An unexpected encounter

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So I imagine my characters would look like Bryan Dechart and Madison Riley, but you can apply whoever you want into my story.
Anyway have fun reading!

Being a light sleeper, not only because Bron was sleeping on the uncomfortable forest floor, but he was also always prepared, Bron started to twist and turn, and eventually woke up by the sound of someone's footstep. Plus, why was midnight so bright?

With his heart thumping loudly, Bron reached for the sword and quietly got up. The only thing between him and the mysterious vivid light source was that tree he slept under. Taking a deep breath to calm his heartbeat, Bron carefully moved his body and glanced at whatever it was.

It was very unexpected for Bron that in front of his own eyes stood a fair young lady just about his age, wearing a simple yet pretty white dress, with golden locks flowing down to her slim waist and a radiant skin. Literally radiant. Her skin was so bright it lighted up a wide area around her.

The young lady, oblivious to Bron's appearance, was petting two little brown foxes, before picking them up and placed them next to the fox mother. Seeing that she was quite an innocent girl, Bron decided to stepped out from his hideout.

"Excuse me, lady..." startled by Bron's voice, the girl instantly turned to face him, with a slightly shocking expression.

"Wh...Who are you?" asked the girl, with a hint of cautiousness.

"My mistake, fair lady," Bron bowed. "I am Bron Montgomery, Prince of the Third Realm. I'm terribly sorry if I scared you. I happened to hear some strange sound while I was resting, and I went to check it out. I didn't know it was you."

"Third Realm?" the girl raised a brow. "Isn't that the land papa punish to receive light no more?"

"Yes, um... "Papa"?" Bron confused.

"Well, because you've introduced yourself, it's my duty to return that favor," the girl curtsied. "My name is Dhia, the fourth daughter of the Sun and the Moon."

"Oh," eyes wide open, Bron hurrily kneeled. "It's my pleasure to meet you, miss Dhia." Though he was a prince of a kingdom, Bron position was no match for the descendant of gods.

"Please don't," Dhia too, kneeled down next to him and placed a hand on Bron's shoulder. "I'm not my parents. You can cut out all the unnecessary protocol," she paused a little bit, then continued. "Why does a prince of the Third Realm like you ended up in the forest of the Sixth?"

"Well, I assume that you knew everything happened two centuries ago..." Bron slowly stood up straight.

"Ahh... You are on your way to turn my aunts back to normal again?"

"Indeed, miss," he nodded.

"I think papa was being a little bit unfair. I mean your ancestor did release my aunts, plus those abundant of gifts and apologies... Papa must have given you all a hard time..." Dhia sighed.

"You really think so?" Bron could not believed that the daughter of the Sun himself was defending his bloodline. Out of the blue, he thought of a crazy hypothesis. "Miss Dhia..."

"Just Dhia. Miss is too formal for me," she interrupted.

"Yes, Dhia... You said it yourself, you think the Sun was being unfair. So... do you want him to rethink about his decision and, err, shine again for my kingdom?"

"Well, possibly, yeah. Every living thing needs light, and it is, no doubt, very unpleasant to live without it for two hundred years."

"So, err, you think you can persuade him to forgive us?" Bron's voice trailed off, yet Dhia stil managed to catch every word.

"Are you asking me to change papa's mind?" she smirked. "Okay."

"Okay? That easy?" Bron was shocked. There was no way the daughter of gods could just agree to him, unless...

"A favor for a favor," here it was. "I convince papa, you give me your ruby."

"What ruby? Oh..." Bron placed his hand on the sword hilt. On the pommel, a ruby was attached. It was a symbol indicating his nobility as a third prince, while his eldest brother, King Luther had a diamond one, and his second brother's was an emerald. He could go on and on about royal gems, but for now, he had to deal with Dhia.

"Why would you want my ruby?" Bron questioned.

"I'm running out of gift idea for my sister's birthday," she gave a surprisingly childish answer, plus a shoulder shrug.

"Uhm..." Bron felt reluctant to gave his precious family gem. But again, trading a gem to eternal light sounded more promising. He just need to make sure one thing. "That's all, right? Your word to the Sun for my ruby?"

"Yes, correct," Dhia smiled. "We goddess ain't no mischievous creature like you human. If I can make papa bring light to your land, you must give me the ruby. Do we have a deal?"

With her last sentence, Dhia offered Bron a hand. He looked at her small beautiful hand, shining and waiting. "Deal," he grabbed her hand, giving it a firm squeeze.

Suddenly, a strong wind bursted out from their handshake and spiraled up to the sky. Branches after branches shook loudly. Even the three foxes next to the couple startled. Before Bron can said any word, a rain of leaves had fallen onto them, and a golden-like tattoo had appeared on the back of his hand. It took the form of an ancient letter "X".

"What is this?" could not believe his own eyes, Bron used the other hand to lightly rubbed the tattoo.

"That, dear Prince," a grin formed on Dhia face when she looked down at the matching symbol on her hand. "We call it the Promised Mark."

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