16. I've never been a girls girlfriend

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Chapter Sixteen 

 I've never been a girls girlfriend

3rd person pov 

"this is what you wanted right? to be a pirate, well ill show you what marines do to pirates" garp said 

"i don't want to fight you, grandpa" luffy cried 

"you've been fighting me your entire life" he said and he went to punch him but he dodged it. all of them watched luffy fight garp with everything he had in him but it wasn't worth it because he just kept getting beat and dorian sighed. 

"shouldn't we be doing something?" nami asked her and dorian shook her head with a sigh and a sad smile 

"no, this is his fight, he needs to show him that he's better than him, not beating him shows him that he's better than him" dorian said and they watched garp lift him in the air but luffy said what he needed to and the two of them started to laugh and dorian sighed. 

"have it your way, lower your weapons! What are you all standing around for? arlongs pirates are still on the loose hunt them down and arrest them" he said and the rest of the marines walked off but one of them didn't 

"what about these straw hats?" a man asked 

"what about them?" garp questioned 

"arrest them too! they are the real criminals" he said and nami hit him on the head with her staff and dorian laughed at her. 

"I knew I never be able to change your mind. You're stubborn just like me, but I know who you are, boy. I just need to make sure you knew it." he said to Luffy 

"you were testing me? Couldn't you have gone a little bit easier?" luffy asked 

"where is the fun in that? You're on your own now." he told luffy and he left the rest of them 

"I'm not, I have my friends" he said and garp smiled before he walked off and they all looked at luffy. he looked at dorian before he walked over and hugged her. dorian laughed and hugged him back as everyone watched. 

"we're gonna need to talk about you and Nami you know that right?" he asked her and she turned and looked at nami who smiled and shrugged her shoulder with a laugh making sanji and usopp laugh too. 

"yeah yeah I know, but I'm not sure that you can talk to me about relationships when you haven't been in one" she exclaimed 

"speaking of whatever happened to Jonah?" he asked and she smiled with a shrug 

"I broke up with him to find you and I landed here. So I have no idea what he's doing or where he's gone or if he's even trying to find me but at this point, I really don't care so let's just move on from that." she said and he laughed as they all walked together to their own little huts where they fell asleep for the night. in the morning, nami woke up and went to her mothers grave, dorian knew where she went but she gave her time to talk to her. 

she thought about the fact that they were going to get on the boat again and they would be off on their travels yet again. they would keep moving and they would never stop because they could never stop. dorian thought about how this was namis home and how she hadn't seen her home in a while, neither has luffy and she wished they could go home but they couldn't. not yet, they needed to keep moving and they needed to keep going. 

luffy sat on the chair and dorian turned to see koby walking towards them and dorian laughed as she walked away and let the two of them talk to each other. she knew that they meant a lot to each other, she didn't know that luffy had gotten a wanted poster but when she found out, it would all be the more worth it. 

"YEAH! YES! that's a lot of berry" luffy said and dorian walked out as she leaned against the wall 

"finally got the wanted poster you've oh so badly wanted?" she asked him and he nodded as he handed the poster and she laughed with a shake of her head and a smile. they soon all got on the boat together and luffy walked in with dorian and the wanted poster. 

"this is gonna make things much harder, that price on your head, every bounty hunter in the east blue will be gunning for you" zorro told luffy 

"wait a minute doesn't Dorian already have a wanted poster?" sanji spoke up and dorian nodded 

"yeah got it about two years ago when I went on a killing spree and murdered 200 guys in two days, but luffy got his wanted poster so that's a good thing" dorian said and nami smiled at the girl 

"OK well this means they won't just be after Luffy they'll be after all of us" nami said 

"it's a good thing. We're not staying in the East blue we're going to the grand line." he said and dorian smiled at him as they thought about where they were going and what they were doing. they were going to grandline screw anything that was going to be in the way and screw anyone who tried to stop them. 

"dorian, can we talk?" nami asked and dorian nodded as she grabbed the girls hand and they left the rest of the group as they went to the starboard and looked at each other 

"i don't want to rush this but what are we? because i want to be your girlfriend but I've never been a girlfriend and i don't know how to do this thing" nami said and dorian smiled 

"i want you to be my girlfriend and I've never been a girls girlfriend before so we'll figure this out together but yes we're girlfriends" dorian told her and nami smiled. nami just then noticed the tangerine trees that they brought from the village to the boat 

"so what do you think?" luffy asked and nami thanked them 

"we actually have something for you too" she said and she called for usopp to set the main which showed luffys symbol loud and proud on it and dorian smiled as he ran to look at it fully and he cheered. they all laughed at the sight of him. 

dorian held namis hand as she navigated for them. luffy slid down and stood next to them as they talked about the map before sanji called to them and he grabbed a barrel as they walked down 

"straw hats! all hands on deck for a cast-off ceremony" luffy called to them and they all walked down 

"I'm gonna find the all blue" sanji started off 

"I'm gonna be king of the pirates" luffy continued 

"I'm be gonna be the worlds greatest swordsman" zorro stated 

"I'm gonna draw a map of the world" nami said and she nudged dorian 

"I'm gonna be the worlds best seductionist" she said and luffy smiled 

"THATS WHAT YOUR POWER IS!" he called and she laughed 

"ohhhhhhh" they all said and usopp finished them off 

"i... am gonna become a brave warrior of the sea" he said 

"this is it, crew. the grand line, nothings gonna stand in our way" luffy said and they all let out cheers together as dorian laughed with nami. they were on their way and nothing was going to stop them now. 

not even someones 



i cant believe we actually finished this book, I'm shocked that i did it but i did it and I'm so glad that i did; thank you to my lovely loyal readers and to the people who interacted with this book we will be back for s2!!! 

dorian and abby, out 💋

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