4- The day that changed my brother forever

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      By the time I arrive at the hospital the doctors have already stabilized my brother. Apparently he had been seizing when they found him and had it not been for one of his fellow students, he would have choked, and then aspirated. "How's he doing?" I ask my uncle as I enter the hospital room. Ben stands and smiles, giving me a hug. "Better. May says he's recovering extremely fast." I nod then sit in the chair next to my brother.

      "Do we know what happened yet?" Ben sighs and shakes his head, holding my brother's hand. "No, at first they suspected a spider bite in his hand, but when they found it, it was already almost completely healed. It must have happened a few days prior." I nod, but find myself looking back on the past two days. I don't remember seeing anything on Peter's hand, but I also wasn't really paying attention.

      "You okay?" My uncle asks with worry in his eyes. I nod and rub my eyes. "Long day at work, but I think I'm finally getting somewhere with my project." He nods, appreciating my lack of scientific detail. My uncle is unlike my father. He isn't into science. He stopped being able to help me and Peter with our homework by the time Peter reached middle school (When May and Ben took us in, I was already far beyond their help).

      "How about we go get some coffee?" I give my sleeping brother a long worried look, then I stand and follow my uncle out of the room. I'm not much one for coffee, but tea is great. Whenever I drink caffeine, I can't hold still. I'm pretty sure I have ADHD, but I'm not diagnosed.


      "Hey May." I greet as I walk back into Peter's room. She smiles at me, then looks around. I get what she's looking for and nod. "He had to go. Something about an apartment building's lights going out." May nods then looks at my brother. I notice his glasses on the table next to him and grab them. "Who brought these?"

      May looks at them and smiles. "The girl who helped Peter." I nod. "Did you catch her name?" May nods. "Corinna Johnson." I begin laughing and shaking my head. May gives me a look and I wave her off. "Sorry, it's just, Peter has a fat crush on her." May chuckles, then leaves the room. "I do not." A groggy voice says. I look up at my brother, a smile on my lips. "Peter!" He winces in pain at my voice. "Sorry," I whisper. He looks at me with a smile.

      "How do you feel?" I ask gently. My voice wasn't that loud, but he did just wake up so I guess it gave him a headache. "Fine." I mumbles as he adjusts his position. I nod. "Uh huh, and what would you say if you weren't lying?" Peter glares at me and I smile sweetly. He sighs and looks up at the ceiling. "Like a pile of bricks was dropped on me. Everything is achy." I nod, then pull a chocolate bar out of my pocket. "Here."

      He gives me a look with his eyebrows raised. "What is this? Hogwarts? Should I start calling you Moony now?" I roll my eyes at my brother's Harry Potter reference. "Just eat it you dork." He takes the candy from me and rips it open, breaking off a small piece for me. "How was the field trip? Besides passing out in the bathroom of course." Peter shrugs. "It was alright."

      He looks at me and his cheeks begin to turn red. "I sat next to Corinna on the bus. She saved my-" I glared at my brother to stop him from saying a specific word. "Butt from Flash." I raise an eyebrow. "Flash Thompson? Hasn't he been tormenting you for years?" Peter nods and shrugs. "It's no big deal." I shake my head. "It is Peter. He can't continue to do that to you."

      Peter doesn't answer me as he continues to munch on his chocolate bar. I sigh inaudibly and lean back into my chair. "May thinks you'll be discharged tonight." I say after a moment of silence. Peter looks at me. "Good. I hate hospitals." I smile. "And since May has a long shift and Ben is working late you are going to be staying at my place tonight."

      Peter's face lights up and he pumps his fist in the air. "Yes!" He instant winces at his own voice and rubs his forehead. "Ow." I chuckle and shake my head. "So, Harry Potter or Star Wars?" I ask with a smile. I don't know why I ask. Peter always picks Star Wars. "You already know." He says with a smirk. I shake my head with a smile.

      Whenever Peter spends the night at my place, we stay up all night watching movies. We once watched all the Sharknado movies, and spent the whole night laughing. Peter was laughing so hard he fell off my couch and started crying through both pain and laughter. It was hilarious to watch. "I'll go sign the discharge papers. You rest." He nods and I step out of the room.


      About halfway through our marathon Peter passed out against my shoulder. I stayed still for about an hour until my shoulder started to become numb. I laid him down on the couch and he snuggled into one of my pillows. Watching him sleep was concerning. At every noise he would twitch, or wince in pain. He even threw the blanket I put over him off like it was terribly uncomfortable.

      I gave him a new and softer one and he eventually settled with his head under the blanket. When I went back to my room my phone dinged. On it was a text from Tony Stark. He wants me to come to his lab tomorrow to talk about my project. I'd be lying if I said I didn't freak out. I act cool around him, but it's just for show. I mean, it's freaking Tony Stark. How can you not freak out?

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