45 ¦ The War to End All Wars

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Only one thing survived Lord Hesse's implosion. Among the ashes, I found an insignificant amulet.

It was just a simple amethyst crystal in a circular gold setting. The ornament resembled cheap jewelry purchased by tourists or traders at street markets all over Minningen. With a derisive snort, I stuffed it into my leather pouch as proof of the dark lord's death and thought nothing more of it.

Reaching under my black undergarment, I retrieved Peter's magic medallion. I wrapped my talons around it, and the blue gemstone began to pulse and thrum in response.

"Find Bragda Ironfist."

A strange tugging sensation pulled me away from the fields of Halden. With a thud, I dropped onto the far edge of the battlefield, expecting to hear either stunned silence or ecstatic jubilation.

But I gaped in silent confusion.

The clanging of weapons grew more intense as swarms of enemy Fighters rolled down the hills and onto the battlefield from all directions.

Killing the dark lord hadn't destroyed the Dragonborn army.

They'd quadrupled in strength.

This is impossible. I killed him. I saw it with my own eyes!

Dark clouds gathered into anvils, morphing into swirling tornadoes that slammed into the ground with an explosion that knocked any Fighters in its vicinity to the ground. The funnels gave birth to waves of new Dragonborn fighters that charged into the valley.

Endless waves of metal and iron.

Our Fireborn were surrounded. Outnumbered. Outmatched. And the closer I ran towards them, the more quickly the funnels spawned Dragonborn drones.

How can this be?

More funnels descended, creating dozens upon dozens of new fighters out of pure darkness. Enemy Warriors poured in from all sides like a maelstrom clustering around my men. I raced towards the center of the storm, shouting at the top of my lungs.

"Bragda! Peter!"

They were nowhere in sight.

My heart sank into my stomach as I desperately searched for my friends. My fellow Fireborn tumbled around me. Screams pierced the air from both sides as I fought my way towards my friends.

Something's wrong. What is it?

It hit me like a bolt of lightning. None of the Dragonborn were attacking me anymore. They simply gawked with horrified acquiescence as I slaughtered them one by one.

"Fight me!" I yelled. "Don't fight my men! Fight me, you cowardly bastards!"

"No, my Lord!" a Dragonborn yelled, shielding his face from my weapon. He made no attempt to protect himself and dropped his broadsword to the ground.

"Do it!" I brandished my broadsword. "Pick up your weapon and fight me!"

"Why are you killing your faithful servants, my Lord?"

"Faithful servants? Your army attacked my people!"

"If you don't want us to conquer Minningen, just send us back to Hades!"

"Are you insane?" I drew my sword to the Dragonborn's neck. "Halt this invasion at once! Bring me to your commander!"

The Dragonborn began to tremble. "But--but...you are the new commander."

What did he say?

My patience was growing thin. I dug the blade into the enemy's flesh. "You'd better make your next words count, or they will be your last!"

"You hold the Amulet of Triumph!" he croaked. "If you want us to vanish, order us back to Hades! Don't murder us!"

The Amulet of Triumph? What?

Lowering my weapon, I cast my gaze around the storm of enemy troops. None of them touched me. Even when I threw my blade to the ground and raised my arms in the air, exposing myself to the enemy, none of their archers or melee Fighters made a move to attack me.

What in Hades?

With a trembling hand, I withdrew the amulet I'd taken from Lord Hesse's ashes. The jewel pulsed like a heartbeat in my palm, glowing and thrumming in time with the rhythm.

"Yes, My Lord," the Dragonborn said to me in a tremulous voice. "Now place the jewel around your neck, grasp it, and--and...it will follow your command."

Wide-eyed, I gaped at the jewel and did as the Warrior suggested. Wrapping my talons around the amulet, I barked the incantation.

"Vanish, Dragonborn!" I commanded. "Return to Hades! All of you!"

"Thank you, my Lord," the Warrior said. "You are merciful and just. Strength and honor!"

He imploded, bursting into a cloud of black sand and ash. His hammer fell to the ground with a heavy thud.

One by one, the enemy Fighters followed suit, each one shouting "Strength and honor" before he breathed his last. Each time in a cloud of smoke and dust until the last Dragonborn disappeared.

No screams. No pain.

Just gone.

Holy Hades!

The amulet pulsed against my palm, but it no longer thrummed or glowed. It waited for my next command, but I simply hid it under my black robes. I exhaled a stunned breath as the funnels disappeared from sight and the black clouds scudded away to reveal the setting sun.

It was only then that I realized the power trapped within the amulet. Lord Hesse didn't control the Gatál armies through his own innate power. Or any kind of biological magic that lay within him.

He commanded them using the amulet. The one I'd taken from his ashes. The one I now possessed.

That was my first taste of the jewel's power.

But it certainly wasn't my last.


The shouts and cheers of jubilant Fireborn erupted across the plain. Some hugged each other while others cried over their lost friends and comrades.

Peter and Bragda ran towards me, wide-eyed with shock. "Liselle!"

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Bragda!"

My sister came barreling towards me full speed and nearly crushed me in her death grip. "Thank the gods you're alive! I thought that bastard killed you!"

"We did it! We won the war!" I cried out in exhilaration as my eyes filled with tears of relief.

"You did it, sis! I knew you'd make a kick-ass Warrior!"

With a nod, I pulled off the dark lord's amulet and dangled it before Bragda. "I killed him, sis. This was all that was left."

Bragda didn't pay the jewel a moment's notice. Instead, she pulled me into another embrace. Over her shoulder, I could see Peter staring at me with a puzzled scowl.

"What happened?" Bragda asked, wide-eyed as she pulled back. "How in Hades did you do it?"

"I took a diamond arrow with me."

"Damn, girl! And I thought we all kicked ass killing six regular Shadow Riders."

"Bragda, may I have a moment to speak to Liselle alone, please?" Peter asked in a strained voice.

My sister winked at me and curled her lip. "Sure, sir. No problem."

Once she was out of hearing range, Peter glowered at me. His eyes narrowed. "Liselle--"

I pressed a finger to his lips. "Don't start. I didn't turn into an evil monster. See? It's just me."

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" he asked in an angry whisper.

"I had the perfect chance to destroy the Shadow King once and for all, and I took it. Should I have let him kill me?" 

"Of course not," he said in a firm tone. "Now that you've vanquished the dark lord and touched his amulet, it recognizes only your call."

"How do you know?"

"Lord Hesse used that talisman to summon the Wraith that took control of my father."

"What?" I exclaimed, giving the jewel a disdainful look. "Are you sure it's the same one?"

"I'd recognize it anywhere. It has caused immeasurable suffering."

"Here! Do you want it?" I shoved the amulet towards him. "Take it. I don't want that kind of power."

"It's too late!" he growled under his breath, pushing it back towards me. "This is no ordinary dark magic. The amulet will poison and darken your soul until someone kills you for it! And I made you immortal, Liselle!"

"Then we'll hide it."

"You can't," he said, his lips pressed into a thin line. "You cannot part with the amulet until someone takes it from you. Why do you think Lord Hesse was so evil?"

"Good gods!"

"As your commander, I'm ordering you not to use the amulet or tell a soul about it," he said in a firm tone, "This could spark another war if our enemies found out you have it."

"What should I do?"

"Keep it quiet," he said, whispering in my ear. He placed the amulet around my neck and hid it under my robes. "In the meantime, I'll try to find a way to destroy it without hurting you."

"We'll find a way."

He nodded. "I refuse to lose you to the darkness like I lost my parents."

"You won't."

He buried his head in the crook of my neck, his lips grazing my skin. His warm breath fanned my neck as he found solace in my embrace.

"Forgive me, Liselle. I know you're strong. It's just--"

"I understand." I squeezed him tight. "I'm so sorry, Peter. You lost everything."

"Not everything," he said as he pulled back, brushing my cheek with his thumb. "For now, I'm just relieved that the battle is over."

"Peace at last."

"Liselle, there's something you have to know," he said with a beat of hesitation. "Maybe now is not the right time, but..."

"What is it?" I clasped his shoulder. "It's okay. You can tell me."

"I almost lost you today, and it nearly killed me." He closed his eyes, steeling himself. "I love you, and I want to be with you, Liselle."


"Let me finish," he insisted. "You can stay pure. I don't need your body, but my soul has wrapped itself around yours. I feel every pang of your anger and fear. Every ecstatic burst of joy. Everything."

I stood speechless before him, unable to breathe.

"We belong together." I took a breath to answer, but he placed a finger on my lips. "You don't have to give me an answer today. Just think about it."

"What if I already have an answer?" I whispered.

His eyes searched mine, trying to gauge my reaction. "If you'd just take the time to--"


He blinked. "Yes?"

"Yes, Peter."

Wrapping my hands around his neck, I kissed his stunned lips. Once he registered my answer, he returned my kiss with equal fervor, our souls pulsing as one.

Relief. Joy. Passion. Grief. Sadness. Comfort. Loss.

Every emotion found release in that one kiss.

Peter gazed at me, his silvery eyes the hue of molten silver. As he caressed my cheek, I leaned into his touch.

"The war is over," I said. "I don't know what the future will bring, but I want to share it with you."

"Damn you, Liselle," he whispered. "I'm never going to let you go again."

He pressed me against his chest. When he released me, all words faded from my mind. Peter lifted my chin, and his breath fanned my skin, his scent earthy from the heat of battle.

He pressed his lips to mine.

Gentle and tender at first, he deepened the kiss, pressing me closer, wrapping his arms around me as if to ward off any danger. His soul nestled against mine, radiating a pulse of warm energy from my chest to every nerve and muscle.

I love you with all my soul.

"Liselle! You're okay!" Alicia shouted.

Peter and I sprang away from each other. When Alicia realized she'd interrupted our moment, she gave me an embarrassed smile. "Sorry, Captain. We were just so worried."

Marcus jogged towards us and gave me a pat on the shoulder. "Well done, Captain. You did it!"

Kaylar sauntered over and shook my hand, palm over palm, a Dwarvish sign of admiration. "Well done, Liselle. You're a mighty Warrior."

Bragda beamed at me with pride. The curmudgeonly Nurse couldn't have given me a greater compliment.

As we hugged each other in friendship, battle-worn and exhausted, the Fireborn survivors gathered around us, followed by some wary villagers and scribes. They fist-pumped the air and chanted in unison.

"Fi-re-born! Fi-re-born! Fi-re-born!"

Surrounded by Peter and our friends, I gazed out at the horizon.

We'd fought. We'd won.

The war to end all wars.

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