~Yellow Poison~

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Written by @MeeyersPrezz (aka Mia (aka MEEEEE))

The incident started like any other day. Match was sitting in the corner of her giant bunker where her computer was. Match logged onto pictochat, a popular messaging site on the Nintendo PC. Match was ready to start messaging her best friends, but something seemed off today.

"Uh... that's like, kinda odd. Why is nobody online?" Match raised her eyebrow. She searched back and forth the site for any activity.

'Maybe it's because they have to do stuff irl?' Match thought to herself.

'PFFF. Yeah right. As if anybody has an actual life these days lol.'

Match rolled her eyes and logged on to Miiverse.

Again, not a single soul was online on that site either.

Match groaned, "UGH. This is, like, horrible! I have nobody I can talk to!"

Before Match was about to go into incognito mode for "scientific purposes" she received a notification message on Miiverse. Match gasped and immediately checked the message.

The message was from an anonymous account.

The message said, "Your best friend is having a lot of fun outside."

Match furrowed her brow. She started typing back at the anonymous messenger.

"Outside? Yeah, like, right. Pencil knows much better than that." Match sent.

The messenger sent an image that made Match's wooden skin crawl.

The image was of Pencil putting on a fake smile. She was actually outside, a place that she vowed to never go to. And in her delicate black hands, a flask of a yellow poison was held.

A bead of sweat went down Match's face. She typed back at the anonymous messenger with great force on each key.


"I hope you will join your friend too." the messenger sent back. He also sent a smiley face to taunt her.

Match shut off her computer and ripped it from the outlets. She smashed her PC on the ground.

"The... the outsiders... They kidnapped my Pencil!" Match panted. She paced frantically around her base.

"I think they're going to, like... POISON her with that yellow liquid they forced in her hands." Match bit on her fingernails.

"I gotta see what's going on up there..."

Match walked over to her spying binoculars. She uses it to spy on the folks on the plaza when she's too lazy to go outside. Her binoculars were blue and it had goofy eyes on them.

"OH MY WOODSICLES!" Match screeched. To her horrifying discovery, Match found crowds of smiling people with the same yellow poison that Pencil had in the photo that the kidnapper sent her.

"All my friends and not so friends! They're being controlled by that POISON!" Match continued looking around. Match was already tense, but she saw something that made Match ten times more horrible than she already felt.

Her best friend, Pencil, was dead on a bench. An empty glass nearby her.

Match's heart was pounding against her wooden chest. Tears poured out of her eyes. Seeing her best friend commiting not alive while the crowd of minions did not even acknowledge her body broke something inside of Match.

"This is unacceptable. ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE. I need to get up there AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS." Match said.

Match grabbed onto her shovel and walked over to the door of her bunker. Match shivered. Going outside was her biggest nightmare. But Match pushed aside her fear so she could lay her bestie's body to rest.

The clean air was extremely uncomfortable to breathe in after being inside for hours. The spring pollen made Match's allergies go insane. The grass was hard to walk on and the sound of people talking gave Match a headache. Match was already anxious as all hell, the conditions of being outside didn't exactly help at all.

"Hoi Match, what's happening?" Match heard an annoying voice speak to her.

"Ugh, what?" Match turned her head to see her other friend Bubble. Bubble looked back at Match with her innocent black eyes. Match was scowling, her face was turning red and stained with her tears.

"It's been a whoile hasn't it?" Bubble smiled. "You're always online, I forget that you live around here."

"Yeah, yeah... Where is Pencil?" Match glared at her friend. Bubble frowned a bit. Bubble knew that she always liked Pencil more than her, but it seemed like Match didn't even want to talk to her.

"Oh uh... I was talking with her a whoile ago..." Bubble said, a bit more quietly this time.

"Tell me where she is! I NEED to know!." Match was quickly getting more upset. Bubble looked at her best friend with a concerned look.

"I... I don't remember. I'm soirry, Match..." Bubble looked away from the matchstick.

Match sighed, "It's alright Bubble..."

An uncomfortable silence grew between the two friends. They both refused to make eye contact.

"Anyways, have you been up to date on what's been hoippening recently?" Bubble hesitantly tried to start another conversation.

"I know... It's sick. It's disgusting." Match said, her voice was weak, she was trying not to cry. Bubble looked confused.

"Someone's been selling these roilly cool drinks in the plaza lately. I tried it, and they are so deelish!" Bubble laughed sheepishly. She showed Match what she was holding.

Match's eyes widened. A glass of the familiar yellow poison Match saw everywhere.

"No fucking way..." Match's voice became weak "Not you too, Bubble..."

"Uhh... Match?" Bubble said, worried. Match held her shovel with her two hands.

"I won't let you suffer any longer, Bubble." Match said. She swung her shovel at Bubble's face, popping her, and making her drop the glass. Match carefully picked it up, she absolutely didn't want to get the mixture anywhere on her body. Match walked over to a nearby tree and poured out the liquid on it.

"MATCH WHAT THE FUCK???" Tree yelled at the matchstick. Match didn't pay Tree any mind. Match was on another mission to find her best friend.

Match looked around and found Pencil still on the bench where she first found her. Nobody even bothered to move her body anywhere.

Match gave Pencil a moment of (gay) silence. She quietly sniffled and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Oh Pencil. My dear friend. My BESTEST friend. I shall put you to rest along with Bubble..." Match whispered.

Match used her shovel to start digging into the ground. After Match made a hole longer and deep enough to fit Pencil inside. Match picked up her lifeless body from the bench and rest it inside the hole. Match took her time shoveling the dirt back inside the hole. As soon as she finished, she rest on her knees and prayed to her friend.

"Dear Pencil, Dear Bubble... my true allies. I wish to join you two in the afterlife. Without you two, life is meaningless." Match sniffled between her words.

"But a deed like this must not go unpunished." Match slowly became more and more angry in her words.

"I will find the monster who poisoned you two and everybody else. And whoever they are... I will kill them, no matter what." Match vowed.

"After I've avenged you two, may my soul rest in peace with you both. Goodbye Bubble... Goodbye Pencil... I love you."

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