39 ¦ Battle Preparations

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After weeks of practice, I still couldn't hit a bullseye with a steel arrow.

We had physical, mental, and tactical training twelve hours a day, every day. Every muscle in my body ached. Muscles I didn't even know I had. Ones that I possibly didn't have as a Risa.

With only three weeks to spare, I was getting frustrated.

Archery is such a pain in the ass. 

"Tighten up your core," Peter commanded as he patted my back and stomach. "You're too loose. Steady your breath. Hold your arms like this."

Peter walked away from me to assist Marcus with stick dueling, and I tried to focus and steady my breathing. But his essence, redolent of mint and burning embers, lingered long after he'd gone.

Ever since I'd become a Fireborn, his scent followed me everywhere.

This is important. Don't think about Peter. Exhale and...

"Yeah, keep that core tight, baby!" Bragda shouted when I was about to shoot.

I jumped in surprise, and the arrow landed two feet in front of the target.

"Seriously?" I snarled at Bragda. "You have to let me focus."

"Oh, sister mine, do you think you'll have absolute peace and quiet on the battlefield?"

"I'm sure the Dragonborn won't be taunting me like a six-year-old."

"Indeed." She quirked a brow at me as she threw her ax, one-handed, at the target, lodging it dead center. "You might have a dragon roaring fifty feet behind you."


"So much better, I can assure you."

I scowled and drew another arrow. I hate it when she's right.

Peter strolled towards me and readjusted my arms and elbows when I aimed my second arrow. "Like this, Liselle," he whispered in my ear.

"How can I concentrate when you're always touching me?"

"Occupational hazard, I'm afraid."

With an angry shrug, I shooed him away from me. "Go bother Alicia for a while."

"Guys, stop that shit!" Alicia said. "I can smell your stupid mating pheromones from here."

"I don't have any--"

"Get it out of your system and bang each other already," Bragda said as she landed another ax dead-center. "We all know you want to."

"I do not bang anyone."

"Too bad for you."

Marcus chuckled under his breath. Taking advantage of the distraction, his drone Fireborn opponent knocked him to the mat and pressed the fighting stick against his throat.

Bragda aimed at the wooden target. Thud. "You see that? Dead center. Fifth time in a row. You know why?"

"Because you're a professional Fighter?"

"No, because I spent the night with Kaylar."


"I'm kidding. It just takes practice. Although it might help, who knows?"

"Wait, Kaylar? Do you mean that grumpy Dwarf from the infirmary?" Alicia asked.

"She ain't grumpy now," she retorted with a smirk.

Peter drew nearer to me, challenging me with his twinkling gray eyes. I'd missed those carefree days when we had pleasant banter and teased one another.

I poked him in the chest as I uttered each word. "Don't even think about it."

"Whatever you say," he whispered, curling his lip.

The others were staring at us.

"You're all acting like stupid children," I said. "Just stop it! I need to learn this."

"Yes, my Queen!" Alicia said, turning around and taking aim.


Alicia loosed the arrow and landed a perfect bullseye. Marcus cheered in a loud roar, and she leaped into his waiting arms in celebration.

"You did it, Allie!"

I growled under my breath. "I'm damned well going to do this."

If the freaking pacifist can land a bullseye...

Before Peter could foil my concentration, I loosed the arrow. It hit an inch away from the center. I roared with satisfaction, fist pumping the air. "Told you I could do it! Yes!"

"Well done, sis!" Bragda cheered. "Just a little to the right, and you'll be spot on."

"Well done, Liselle," Peter said with a genuine smile that made me melt on the inside.

On the outside, I wore a poker face. I couldn't allow myself to falter.

He can't distract me. Not now. Not with so much at stake.

Eye on the prize. We have to get home.

"Switch!" the Fireborn drill sergeant barked at us, staring at her timepiece.

I made a beeline for the weights, the one exercise that required strength, not skill or dexterity. Loading two hundred and fifty pounds on the bar, I lowered myself to the bench and exhaled.

Peter stood above me, spotting me. With a grunt, I heaved the weight and bench pressed ten repetitions. "Five more," he said. "Can you make it?"

"I...can...try," I grunted as I did three more reps.

After the last rep, I lowered the bar with a sigh of relief and sat upright, shaking out my shoulders and stretching my neck. "How much should I press by the end of the month?"

"Four hundred," Peter replied. "You're making excellent progress." He lowered his voice to a whisper. "You're benching twice Alicia's weight and fifty percent more than Marcus."

"Success!" I said in a muted whisper as he snaked his arm around my broad shoulders. "Hey, Peter?"


"Do you think it's strange that I have more bulk than most Human males?" I asked, a faint black flush sweeping across my cheeks. "I mean, I look a lot different than I did a few months ago."

Peter stopped and lifted my chin with his finger. "What did I tell you? The body is just flesh, Liselle."


Peter gave me a disarming smile. "No, I...like you. Your body. You're..." He changed tack. "I think your strength will be useful in battle. We can watch each other's backs."

Wow, smooth.

"If some Warrior is about to slit my throat," he continued, "you might need to rescue me for a change."

And he's back.

"Oh, hush!"

"Your soul is as beautiful and pure as ever, you know," he said in a voice only I could hear.

Tingles raced through my core. Dangerous feelings. Ones that I tried to ignore.

"We won't stay pure for long," I whispered, pulling Peter aside. "This battle is going to be a bloodbath no matter who wins."

"Just promise me something."


"Don't use a diamond arrow."

"Are you still going on about that?" I growled under my breath. "What would you have me do?"

"Let me kill them."

"You can't take on all the Riders by yourself."

"Your friends will help me."

I bared my fangs. "I won't let them take the fall for me."

"You're not exactly the best archer, Liselle."

"If you think that insulting me is going to change my mind--"

"If you are going to lead these people, your soul must be pure," Peter insisted. "They may fall prey to the darkness, but if their Captain falls, that would be most dangerous indeed."

"Surely using a diamond arrow for self-defense in wartime doesn't destroy the soul."

"Killing a body is wrong, no matter what the reason." Peter took my hands in his, and I felt a little spark ignite between us. "Destroying a soul is even worse."

"It isn't illegal."

"Is it condoned by law? Yes. Does that make you immune to the effects? No."

"If it's so dangerous, why do you want to kill them?"

His expression hardened like ice in the depths of winter. "To protect my country. And to protect the people I love."

My heart fluttered at his words. Something told me he didn't just mean Seraphina.

"Yes, Liselle, you are one of those people," he whispered in my ear. "I love my life, and I'm not quick to sacrifice it. But I would kill or shed this form in an instant to see you safe back home."

My breath hitched, and I stared into the icy depths of his eyes. Every cell in my body thrummed with the desire to kiss him, but I didn't dare.

If we began to kiss, I wouldn't be able to stop myself.

Peter drew nearer to me, his breath fanning me. Reeling me in with his enchanting scent. I could hear his heart beating. My thoughts swirled in a chaotic whirl of emotion.

Desire. Fear. Longing.

Determination. Strength. Power.

I put both of my hands on his chest. "Not here, Peter."

His head sank in resignation. "Liselle, you're going to be the death of me."

A thought hit me with the sudden impact of a bolt of lightning.

"What happens if the enemy strikes you with a diamond arrow?" I asked, my eyes wide with concern. "Can you still return to the Tree or does it kill you outright?"

"I don't know," he replied in a strained, husky voice. He cleared his throat and donned an inscrutable expression. "It stands to reason that if a diamond arrow can kill a Shadow Rider--"

"It would kill you too."

My heart clenched at the thought.

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