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▃▃▃▃▃ ‧₊˚⊹ ‧₊˚⊹ ▃▃▃▃▃
𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄 ─── ❛ fire and blood

FIRE ON FIRE ₊˚.༄𖥸 ──
𑁍₊𓄹 -- ❪ house of the dragons ❫. 𓄹
╭ ‧₊˚⊹ 你好,欢迎光临
╰ ✦ usurper╭ ᘒ ✦

At the news of King Viserys' passing, Rhaella did not know how to react. Her father was dead. And she hadn't been able to say goodbye to him in his last moments.

She sat in her own bed, head in her hands. She didn't know how to react to such news. She knew the day of his death was soon to come, but still, she didn't know how to react.

She had sent her maids out, pleading to be left alone. She had no clue of what will happen next. Rhaenyra would hopefully be crowned Queen, rightfully so.

But she had to get up and get ready. She knew her mother was with the council, discussing what next. She hoped Alicent would stay true to Viserys' words. That the crown would go to Rhaenyra.

But once she got ready, she heard that her mother was looking for Aegon, which wasn't good news. She hoped her mother would not make Aegon king.

So, she searched for her mother, finding her in her chambers. Rhaella threw the door open, seeing her mother and Aemond in the room.

"Tell me that it is merely whispers." Rhaella uttered to her mother, walking forwards as her hands shook at her side. "Tell me that you are not scheming to place my foolish brother on that throne!" Her voice grew loud as her mother reached out for her, only for Rhaella to back away. "No, tell me, mother!"

"Your father wished for Aegon to succeed him—"

"Bullshit!" Rhaella sarcastically chuckled, shaking her head as she turned, crossing her arms over her chest before turning back around to face her mother. "You, and as all of the Seven Kingdoms knew that Viserys wished for Rhaenyra to succeed him! They bowed to her twenty years ago!" Rhaella was outraged, to say the least. How could her mother do such a thing? Over a petty fallout she had with Rhaenyra years ago. "Viserys would not break his oath, especially for Aegon, of all people! You cannot take her birthright!"

"Do hold your tongue as you speak ill of your future King, daughter." Alicent warned her, going to grab at her hands once more, only for Rhaella to push them away. "Your father told me with his last words, that he wanted Aegon to succeed him." Alicent tried to get through to her eldest daughter, but Rhaella was stubborn. And she stood for what was right. That is how Alicent had raised her.

Rhaella chuckled once more, a bitter laugh that left her lips. "You of all people cannot be that idiotic, mother." Her harsh words were uttered as she glared at her mother. Rhaella looked over to Aemond, who simply looked at the fireplace. Rhaella let out a groan, shaking her head as she turned back to Alicent. "He is not fit for the Throne, you know this!" She shook her head, her hands shaking with anger. "Your scheme will not work mother, not if I have a say in it—"

"You are to bend the knee to your brother, Rhaella." Alicent straightened her back as she stared at her daughter. "Will you?" Her tone was pleading, and Rhaella heard it.

Rhaella looked over to her brother, who still stared at the fire. Rhaella then glanced back at her mother, fiddling with the rings around her fingers. "I'll stay true to my father's word..." Alicent breathed out, hoping for the good to leave her lips, but it never came. "I will bend the knee to Rhaenyra Targaryen...the true Queen."

And with that, Rhaella turned around, leaving her chambers and slamming the doors closed behind her, almost bumping in to Ser Criston.

"My apologies,Princess." Ser Criston bowed his head as Rhaella payed him little, to non, acknowledgment.

"Good." Was all she said as she made a quick exit from her halls and to her room. She had to warn Rhaenyra of Alicent's plans.

Her father could not have claimed Aegon to be king on the same night he claimed Rhaenyra to be Queen.

Alicent was usurping the throne, and Rhaella would not stand for it. Aegon could not be king. He was a fool. And her family would not have her support. But Rhaenyra would.

Rhaella knew what was right and what was wrong. And what her mother was doing...was wrong. And she would not stand for it, not at all.

Rhaella didn't know what to do, Rhaenyra and her family had left at night, so they were back at DragonStone.

But Princess Rhaenys still was in the Red Keep. And she would not stand for the usurping of the throne, that was what Rhaella knew for certain.

So, Rhaella changed out of her dress and into her trousers, grabbing her cloak and placing it on her.

She needed to go to Rhaenys room, she was Rhaella's only hope. So, that was exactly what she did.

Rhaella kept her head bowed as she walked through the corridors, quickly walking up the steps and finding Rhaenys room. Luckily, there were no guards.

Rhaella went to open the door, onto to find it locked. "Princess Rhaenys." Rhaella spoke up, trying to open the door, but it was locked.

"Rhaella?" Rhaella sighed as she heard her voice, knowing that she was okay. "Your mother has locked the door, I cannot get out."

"Wait." Rhaella paused, reaching into her hair and grabbing a pin, unraveling one of her braids and crouching down. She had picked her fair share of locks.

Rhaella placed her pin in the lock, turning it side to side until it unlocked. She quickly opened the door, seeing Rhaenys. "Thank the lords." Rhaella breathed out, closing the door behind her. "Have you heard?"

"Of your mother usurping the throne? Yes." Rhaenys nodded her head as Rhaella squeezed her eyes shut, leaning on the door. "But, something tells me you don't agree with that."

"I do not." Rhaella shook her head as she leaned off of the door, looking around. "My father wanted Rhaenyra to succeed him, I know that. He did not want Aegon to succeed him, a boy who merely turns to his cups and whores." Rhaella shook her head as she pulled out a cloak, grin on her face as she threw it to Rhaenys. "We have to warn Rhaenyra." Rhaella breathed out as she turned to Rhaenys.

Rhaenys smirked at her words, holding onto the cloak in her hands. "Smart girl." Rhaenys uttered as she placed the cloak on herself.

Rhaella grinned, shrugging her shoulders. "I do not wish to see Aegon on that throne." Rhaella voiced her opinions. "Rhaenyra should know I would stay true to our father's wishes. She is the true Queen. And I will not sit idly as I watch my brother usurp her throne."

"I knew there was something I liked about you, Princess." Rhaenys smirked at the girls words, getting herself ready. "What is the plan?"

"Meleys, your dragon, is here, correct?" Rhaella asked, hand on her sword as Rhaenys nodded. "Good. We must wait until the sun sets, then we can escape to DragonStone on dragon back, to warn Rhaenyra."

Once it was night, Rhaella made her way to Rhaenys room, cloak on her and sword at her hip.

When she opened the door, Rhaenys was waiting. "We must go." Rhaella told her, closing the door behind her and moving towards Rhaenys. "The guards are soon to be on watch—"

Rhaella quickly turned to the door, seeing Ser Erryk walk in, cloak in hand. He paused as he saw the two woman. "Are you here to help?" Rhaella asked, standing in front of Rhaenys, hand on her sword.

"Are you?" Ser Erryk responded, nodding his head at Rhaella, who nodded her head. "Then, with me, Princesses. I cannot let this treachery stand." He told them as Rhaella smirked, turning to Rhaenys.

And with that, the three left the chambers, Rhaella and Rhaenys' hoods up as they walked through the halls, staying close to Ser Erryk as they guided them out of the castle.

They stepped outside, ignoring the body hanging from the roof. "Where are we?" Princess Rhaenys asked as Ser Erryk turned to them.

"Just south of King's Way." Ser Erryk responded as Rhaella clutched her sword, turning to Rhaenys. "The Blackwater's this way." He said as the two women followed him.

It was now sunrise, and the three continued to walk through the streets. "I won't leave Meleys." Rhaenys told them, which made Rhaella agree.

"As will I not leave my dragon." Rhaella agreed, holding onto her cloak with one hand, her other on her sword. "We have to get to the Dragonpit—"

"No." See Erryk cut her off. "They'll expect you both there, Princesses." He warned them.
Rhaella knew that the word of her sudden disappearance would cause whispers. She knew she'd be named a traitor. But she wasn't the traitor, her family was—her mother was. "Now come, we must make for the riverfront and find a ship. Before they know you've one."

Ser Erryk held onto both women, guiding them through the streets until they came to a holt, seeing a crowd of people walk the other way, making him pull them back.

"This way." He told them, pulling them immediately a different direction, only for them to be cut off by another crowd.

Rhaella and Rhaenys continued to walk until the two women were split up from Ser Erryk. Rhaella held onto Princess Rhaenys' arm, not wanting to lose her in the crowd.

"Keep your head down, Princess." Rhaella told her, casting her head down as she lead the way, hand on her sword. "We will go to the Dragonspit, yes?"

Rhaenys looked down at her, nodding her head as the two were pushed through the crowds. Rhaella kept her hand on Rhaenys arm, guiding her down another alleyway. Onlt to be met with a crowd, a carriage and a heap of guards. "Blend." Was all Rhaella said as she kept her head low, her hair hidden. "We are close to the Dragonspit."

Rhaella ignored the bells that chimed, knowing they were for her brother. The two women followed the crowd, walking into the building.

"People of King's is the saddest of days." She heard someone yell to the crowd. Rhaella and Rhaenys pushed through the crowd, looking down. "Our beloved king...Viserys the dead." The voice Rhaella recognised to be her grandsire, Otto, yelled.

Rhaella closed her eyes for a moment at the mention of her father. Rhaella looked back up, down to where her mother stood.

"But it is also the most joyous of days...for as his spirit left us...he whispered his final wish:that his firstborn son, Aegon, should succeed him." Rhaella rolled her eyes at those words, clinging onto her cloak. Rhaella was furious.

How dare they make up lies about her father. He had not wanted Aegon to succeed him, that is what she knew. Her mother and grandsire were scheming for years to place Aegon on the throne.

People around started to clap their hands, until they heard marching. Rhaella looked to the left, seeing the guards form a walk way.

Then, trumpets were heard, and Rhaella clenched her jaw as she looked over to the doors.

But, where her mother stood, Alicent turned to Aemond, not seeing Rhaella anywhere. "Where is your sister?" She mouthed, making Aemond shrug.

"I do not know." He simply mouthed back as Alicent breathed in, shaking her head. Surely her eldest daughter would not betray her blood?

Rhaella watched as Aegon walked out, under the swords the guards had raised. Rhaella squeezed her sword, watching the scene with narrowed eyes. This was supposed to be Rhaenyra.

"I cannot watch this treachery no longer, Princess." Rhaella whispered to Rhaenys beside her, making the older woman nod her head, pulling Rhaella away from the crowd.

They were to head to the Dragonspit. And so they did, walking down the steps and away from the coronation of Aegon.

Rhaella clung onto cloak, her hand on the wall as she walked down the steps behind Rhaenys.

It didn't take long for them to reach the Dragonspit, and when they did, they went for their dragons. Rhaella called out her dragon, taking off her cloak and putting on her armour as Rhaenys did the same.

It wasn't long until their dragons came out together, instantly going to their owner. "Rytsas, issa hāedar." Rhaella uttered, pressing her hand against Meraxes' black and red scales. ( hello, my girl. )

Rhaella pressed her forehead against her dragon, stroking it. "īlon līs jikagon." She uttered, looking over to see Rhaenys mount Meleys.

Rhaella did the same with Meraxes, clinging onto her and holding onto the reigns with her gloved hands.

Rhaella and Rhaenys shared a look, nodding their heads as they ordered their dragons to move. And they did.

Rhaenys wanted to see the usurpers faces as they left Kings landing. And Rhaella agreed. She'd face her family once more before leaving.

Rhaenys was the first to rise, breaking through the roof. Rhaella could already hear the screams of people as Rhaenys and Meleys rose.

Then, Rhaella did the same, holding onto the reigns as she ordered her dragon to rise, and Meraxes did as told.

Rhaella closed her eyes at the smoke that she formed, both Meraxes and Meleys making room for themselves.

Both dragons were big, which was quite a fit. Rhaella looked through the smoke, her eyes on her mother, grandsire and her siblings.

And their eyes were on them. Rhaella smirked down at her mother, who's face held too much emotion for Rhaella to understand.

"Open the doors!" Rhaella looked down at her grandsire, making her turn around to see the doors closing. But his orders were ignored. "Open the doors!"

Rhaenys moved forwards on her dragon, moving close as Alicent pushed Aegon behind her. Rhaella would not kill her family, and Rhaenys knew that.

Rhaella stared down at her siblings, especially Aegon, who looked petrified as tears threatened to spill from his eyes. She dared to look anywhere else, knowing their gazes were full of betrayal.

But she was not the traitor, they were. The only innocent people there, who Rhaella especially did not want to hurt, were Helaena and Aemond. She was close to the pair, the siblings she loved. She would never put them in harms way. It was her mother, grandsire and Aegon who had done this.

Rhaella squeezed onto her dragons reigns, closing her eyes before turning to Rhaenys nodding her head.

Meleys let out a screech at the group in front of them, before turning around and flying out of the doors. Rhaella looked down at her family once more, shaking her head before following Rhaenys and her dragon. Rhaella's dragon barely made it through the doors, but Meraxes did.

And so, Rhaenys and Rhaella flew to DragonStone.

To the true queen.

— madeleines notes

Sorry for the long awaited chapter, I have been focusing on my The Last Kingdom Fanfic!

If you'd like to go read it I would highly appreciate it!🩷

But damn, Rhaella doesn't stand for usurping. Which is evident.

She loves her family, don't get me wrong, but she stands for what is right. And that is with Rhaenyra.

28th July 2024
2588 words

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