Chapter 12.

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Azriel woke up to the smell of tea, mixed with medicine. His head still hurt, but at least his wings were in one piece. Yesterday had been one of the worst days. The traitorous Illyrian soldiers turning on their own High Lord in an ambush, fuelled by the High Lord of Autumn Court. The southern Court would pay dearly for this.

The room still spun a bit when a tall, dark figure with a sympathetic smile walked in. Rhys.

"How are you?" Rhys's voice was laced with concern, although he tried to hide it with a carefree posture.

Mor and Feyre had come in earlier too, but the healer turned their fussy voices away as soon as they'd entered.

"Fine," Azriel winced as he sat up in his bed. The wounds didn't hurt, but he had taken a few punches and kicks that'd bruised his ribs, which were already healing well.

"Glad to hear it," Rhys sat down on the bed with feline grace. "Just one more thing," he paused and levelled with Azriel, "Do you want to tell her?"

Azriel swallowed. Did he want to tell Fallon about her history and then watch as her heart breaks? No. But he would. So Azriel nodded and Rhys left him to his breakfast.

An overly-worried Feyre came in after he'd finished, insisting he let her prepare him some soup. The others had apparently gone to deal with the situation and he had been threatened by Rhys and Mor to stay in bed.

A few more hours went by before the door opened slightly after a soft knock.

"May I come in?" The caring voice that'd asked had Azriel straightening his shirt and running a hand through his hair.

The door opened and Fallon walked in with a bowl of steaming hot soup. "I come bearing gifts," she smiled shyly as she put the soup on the table on his left.

Fallon looked tired, he thought. Like she hadn't slept. And while Azriel didn't remember much from last night, he did remember a sudden warmth calming his racing mind, assuring him that everything would be okay.

Fallon stood next to the bed, wearing the typical Night Court clothes, Azriel noted. Loose dark blue pants with a long-sleeved cropped top of the same colour. The window was open just enough to send a light breeze into the room, gently brushing her raven hair.

Azriel gestured for her to sit on the bed, "You gave us quite a scare, you know that?" Despite her efforts to lighten the mood, Fallon's voice was shaking.

"I'm okay," Azriel said, reassuring himself as well.

"But you weren't yesterday," Fallon's voice broke.

Had it really been that bad? The ash arrows that'd pierced his wings had made the quick recovery impossible, but other than that, he wasn't hurt that badly.

Azriel took Fallon's shaking hands in his - it was the only way he felt he could assure her he truly was alright.

Azriel thought of the old man he'd tracked down through the woods after Cassian'd arrived to help. Marius had been the only person to remember Fallon's parents, the only one who could have told her more about them. But he was also a threat, if he somehow made it to Autumn Court, Fallon's life would be in danger. And he wouldn't let that happen.

"I'm sorry for what I'm about to tell you," Azriel did feel bad for springing this on Fallon right now, but he had to tell her or he wouldn't be able to calm his mind.

Fallon just stared back at him wide-eyed.

Azriel told her everything while watching her features change from sadness and longing to disappointment and heartbreak. Her parents had lived a whole different life before her and they'd never bothered to tell her she might be in danger. Surely, they loved her and thought they were protecting her, but she had a right to know about her true family. She had a right to decide for herself if she wanted to be a part of it or not.

"You deserved to know, you deserve to decide for yourself if this influences who you are." Azriel's eyes were burning, "Only you have the power to decide that."

By the time Azriel was done speaking, the few tears that had fallen, and that he hadn't been able to wipe away, had already dried and her face was set. Her mouth was slightly parted and her gaze focused on him. He couldn't help but stare back.

"Vivienne?" Azriel said almost in a whisper.

Her hazel eyes glistened as a realisation flashed in them, but it was gone in a blink of an eye and replaced by a fondness as Azriel caressed her cheek. Fallon leaned into his touch as if it were her lifeline, the only thing keeping her grounded and he tightened his grip on her hand in his.

"You deserve to be happy," Azriel continued after she stayed quiet, her eyes still on him. "Don't let this take that happiness away from you."

Fallon bit down on her lip as if she was trying to stop herself from saying something and instead swallowed and rose from the bed.

"Thank you, Azriel," his name rolled off her tongue like honey, "for telling me."

He'd expected her to be upset over this. To be hurt. But instead, she surprised him yet again and accepted the true history of her parents. She was strong, this couldn't break her, because it was already in the past. "If it's in the past, it's not worth dwelling upon."

Only when Fallon replied from the door, "Exactly," - only then did Azriel realise he'd spoken aloud.


As soon as Fallon closed the door she could barely catch her breath.

Yes, her parents had lied to her about almost everything. She'd never known her grandparents had died that way. Or that her Grandfather had been a Lord of the Autumn Court. But also just as Azriel had said, it was in the past.

What difference did it make if she was the granddaughter of a Lord? In this moment absolutely none. Because she didn't care about titles or lands, she didn't care about the history. They couldn't shape who she was anymore.

No, she only cared that her friends were safe, that Azriel had healed and the only sound that she kept hearing in her head was how her name, her true name, had sounded on his lips.

Just a few months ago her name would make her heart clench with grief. She hadn't wanted anyone to know it.

But now...Now she wanted to hear it every second of every day.

Fallon was a warrior's name. She still was one, had been all her life.

And yet now, she was more than that. She belonged, she had people who loved her and whom she loved more than words. She had found a new family, she was finally home again.


Hearing Feyre and Mor talk about surprises the last few days, an idea sparked in Vivienne's mind.

In the time that Azriel had stopped teaching her about her powers, she had improved quite a lot. But she'd never had the chance to show him just how much. If anything, this would be a gesture of gratitude. Perhaps, of something more.

She spent the rest of the morning planning. Rhys hadn't asked her a question when she'd made a request to him, he'd only smiled knowingly and saw it through.

She also made sure to tell Cassian she wouldn't be joining them for dinner and he, too, smiled when she told him her bad excuse. Maybe a hair appointment in the evening was completely out of place in Velaris, but he hadn't objected so that had to mean something.

This evening Fallon called for Nuala and Cerridwen. It wasn't that she needed help with the dress, she just wanted tonight to feel special.

Her raven hair fell over her shoulders, the kohl around her eyes made the green in them shine and the light pink on her lips made them fuller.

The dress took her breath away once again. She didn't regret buying it that first day in the city with Mor one bit.

The honey-yellow dress exposed her shoulders. The bodice was tight with a flowy skirt. The colour of it flattered her tan skin and her dark hair. She had never worn such a bright dress in her life and she couldn't believe how it fit her.

No one had come looking for her for dinner, which meant that Cassian had done his part right. Now only the last stage of her plan waited.

Fallon took a pen and a piece of paper and started writing.

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