Hight difference and B.D village

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Hey guys! I'm writing this on the computer today(not my I-pad unfortunately)! I'm sorry I haven't updated this book in a while! I needed to get everything about the book planned out so I will know what will happen. Before, I was just making it up with thoughts and daydreams I had before in school.  School is the place for daydreams if you don't like it.......I have no idea if what I had just wrote down makes sense. I'm just excited to be doing this on a computer. I decided to just write a chapter at school because I forgot about it after I had planned everything out for the story! Also, a lot of you kittens are getting confused, so I'm going to explain it now! I am not going to be directly following the anime. My characters in this book needs character development so there will be chapters ALL about Saki and Shin, not just Yona and the crew. About Aiko, I will need to ask the creator of Aiko to see what she wants. So, just to clear it up for you guys- the story will have character development and chapters dedicated to my characters and Aiko. Watch the anime or read the manga if you guys don't know the backstory of Yona and the crew. Also, Do you guys want a romance in this? Who would you like?






No romance (I kinda like this one)

And a multi-ending one....I already have one vote for that.....

No Hak......I ship Yona x Hak....Gomen! It is just too precious to not ship! If there are other characters that you want as a romance, then just private message me!

That is all! Thanks for reading my little Kittens and hopefully, We will know soon!


Saki POV~

TimeSkip to a few hours after they left Kija's village

The crew and I were walking around and relying on Kija to sense the Blue Dragon. I kinda feel bad for not helping Kija because I figured out a while ago that I could sense the dragons too.

It is a little weird because I wasn't expecting when I had a weird vision about where they were, but I can only sense where they are for a short period of time. I look at Hak and Aiko and I groan....

Want to know why I am groaning? Well.....I just remembered the height difference between us three......it sucks

I look at the others expecting at least someone to be similar in height, but everyone is taller than me by a few inches!

......at least Shin isn't taller than me..........

Speaking of Shin, I look over to him to mentally measure his height.....He is around my waist in height.......cool......

Since he looks big enough to ride on, that is what I do! I stop Shin and look at him with pleading eyes. He tilts his furry head, being a little confused, and gives a little bark.

'What do you want?' Shin asks confused. I wave my hand over my head to mention my height and then I wave it over him. Somehow, he seemed to get what I was implying.

He rolled his eyes (don't asks how he does it) and looks back towards the crew looking irritated. He looks back at me and motions to climb on his back. I grin happily and I jump onto his back.

Shin lets out a little 'omph' because I jumped on top of him. I change my position so that it looks like I am riding a horse, and I tell Shin to go faster because we have fallen a little bit behind from the crew.

Shin strolls up casually next to Hak and starts to walk next to him. Kija looks at me with a slightly shocked face then uncomfortably goes back to seeking the blue dragon out.

It doesn't look like Hak knows that I am right next to him so that is a little disappointing. My ears twitch and my tail flicks irritably, when I pout.

Shin looks back at me and tries to start a conversation.

'You know Saki, you really need to gain more weight. Your like a feather! If a strong wind comes around, you are going to be knocked right off your feet!' Shin exclaims. I glared at him annoyed with his snarky comment.

'W-Well......You need to stop eating because......because......your f-fat!' I reply mentally with a TERRIBLE comeback. Shin snorts and looks at me amused. I blush and I hide my crimson face with my long hair. What I didn't know, was I spoke out loud.......

I hear a muffled snort coming from my left and I glance at whatever was making that noise. I see Hak, Kija, and Aiko covering their mouths with their hands while Yona and Yun are trying to avoid my gaze.

I lift my eyebrows and tilt my head, being completely confused at the situation. Did they hear what I said? I look at Shin for a explanation.

'You said that out loud Sa-chan...' Shin explains while using my nickname to get the point across. My face grows even redder than Yona's hair and I have out a little squeal. I kick Shin gently in the stomach to get him to walk faster.

I'm guessing because I'm so light, he could run as fast as he can without any weight on his back. I was right. He all of the sudden sprinted forward with me barely hanging on. I give out a little scream of terror when he does this.

"Shi-chan! SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!!!" I scream-accidentally cursing. I also used my nickname for him. Shin immediately slows down and I end up getting launched over Shin's back, onto the floor. Shin looks disappointed at me that I couldn't hold on tighter and for cursing and I widen my eyes. I hear The crew behind us catch up and look at me with shock besides Aiko. Aiko just nods her head with her hand on her chin.....

I am pretty sure this is for me cursing. I usually never curse, and when I do, Shin absolutely HATES it!

'I'm sorry Shin. I didn't mean to curse, your were just scaring the crap out of me!' I apologize to Shin mentally and he gives me a satisfied look. I sigh with relief.

I didn't want Shin to be mad with me.

It made me feel super mad at myself if I made Shin mad at me.

I get up and dust the dirt off of myself. I then turn towards the group who is still looking at me shocked and I let out a little noise to get them to stop staring.

I straighten out my posture and I turn around to start walking again.

Yona snaps out of her shock first and runs towards me to catch up while Shin saunters behind her. Yun, Kija, Aiko and Hak soon follows shortly after Yona and Shin.

I let out a short of laughter after a few minutes of awkward silence and it immediately breaks the tension in the air. Everyone start to laugh too, with the occasional snort of Hak.

Time skip brought to you by Ao (because I am out of ideas on what to write to make this entertaining!)

After Kija points out towards the mountains and Yun figures out where to go for the Blue Dragon's village we soon start to see a village in the distance. Finally!

I happily skip ahead of the others behind excited and all.

I, being my totally idiotic and clumsy self, trips over my hair and tail.....again.....

I land on my face, but I soon push myself up with the metal part of my scythe(bet you guys forgot she had a scythe)

I glance behind my back to see if anyone noticed, and thankfully, everyone was too engrossed in talking about the Blue Dragon, that I was not noticed.

I wait for the others to catch up again and I decided to not make myself known for the mean time. I seem to have this thing where people tend to not notice me and they forget about me easier than they would for a normal person.

It kinda gets a little lonely, but it can be super useful. I guess it just comes with being a short, kinda quiet, girl.

I easily fall behind the group wandering in my thoughts, but I quickly fall out of them when I hear Yona talking about Hak's injuries.

Yona talks with the villagers of the village that I saw earlier and persuades them to let us stay. They eventually say yes.

I hide my tail and out my ears down to blend in with my hair to not have suspicion. I tuck in some of my hair in the back of my outfit to not look so weird. I tucked my hair in just enough that it looks like my hair ends at my waist, and not my heels.

"Just remember not to wander off inside the tunnels." The villager who is leading us to where we stay for the night, warns us. He warns us very creepily......

The rest seems to get a little creeped out also, but they choose to ignore it, for now.

We get led into this cave-looking place, so I guess that is where we stay for the night.

Oh my......well......lets all hope we won't die from some creepy villagers and scary cave-looking places tonight....that wouldn't be so fun!

So, hello my little kittens! I FINALLY updated something for once. It was sorta like a little filler almost, but it had to be written this way to give suspense and to build up transition. Sorry I left it on a little cliff hanger. I won't be doing a lot of those in chapters, but for now, just bear with me please..... Since it is Saturday, and I haven't been doing anything really today, I decided to finish this chapter(as I had tried to finish and publish it like a month ago, but I didn't do it). So, make sure to vote for the thing I mentioned earlier. Remember, some options may have to take a little more waiting for chapters to come out (like the multi-ending) so, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Well, that's all for now!

Thanks again for reading my little kittens, and I will see you guys next time!


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