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Hey! Guess what! My mind exploded! I now have more than 4K views! I literally felt like crying. I didn't know that anyone would actually read this! So awesome! Also, this chapter is dedicated to NarumiUmemoto for being awesome by voting and commenting on my book. I have a few other dedications so I will make sure to dedicate the next few chapters to them! Thanks so much for reading my little kittens and ENJOY!~ (picture is Ao! I love Ao so much! Also, if you can answer this than please tell Ao female or male? I am thinking female, but I am not sure)


Saki POV

My eyes flutter open to the sound of Yun screaming. Ugh! Why does he have to be so loud!?

"Just because I am a handsome genius, doesn't mean you can go as far as putting me in a crate!" Yun screams. The guard who is standing outside of our crate just grunts.

I sweatdrop. I decided to play a game with the guard. I reach out to the metal bars and I stretch them apart. For some reason, I feel a surge of power go through my whole body. It feels like I am changing. It hurts a little bit to be perfectly honest. I can feel my teeth sharpening and something plop on my head and behind me.

This isn't the first time this happened, but I never looked at myself when this did happened. It almost happened when I was playing with Yona in a pond. I shrug it off like I do every time this happens.

A bar breaks and I slide my arms through the opening. I poke the guard in the side and every time I poke him, he grunts. I'm going to call him the grunting pig. Or the grunting emo, whatever he wants to be called.

I shrug and pull my arms back into the cage. I can feel a set of eyes staring at the back of my head. I whip around to find Yun staring at me in astonishment, awe, and something I have yet to identify.

I have no idea what I did to gain that look.

"What?" I asked getting a little irritated with all the staring. Yun just opens and closes his mouth like a fish.

"Spit it out Yun! I don't have all day!" I grunt at him. Yun shakily raises a finger to point at me.

"Y-your ears! A-a-and your back! O-ohhhhh bwah! What am I going to do! They look like they did research on you! Uwahhhhhh!" Yun points to my ears and behind me. He then starts to make weird noises and starts to ramble.

I stifle a laugh with my hand, but that doesn't last long. I cut my hand on my teeth which now feels like canines. I move my hand behind me to feel whatever has been swinging over my butt for the past few minutes.

I feel a very soft and fluffy tail. Wait......tail? I quickly move my hand to the top of my head and I feel soft ears. I shriek which gains the attention of the guard.

He opens the blanket which is covering the cages to take a full look. He first sees the dented and broken bars then his eyes land on me. His eyes widen a fracture before his jaw drops open. He staggers back a little bit and quickly places the blanket back over the cage.

I tilt my head to the side and sigh. Why can't he just let me go? I hear Yona's voice sound throughout the area along with another voice sounding like an old man. Yun calls out to them.

"Oi Yona! Get them to leg us out" Yun waves his hand frantically trying to get Yona's attention.

"Oh Yun! How are you? I didn't see you there" Yona asks like nothing is out of place. I deadpan. Yona.......just help us out please.

"Guard! Let them out! They are our guests companions!" The old man shouts at the guard who is keeping me and Yun captive.

"B-but sir!" The guard tries to reason but the old man just yells at him again to let us go. The cage is opened with a key and the blanket is thrown off of the cage. I step out and stretch. I hear some gasps sound throughout the area. What? I open my eyes and look around. They are all staring at me.

"What? What is wrong?" I ask with a little tilt to my head. Oh I ears and tail. Yona runs over to me in a hurry. She then reaches out and touches my tail and ears. She gasps with stars in her eyes. She rubs her cheeks against me tail while mumbling that it is so fluffy. I blush, but then I remember Shin.

"Shin! Shin where are you?" I yell worried. I see a shadow come out from behind the tree and it reveals itself to be Shin. He is carrying my scythe. Must have dropped it when I got kidnapped by these people. Shin trots himself over to me and throws me my scythe. I catch it like a feather and twist it around. I giggle. Shin rubs against my side.

'Hey Saki, I like the new look.' Shin compliments me. Now I really want to look what I look like. I turn to the old man who is baffling over my new appearance.

"Hey old man! Can I go to the bathroom?" I ask hopefully. He nods silently and orders a village girl to show me the ladies room.

I open the door to the ladies room and the first thing I see is a full body mirror. Must have been expensive. I stand in front of it to take in my new appearance.

My hair used to be a dull silver. Boring and simple. Now it is doused in a sparkly-almost white-silvery color. I move onto my face. Beautiful would be an understatement. I had one sparkly bright blue eye(A/N- sorta like Minato's from Naruto) and the other eye was a pure golden lined with sea foam green specks. My checks were outlined with pale blue triangles under each eye. My skin was very pale like I had seen a ghost. I wasn't skinny or fat, just in between. I had my curves still which I was thankful for. I had on my white sundress with black combat boots. Weird combination. I had fangs poking out from my mouth. I liked them. My new body parts, were the same color as my hair, but was out lined with black and pale blue. They looked so soft and fluffy. If I would say anything, they looked like fox ears and and a fox tail. Also, I still had my small height which I am not so proud of. All in all, I looked like an innocent badass. I love my new look.

I went out of the bathroom and walked to where Yona, Hak, Aiko, Yun, and Shin was. Didn't see Aiko before. I wonder where she went.

When I got closer, I saw that they were with a handsome boy with a gigantic hand and pure white, fluffy hair. I stood besides Yona to see if I would get noticed. I did. They boy looked at me as if I was a new discovery.

Then, he fell on one knee while holding his hand. Yona and I rushed to his side to see if he was alright. He started to bow down to Yona saying she was his master and I was a sister. I was so confused. I sighed and calmed him down. I am going to make sure to get an explanation about this later.

Yo! Finally done with this chapter. I feel like this one is longer than the others. I feel proud that I am not being a lazy ass and I am actually updating. So, how do you feel about her transformation? I feel great about it. Well, thanks for reading my little Kittens! Love ya! See your next time! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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