42 ¦ Battle of Minningen

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My heart thudded against my ribs in nervous anticipation. I helped Bragda and Kaylar perform their final equipment checks while Peter helped Marcus and Alicia with theirs.

"If I didn't know any better," Peter muttered, "I'd have thought you believed all that rubbish."

"We do deserve justice," Bragda countered.

"True, but conquest isn't justice."

"She's just trying to pump up the drones," Alicia said. "Right, Liselle?"


"Yeah, but that's not true, is it?" Peter hissed in my ear. "You can't deceive me anymore. My soul is wrapped around yours. I feel what you feel."

"We're about to go into battle together. Don't fight with me."

"If I stand by your side, I have to know that you'll only push them back. We can't subject the world to Fireborn domination, or we're no better than the enemy."

Alicia rolled her eyes. "Peter, you're exaggerating."

"Our orders are to kill the Shadow Riders," he said. "Nothing more. Are we clear?"

"Who's the Captain? You?"

Peter jutted his chin and tugged me to a corner of the room. He pulled me close and whispered in my ear, his hot breath fanning my cheek.

"Think very carefully about your next words, Captain. You lead the Warriors, but I draft the strategy."

"They trained me for this."

"As Major, I outrank you on the field. You have your orders. Got it?"


"Good. Keep it that way." He led me back toward the others. "Any questions?"

Marcus crossed his arms. "How will we find the Shadow Riders? Wouldn't that be like trying to find a tadpole in a lake? It'll be utter chaos on the field."

"I can sense their presence."

Nurse Kaylar furrowed her brow. "I didn't know that was a Fireborn trait."

"It isn't."

Sensing Peter was on the verge of exploding in anger, I gestured at her to drop it. "Do we have to kill them all in order for the army to disintegrate?" she asked instead.

"No," Peter replied. "Once the King is killed, the Dragonborn armies will vanish. They are magical Warriors that keep their corporeal form only as long as he's alive. If he dies, they disappear."

"Kill Lord Hesse," Alicia said. "Got it."

Peter pursed his lips. "It's not that easy, though. All Shadow Riders look the same, and they will fight to the last man to protect the King."

"So, we should head straight for the Shadow Riders and ignore the rest?" Bragda asked.

Peter nodded. "We're the only ones with diamond arrows. Concentrate on the beasts and the wraiths. Let the Fireborn fight. Kill only the Dragonborn who get in your way."

"Yes, sir!" we replied.

"Do you all have your arrows?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Nurse Kaylar, do you have your burn kit?"

She patted her backpack. "All set."

"For fire and ice?"

She nodded. "My crystal is charged with healing mana. We're good to go."

"Captain," he said, gesturing at the thrumming portal, "if you please?"

"Teleport on my command." Clenching my jaw, I prepared myself for the jump. "Three...two...one. Go!"

With a heavy thud, we landed on the parched, scorched earth, evidence of the colossal damage of firedrakes. The earth rumbled in protest as an ice dragon marched in the distance. Our Fireborn clashed against wave after wave of Dragonborn.

Drones against drones. Dead bodies everywhere. Black blood mixing with red blood, flowing in slick streams.

The firedrake spat flaming meteors from its mouth that exploded upon impact. The ground trembled, and we fought to stay upright.

With a deafening roar, an ice dragon as tall as a temple spewed ice daggers that pierced flesh and bone. Peter stared at the beast and muttered under his breath. "Father, you bastard."

"What?" I exclaimed. "That's him?"

"Follow me," he yelled above the din. "We have to reach those creatures. The Shadow Riders will be nearby."

Alicia furrowed her brow. "Are you certain?"

"You see that? That's Lord Darius."

"Holy shit, he's an ice dragon?" Nurse Kaylar exclaimed. "Good thing I'm here."

Bragda stared as a wall of ice spilled forth from the dragon's mouth. "How the fuck do we kill that thing?"

"Same way you kill a Shadow Rider," Peter replied. "Aim for the heart."

"Where is it?" Marcus asked.

"It's a pulsing glow right below the neck and before the underbelly. His one weakness."

"Peter, are you sure you're okay with this?" I whispered in his ear. "He's your--"

"I'll kill him with my own hands if I get the chance," he sneered. "Come on."

We charged across the battlefields of bloody mud, slashing our way through the enemy. Fireballs flew in the air with a piercing shriek.

One was heading straight for me. Out of reflex, I screamed and covered my head.

"Liselle, look out!" Bragda shouted.

It smashed into me full force, knocking me on my back. Bragda screamed a string of Dwarfish curses.


"Come on, Bragda," Peter shouted over the din. "She'll be okay."

"Like Hades she will!"

Bragda ran towards me, followed closely by Kaylar. Grasses and shrubs burned around me, consumed by flame. But I emerged from the blaze unscathed and pain-free.

Kaylar stared at me in wonder. "Fuck me to Hades! Flames don't touch you?"

"Fireborn trait," I said, running towards her. "Let's go!"

We ran until the cleats of our combat boots became clogged with bloody mud. The clang of swords resounded across the barren fields, and we scurried to avoid the tumbling bodies.

Warriors on both sides reached out to me, screaming for aid or a quick death.

"Gods, please!" a Dragonborn soldier screamed as red blood poured from his stomach wound. "Kill me!"

"Captain!" a Fireborn cried.

His arm wrapped around my leg. I turned towards him as black blood oozed from his chest onto the dead grass. Out of habit, I tried to stop the bleeding with my magic. But my tiny Risan sliver didn't have the strength to save him.

"Kaylar, help him!"

The nurse turned to assist, but Bragda grabbed her by the arm. "No, we have to get to the Shadow Riders."

Kaylar ripped her arm away and ran towards us. "He's dying! I have to help!"

"Only our friends can kill the Shadow Riders. Save your healing magic for them."

The nurse pursed her lips as the injured Fireborn cried out in pain. "I can't just leave him."

"We have to fight the beasts," Bragda said, her eyes ablaze. "I need you by my side, Kaylar."

"Damn it! Come on, Liselle."

Trembling, the wounded Fireborn handed me his weapon. "Captain, please have mercy!"

My stomach churned with disgust. He wants me to perform Kaplách. A mercy killing.

Kaylar gave me a stern look. "Liselle, you can't!"

"You're one of us, soldier," I said.

"Please end it."

"Come on, sis!" Bragda cried. "The Shadow Riders! Focus!"

"You two go on ahead. I'll follow."

Kaylar grimaced and ran beside Bragda. Once they were out of sight, I wrapped my talons in a slow, deliberate movement around the hilt. With a deep breath, I squeezed my eyes shut.

It countermanded my Healer oath and went against everything I believed.

Can I do it? Should I do it?

"Let me die a Warrior, Captain."

After several deep breaths to steel myself, I raised the blade above his heart. He stared me in the eyes and nodded.

"Strength and honor!"

I plunged the sword into his chest. The soldier grasped my hand, giving it a typical Risan squeeze. "Thank you, Captain."

He breathed his last.

Tears welled in my eyes, and my lower lip quivered. My vision swam as I stumbled away from my fallen comrade. My first Kaplách. With a rumble, my stomach churned in protest. After I'd lurched forward a few steps, I retched bile into the bloody mud.

My sister was nowhere to be seen. Nor was Kaylar. As far as the eye could see, drones were fighting drones.

"Bragda! Kaylar!"

No matter where I stood, I tread on severed limbs and mutilated bodies.

The dragons. That's where they'll be.

But I never got that far.

When I raced forward, a Dragonborn Warrior leaped out in front of me, blocking my path. He brandished a giant broadsword with a flourish.

"There you are, you filthy demon wench," he said in a deafening roar. "So glad you decided to join us."

He rushed towards me and tried to stab me. I parried his attack and thrust him back. We exchanged a flurry of blows, but I managed to hold my own. My strength was power, though. Not endurance.

He'll win by exhausting me.

"I'll go back with your head," he said. "They'll sing songs about me for a thousand years."

Our swords crossed, and we fought to gain dominance. I groaned through clenched teeth. This bastard Warrior was stronger than most.

The Fighter grunted with exertion, unable to gain the upper hand. His eyes glittered in anger, reflecting nearby flames.

"You're strong, bitch. I'll give you that. But not as good with a blade."

The Warrior flung my broadsword out of my hand, spraining my wrist in the process. With a furious growl, he grabbed me in a chokehold. I clawed and scratched at his tough hide to break free. The Dragonborn roared in pain but refused to let go.

I could feel consciousness slipping away as his grip tightened...

And it returned after a vicious slap.

The Dragonborn was straddling me, pinning me down as I sank into the vile mud. He bared his fangs at me, punching me and slashing at my face and neck with his sharp talons.

"What does it take to break through your damned flesh?"

With every attempt to break free, I simply sank deeper into the mud. Every breath was a strain. Watery, bloody soil clogged my mouth and nose. The stench of copper and iron was overpowering. Nauseating.

This is how I die.

"I want you to know that it was a Dragonborn who bested you, Demon Queen." He picked me up by the neck and slammed me back into the mud. "No one is going to stop me."

Whoosh. Splat.

The Dragonborn's fallen corpse fell on top of me, pushing me deeper into the mud. When I turned to the side, his head stared back at me, wide-eyed with shock.


What in Hades?

A shadow loomed above me.

Another Dragonborn bared his teeth in a vile grimace. Two enemies raced towards me to finish the kill, but my rescuer slaughtered them as well.

He wants to kill me himself and take the glory.

This is bad.

The Dragonborn chuckled. The sound escaped through his teeth with a hiss.

"Just do it!" I roared. "Finish it!"

The Warrior tossed his sword to the ground. He lifted his comrade's body off of my chest, casting it aside like a sack of turnips.

What the Dragonborn did next shocked me to my core. He extended a clawed paw towards me as though he wanted to help me to my feet.

What the--?

Wait! Is it...?

"What would you do without me, Liselle?" the Dragonborn asked.

"Seraphina? Is that you?"

She curled her lip and clucked her tongue. "The one and only."

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