Chapter 23

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"Feathermist is having her kits!" Daisy yowled. Firestar immediately alerted and rushed into nursery. Jayfeather and Silverleaf got borage and ran to nursery as well. Silverleaf murmured gentle words into the queen's ear and gave her a bit of borage. Feathermist panted and shrieked with pain as a spasm passed her body.

Feathermist gasped with pain and shock and Jayfeather encouraged her, "Feathermist, you are a brave young cat. You can deliver these kits--your kits into ThunderClan. Just for a few more minutes, and you will be able to see your kits." Firestar also stroked her belly gently with his tail. 

Feathermist yowled and the first kit was out. Firestar licked it and licked the second, and the third one and gave them to his mate for her to suckle to kits. Firestar purred and Feathermist sighed with relief. Feathermist said, "Let's name this Spotkit. Look at her beautiful tortoiseshell pattern." She said, pointing to a tortoiseshell she-kit. Firestar nodded in agreement and said, "Let's name the other two later. You should rest and let your kits suckle." The fluffy cream she-cat nodded and rested in her comfortable nest.

Firestar went back to his den and looked down at the Clan. Everything is peaceful and normal, except for Jayfeather scolding his apprentice. Firestar curled up his tail and tried to hide his amusement. The hunting patrols are back. He thought as Cloudpelt, Gingerpaw, Wingflight, Whitepaw and a few other cats' patrols got back, mouths full of prey. They put their kill on the fresh-kill pile and the apprentices took some pieces or prey to give to Cloudtail, Brackenfur, Brightheart and Graystripe, the elders.

Hollytuft's border patrol had returned and Flywhisker went to Firestar's den to report. Flywhisker growled, "ShadowClan moved their borders again!" Firestar narrowed his eyes and said, "Are you up for another patrol?" Flywhisker nodded. Firestar said, "Then lead a patrol to the border and mark it twice. Take any cat you want with you." Flywhisker dipped her head and went to find the cats she needed. Firestar sank back down in his nest to have a quick nap.

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