Strawberry Shortcakes

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The first thing Yamaguchi had planned was a trip to the museum, which had recently opened a dinosaur exhibit. He knew his boyfriend had been excited about it, and of course, Yamaguchi couldn't wait for Tsukishima's ramblings. Tsukishima may never seem outwardly excited, but the way the boy would spout fact after fact about whatever creature was in front of him gave it away to Yamaguchi.

As the pair had walked through the museum, Tsukishima's smile had never left his face. Yamaguchi's eyes rarely left his lover. He would only look away briefly when the boy gestured to a skeleton or artifact.

Of course, Tsukishima had also glanced lovingly at Yamaguchi while he was looking at the exhibitions. They had walked hand in hand, Lost in their own little world.

As their time in the museum had come to an end, the pair stopped at the gift shop. Yamaguchi had excitedly gone cup to the stuffed toys and picked up two small matching pterodactyls.

"Isn't that meant for little kids?" Tsukishima said, despite the affectionate smile on his face. The taller boy had still grabbed the toys and went to pay for them, secretly excited about him and his lover having something matching. Of course, he couldn't let that show.

Yamaguchi had laughed slightly at Tsukishima's conflicting actions and response before following him. "Wait, Tsuki!! I was going to pay for those!"

Tsukishima turned with an affectionate grin, "you planned this whole day for us. The least I could do is get these. I'm assuming you added this as our first destination because of me, considering you didn't really spend much time looking at the exhibition."

Yamaguchi's face had been engulfed in a pale red at his boyfriend's teasing and being caught. Using the fact that he had momentarily stunned his boyfriend, Tsukishima went ahead and bought the pterodactyl toys.

Their second destination had been a cafe that supposedly had the best strawberry shortcake in all of Miyagi, and Yamaguchi had thought that Tsukishima would love to try it.

Though instead of enjoying the sweet treat in the quaint cafe, which surprisingly was often not crowded, Yamaguchi had had other plans.

Instead, the boys had ducked into the shop, getting two very aesthetically pleasing strawberry shortcakes and another dessert for the two of them to share, solely because Yamaguchi had taken an interest in the tart topped with star-shaped mango pieces.

Their next stop before their final destination was a restaurant of Tsukishima's choosing. Tsukishima had chosen a fast food restaurant, partly because he'd been craving chicken nuggets but also because he knew of his boyfriend's love of floppy french fries. After everything Yamaguchi had planned for them, for him, he wanted to at least do something for him, no matter how small.

Tsukishima had only hoped that the french fries Yamaguchi was bound to get would end up at least a little soft by the time they had reached their destination.

After getting chicken nuggets and french fries to share, the pair had continued to the last place on their list, well, last not including Tsukishima's house where the boys had planned to spend the night.

The grand finale to their night had been dinner at the place where they'd had their first kiss. The park had been filled with blissful silence, only interrupted by footsteps every now and then when someone passed by.

They had laid out a blanket under a large tree that provided a little shade from the setting sun and relished in the cool breeze. The boys had enjoyed their dinner and dessert. Stopping only to take pictures of the beautiful desserts and even capture candid moments of the other.

They had spent most of the time in comfortable silence, only occasionally whispering to each other about the most random thoughts that had come to their minds.

They had spent that time as they would on any regular day, and honestly, the couple wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

Yamaguchi had turned to look over at Tsukishima, who had already been staring at him. Yamaguchi had softly smiled as he admired the last rays of sunlight that illuminated his lover.

Yamaguchi had decided to interrupt the calm silence and brought his boyfriend's attention away from whatever thoughts were in his mind and to his word, "I thought this would be a nice place to end our date," the boy practically whispered.

"Not only is it basically empty at this time, but It also just seemed right, considering..." Yamaguchi had trailed off, his cheeks tinged slightly pink as he thought back to the specific memory.

Tsukishima's affection for Yamaguchi only grew when he had taken note of the blush on his boyfriend's face. Tsukishima had stood and reached his hand out to Yamaguchi. "Come on, let's go," Tsukishima said. His own face had grown slightly warmer at his sudden idea. 

Although he had had no clue what Tsukishima wanted to do, he had put his hand in his boyfriend's outstretched one and followed, but not without a hint of curiosity and confusion in his eyes.

"Tsuki? What are we doing?"

Tsukishima had waved away the boy's words as if to say, 'you'll see.'

Soon enough, the pair had reached the swing set, the exact location of their first kiss. Tsukishima had guided Yamaguchi to the same place he had been that day, the day of their first kiss.

Once he had understood what was going on, Yamaguchi grinned. He had tilted his head back slightly to face tsukishima, who stood behind him.

Tsukishima had leaned forward, their faces only a few millimeters apart. Tsukishima had pressed a kiss to Yamaguchi's forehead. He had pulled away slightly and whispered, "next time, it's my turn to plan our date and spoil you. Really though, today was perfect, thank you, Yams."

Yamaguchi had smiled at his boyfriend's whispered words. He was glad the day had gone according to plan and that it was what Tsukishima had wanted.

Tsukishima had moved to the other swing and slipped his hand into Yamaguchi's, perfectly recreating the moments before their kiss. Tsukishima leaned into the small space in between the swings. Yamaguchi mimicked him until there was barely any distance between the pair. Yamaguchi smiled slightly, "I love you, Tsuki," he whispered before closing the space between them.

Even with the chilly breeze that had caressed their skin, the pair had felt undeniably warm at that moment. This was the perfect way to end their date.


Once they had pulled away, Tsukishima smiled softly, "I love you too Tadashi," a hint of pink had covered his cheeks, although it went unnoticed in the dark of the night.

"Come on, let's go clean up and go home before it gets any colder," Tsukishima said as he noticed the slight shiver that went through his lover's body. Yamaguchi had nodded. Rubbing his hands up and down his arms.

Tsukishima quickly pulled off his own jacket and draped it over his boyfriend's shoulders. The boys had hurried to Tsukishima's house.

The boys had spent that night cuddled up, fast asleep, for most of it despite their plans to stay awake late into the night, having a movie marathon. Before they had succumbed to the tiredness the eventful day had brought, Yamaguchi had posted a picture of the strawberry shortcake they had enjoyed, only Tsukishima's hand had been visible in the picture, but to him, that was enough. Yamaguchi had captioned the post, 'first dates and strawberry shortcakes ❤!'

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