TPON, I had some of my men investigate the recording of the fight as well as have the teams being interrogated. It turns out someone has something to say to you." The general gestured at the two members of the team.

"What is it?" I looked over to them.

One of them, specifically the green haired one looked down on the metal floor while the other one looked at him with a worried face. Raising a brow in confusion, I looked back at General Ironwood and see him have a look of disappointment. The other guy then stood up and stepped closer to me, I was surprised when he bowed at me which made me come to a conclusion that it's their fault that my arm got broken yet they weren't even near me when it happened.

"I'm deeply sorry for the trouble my teammate had caused you. As their leader, I'm going to make sure such incident will never happen again. Forgive me for this." He said.

"W-woah... all right then.." I stammered due to the slight embarrassment.

"Tyler! It's not your fault, you shouldn't apologize on my behalf." The green haired guy quickly stood up and pulled the guy in front of me by the shoulder.

"It is my responsibility as your leader, any vindictive and unacceptable actions you and the others do is my fault." He said to him.

"But you-" He got cut off by the general.

"That's enough Mr. Liam, now that we all know whose fault is this, I will speak with the two of you about this." Ironwood stated.

"Yes sir." The leader said.

"All right, Mr. Rose you may go now. Thank you for coming here." Ironwood said to me.

"Okay, I'll be heading out now. Thank you as well general." I waved and walked out of the bullhead.

Finally the small mystery has been finally unraveled. It didn't matter much to me since I'm almost gonna go back to normal. My scroll suddenly rang and I pick it up, see a text message from Neo that says she wants to meet up with me at Junior's Bar later at night.

The same bar Yang usually went to when she's planning on drinking, I sighed and replied back to her that I'll be there soon. Putting the scroll back in my pocket, I head to another bullhead and asked them to take me to the town.


Dusk has descended and the girls of Team RWBY and RNGD are planning a girl's night out. It was mainly Yang's idea and one by one, they all agreed, although Weiss went against it, she was convinced by Ruby. Right now, they were getting ready for their night out.

After they got ready, the six of them head their way out of Beacon, along the way they encounter Team JNPR.

"Hey girls! You look quite fine this evening, what's the event?" Pyrrha asked.

"Oh we're having a girl's night out. We'll be back by near midnight." Dahlia told her.

"Cool, can we join?" Jaune asked.

All the girls looked at him with blank faces. Ginger went forward and placed her hand on his shoulder, Jaune looks at her in confusion.

"Jaune, it's a girl's night out. In order to join us, you have to be a girl." She said.

"Oh.. okay then.. if I'm not allowed to have a girl's night out, then me and Ren will just have a boy's night out. Let's go Ren." Jaune began to drag him away.

"Why am I always involved into troublesome things..." Ren grumbled.

"Have fun, boys!" Nora waved.

"We'll be going now, see you two." Yang said as the six of them walked past them.

"All right, have fun." Pyrrha smiled.

They finally got out of Beacon and head their way in the town. Starting off with eating at a restaurant and having a nice and fun chat with one another. Then they went to an ice cream shop to have of course, ice cream. Once those are done, Yang decided to take them to the place where she usually hangs out. At Junior's Bar. The moment Weiss heard this, she completely disagrees, saying that they are still young to enter a bar. But Yang convinced her by telling her she has went there multiple times, hiding the fact that she's only allowed to enter because she kept beating the crap out of Junior's men.

"But what about Ruby?" Blake pointed out.

"She's good to go, we'll just not let her drink. It's fine if you guys don't try out the beverages." Yang said.

"I think entering a bar while being underaged is beneath my dignity..." Weiss mumbled.

"Don't worry about that Weiss, it's okay to get carried away for at least once." Yang reassured her.

"Let's just get inside already!!" Ruby demanded.

The six of them finally entered inside the bar, with Yang opening the door for them. The whole place was loud and cheery, some people are dancing while the others are drinking. A bouncer approach them but was about to ask them some questions, but when he sees Yang he abruptly stepped back.

"You're good to go..." He said.

"Heh." Yang smiled.

They walked past him and head towards the counter, sitting down on some vacant seats. Junior noticed Yang and sighed.

"You know what I want, and as for the other girls, give them some ice tea." Yang said.

"Good grief." Junior mumbled.

"Does he have anything to do with you?" Blake asked.

"Nah, we're good friends! He must be upset that I haven't visited him lately, right?" Yang playfully gazes at Junior.

"It is better when you're not here." He glares at her.

"Anywho, we're in good terms!" Yang smiled.

Their drinks was served in front of them and their conversation continues. A girl with pink, brown and white hair enters the bar and approached the counter. Junior noticed her and realized who she is, Team RWBY gazes at her and their eyes widen.

"It's you!" Ruby shouted as she points at her.

Neo looked back at them and smirked. Waving at them, Yang walks towards her with an upset look.

"I think we should continue where we left off last time." Yang said.

The neopolitan haired girl then smiled smugly and nodded, the rest of the girls wondered what they are about to do. Y/N later entered the bar and soon saw the girls, especially Neo and Yang having a drinking contest.

He sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"At least they aren't doing this the violent way..."

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