Chapter 4: First Meeting

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Me and my two sisters got to the bullhead that will take us to Beacon Academy.. Ruby was excited while me and Yang were just smiling at her childish acts, but to be honest I was excited myself.

"Oh my gosh, I can't wait to go there! I just can't contain my excitement!!" Ruby began squealing.

"Hold on Ruby, you're becoming too excited. It's like you're gonna explode any second now." I said.

"I am! I wonder what our dorms will look like? The cafeteria there might also be filled with cookies, I just can't stop thinking about these stuff!" She yelled.

"Can you at least tone down your voice? You're gathering some of the other people's attention that are in the same ride as us." Yang reminded her.

"Oops, sorry." She said while chuckling nervously.

"I wonder if the three of us will get to be team mates?" I said.

"There's a chance that might happen. But I'm fine if we aren't." Yang said.

"Are you saying that you don't want us to be around you?" Ruby asked her.

"No, that's not what I-"

"Bro, Yang hates us! Did we do something wrong to her? She's so mean!" Ruby began to fake cry as she hugs me.

"I know Ruby, I guess we aren't good enough to be her siblings." I said joining the drama while patting Ruby's back.

"I swear I have such annoying siblings." Yang said to herself.

We feel the bullhead stop, then the ramp went down and one by one all of us got out of the bullhead with our things. Ruby looked at the large structure in front of us in awe. This made me smile and I noticed that her eyes were glued at the weapons from the other students. She was about to walk towards the people but I stopped her by grabbing her by the hood of her cloak.

"Not only you love cookies but you also love weapons." I said.

"What's wrong with that?" She looks at me.

"Don't you have Crescent Rose with you?" I asked.

"Of course I love Crescent Rose! It's just that seeing new weapons is like meeting new friends." She said holding her weapon.

"Uh huh. Well speaking of friends, I have mine as well here so see ya guys later!" Yang then joins a group of people and all of them walk away.

"You need to make real friends. As in people, not weapons." I said to her.

"But why make new friends when I have you and Yang?!" She whined.

"Well we're not always by you side so it's best to make many friends as possible or you will end up lonely." I said looking at the school.

I decided to take a few steps back to see it properly while listening to Ruby. But when I took one more step, I accidentally bump into someone. I immediately turn around and manage to grab their hand before they fall. The person I bumped into was a girl, a familiar one.

"Are you all right?" I asked pulling her back in her balance.

"Augh, can you at least watch where you're going?!" She said glaring at me.

"Well gee I'm sorry, no need to be so cold." I said.

"You should be! Anyway at least I should say thank you for catching me before I fall." She said.

"Hey bro, everything good there?" Ruby approaches the two of us.

"Yeah, I just accidentally bumped into this girl. What was your name?" I pointed at the girl.

"I'm Weiss Schnee, of the Schnee Dust Company. How can you not know me?" She said with her arms crossed.

"Ah, sorry, I knew you look familiar. Anyway, my name's Y/N Rose, and this girl beside me is my sister Ruby." I said to her.

"Hi!" Ruby suddenly extended her hand to her for a handshake.

Weiss just looks at her and at her hand back and forth until she just walk past us like nothing had happened.

"Well it was nice meeting you two, I think." She said.

When Weiss was finally out of sight, Ruby looks at me.

"She was cold. There goes my attempt to make friends." She then sighed after saying that.

"Maybe I can melt that ice in her heart using my fire." I said.

"You're gonna use your semblance at her?!" Ruby asked.

I then flicked her forehead which caused her to hold it and tears suddenly appeared at the side of her closed eyes.

"Ow! Why did you do that?!" Ruby removed her hands from her forehead and I could see that it has a red mark on it.

"Can you stop being dense? Of course I'm not literally gonna use my semblance to melt the ice." I said with my hands on my waist.

"You can just tell me and not flicking my forehead! It hurts you know?!" She glares at me with little tears in her eyes.

"Let's just get inside." I said walking towards the school.

Ruby later followed me and the two of us enter inside, it later turned dusk. All of us first years had gathered in what I think was an auditorium. I prepared my sleeping bag and so did Ruby, I use my semblance to created a small amount of fire on my finger and light the candle beside me. The small fire on my finger dissolved and I grab a piece of paper and pen then began to write something.

"What are you writing, bro?" Ruby asked.

"Just gonna write and send a letter to mom and dad. Wouldn't want them to worry." I said with a smile.

"Speaking of that, I guess I should write a letter for my classmates back in Signal and for our parents as well." She then grab a piece of paper and pen from her bag and began writing as well.

When I was halfway through finishing the letter, I stopped and placed it bag in my bag for now. Standing up, I walked towards a window and just looked at the sky outside. This view made me smile, the silent area then became a bit loud due to some familiar voices.

It was Yang, Ruby and a girl with black hair wearing a black bow. Then there's Weiss, who just recently joined the noise. I got closer to them and could clearly hear their conversation.

"Can you all just sleep now?" I interfered.

The four of them gaze at me and Ruby was the first one to talk.

"But me and Yang we're just making new friends." She reasoned.

"There's always tomorrow, plus it's already nine thirty." I said.

"Fine, you owe me cookies by the way." Ruby said.

"I do not." I said.

She then got back to her sleeping bag and so did Yang. The black haired girl then blow the candle and it was now a bit dark.

"You're welcome." I said to Weiss who was beside me.

"I didn't say thank you." She said.

"You already did." I smirked.

"You're annoying, you know that?" She said to me.

"And what if I don't?" I said creating a fire on my palm so she can see the smug look that I'm making.

"I'm just gonna go back to sleep and forget about this." She turns around and walk back to her sleeping place.

I then walked back to my sleeping place as well where the lit candle was. I later put out the fire and drifted to sleep as well.

"(I think me and Weiss will get along just fine.)"

While on the other hand.

"(Me and that Y/N guy will never get along! He is just so annoying and stupid!)"

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