12. Mr. fuck face clown nose

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Chapter Twelve 

Mr. fuck face clown nose

3rd person pov 

she stood in the kitchen as she listened to arlong ask for luffy and she scoffed as she looked at sanji and he shrugged his shoulders. she wasn't go to let anything happen to luffy. she didn't know that nami went back to the ship with sanji not long after so there dorian was alone with arlong and she didn't know what to do. 

she had fought arlong before and she had lost but now she was sure that since she had more power over her powers, she could handle herself and him. but soon enough the doors busted open and in walked luffy with sanji and usopp 

"which one of you is arlong?" he asked and dorian sighed as she shook her head. she knew that he would show up and try to talk to them and she hated that he was trying to fight him. dorian knew that luffy didn't stand a chance against him and his men so she walked out and she stood next to luffy and the others making eye contact with arlong. he knew who she was. 

"who is asking?" arlong responded. 

"I'm monkey d.luffy, i hear youre looking for me" luffy responded and dorian sighed as she made eye contact with usopp who just shrugged his shoulders and stood next to her. 

"yes i am, so this is the pirate I've heard so much about? I was expecting someone bigger." he said 

"so was i" luffy told him and dorian shook her head with a sigh and a run through of her hair with her hands. 

"do you know who I am, boy? I'm arlong the saw even marines flee before my flag" he told luffy 

"Not ringing a bell, how do you find me anyway?" he asked and that's when the men pulled a bag up and out came buggys head and dorian groaned 

"of course it's Mr. fuck face clown nose" she said and usopp laughed and she smiled. even though this was serious, she didn't care. someone needed to be funny and if it was her, so be it. 

"did you miss me? Believe me it wasn't my first choice to be here either, but these fishy folk persuade me to point them in the right direction, which ain't easy when you you don't have any hands" he said and dorian groaned again 

"how'd you even know how to find me?" luffy questioned 

"I told you I've got eyes and ears everywhere. stereo" he said as he pulled his ear from luffys strawhat 

"you were listening all along? You heard everything?" he asked 

"everything and that got old quick because you shidiots have no idea what you're doing. hey, lips, a scratch behind the old year, huh?" he asked and soon enough he was put back in the bag 

"listen here, I want my map along with half of whatever you plunder as tribute and if you bow down to me, I might even let you serve in my kingdom" he said to luffy and dorian scoffed 

"luffy doesn't bow down to any man, none of us do" dorian stated 

"I'm no man" 

"or fish and you're no king" luffy spoke again 

"I will be when I get my grand line map" he said 

"then you're gonna have to fight me for it" luffy told him and arlong stared at him 

"then let the fighting begin" arlong said and a gunshot went off as zeff shot him but the bullet didn't go through and so zeff got attacked and that's when sanji began to attack the man that attacked luffy. 

"really great fighter" luffy said and sanji went to kick him again but he got caught. he landed on a table that usopp was under and luffy stared as sani went and took cover with usopp and he looked at dorian 

"we can handle them" dorian told him and luffy nodded as he started to fight arlong and dorian started to fight the others. she didn't focus on luffy or arlong but she focused on the man she was fighting as she put him under her spell and she knocked them to ground, then she knocked them out with a punch to their faces and a knee to the stomach. she soon realized that luffy was fighting arlong outside of baratie and she looked at usopp and sanji 

"we have to talk about that later" usopp said to her about her powers and she nodded as she left his two men on the floor and she grabbed them as she walked outside to see luffy still fighting arlong. 

"arlong wait, i have it. i have the map, i got it for you just like i said i would" nami said and dorian looked at her with sadness in her eyes. 

"nami! are you fucking kidding me?" dorian asked and nami turned to the girl with a look in her eyes and dorian stared at her as she shook her head and scoffed. 

"go, you got what you want and never fucking come back" dorian told her and nami walked off as she went to the others boat and arlong threw luffy in the water which dorian couldn't do anything about due to her powers but someone could and that someone was sanji. he jumped in the water and brought luffy back up. usopp and dorian helped luffy up and then she helped sanji

"dorian, are you gonna be okay? i know that must've hurt" usopp said to dorian and dorian stared at luffy. she didn't even care enough to think about nami and what she had done. it was all just an act and she knew that now. the bonding, the laughing, the things they talked about, it was all just an act, she didn't say anything. 

" lets just help zoro heal so we can get out of here" she told them and she got up and walked away from them as she got on the boat with usopp and luffy but she went to her room and she closed her door as she laid on the bed and she stared at her ceiling. 

she didn't do anything about it because she didn't know what to do about it. she didn't know how to handle the feelings in her chest and she hated that she didn't know how to handle it because it should be easy but it never was. 

while she was in there, she didn't know that zoro was awake or that they were planning on getting nami back. she didn't know that sanji was now apart of their crew, but she didn't care for that. she didn't care for many things as of right now. 

she laid in her bed and she thought of one thing and one thing only. 

how did she get here and would things ever get back to normal? 


me when dorian 

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