chapter:1 got to go!!

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I was sitting in English class when I suddenly feel sick but I tried to ignore it and take down the notes our teacher was writing, and I couldn't miss what he was writing down as he had a tendency to rub it of the bored as soon as whoever was in the class was done. And being that we had an essay due on Monday, I couldn't exactly miss these as this essay is worth 50% of our grade and decides if we pass or not. But as I was about to finish the final notes I just felt something coming up my throat. I tried to just swallow it down it felt like my throat was on fire so I ran out of the class and down the hallway to the girls bathroom, and just as I was about to dash in Elizabeth moore and ava Shelby got in my way. Being as I was about to throw up something I couldn't talk so before they could say anything I shoved them out of the way and slid into a cubical and closed my eyes just threw up and before I knew it I blacked out. All I felt was coldness but there was also an odd sensation of warmth to it as well. when i opened my eyes there wasn't any puke, just a black blob, which seemed to be moving like it was alive "ok, what the hell is that" I asked myself quietly but right as I was about to flush it down the toilet it jumped out of it and landed next to my foot. Right as it stopped squirming around the bathroom door slammed open so before whoever opened it could see whatever this thing was I opened my bag and shoved it in there" hey marine... are you in here" I heard marrisa black, aka one of my only friends in this god damn place I coughed slightly before opening the door and walking out "sadly" I responded and she laughed.

We walked out of the bathroom together and jake Shelby, another one of my friends, was waiting out here "jake what are you doing here I thought you had chemistry now?" I asked him but all he did was shrug at me "I did but you were in the bathroom for 20 minutes and it is now our free periods" he casually mentioned and started to walk off to what I presumed to be our hang out area to see if our other friend sam was their. " wait I was out for 20 minuets oh shit I ran out of English and now when I have him next he is going to be pissed" I stared to ramble to myself forgetting marrisa was there with me "hey calm down im sure you will explain what happened and he will understand... but seriously what did happen?" she questioned me but before I could answer I heard ava and Elizabeth behind me laughing "she was being a weirdo that's what she was doing" ava snarked out and then continued laugh with her group of other popular kids, so me and marrisa walked off before one of us said something that would get us in trouble, well more before marrisa could start yelling at them. Jake and sam were waiting for us at our table in the forest area of the school, where nobody else but our group came which was amazing as you could come here for anything and not get in trouble with ava and Elizabeth telling the teachers what we have done, but even if it good they would find a way to punish us as Elizabeth and ava were the favourites of almost all of the teachers, minus miss taylors and mr zaylof who lucky favoured us. " ok so are we going to discuss why marine was passed out in the bathroom for at least fifteen minutes?!?" Sam exclaimed to our group while looking at me but I didn't respond as ii was looking in my bag, debating whether or not to show them the thing that came out of me in the bathroom "huh what did you say?" I asked him but before he could say his question again the bell went for our next classed "ugh I have to clime all the way to the top of the art block" I moaned out "welp I shall see you In last period good bye my fellow friends" I exclaimed while saluting them for there next lessons and quickly ran off to mine before they could question me further on the bathroom situation and then freak out of whats in my bag, so I turned a corner into the abandoned shed and moved the black blob into a plastic bag and zipped it shut but I worried it wouldn't be able to breath so I poked small holes into it so it could at least survive until I got home.

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