The shape-shifter clan

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"Dhia..." he whispered. "Do not make sudden movement. Just stay still."

"What are you talking about?" Dhia was going toward Bron, then she heard a hissing sound. Crawling in front of them, a small viper slowly approached Dhia.

Bron's hand made its way to his sword, preparing to pull it out and strike. But Dhia had a different idea.

"She's not dangerous! Don't hurt her."

Hearing those words from Dhia left Bron in utterly shock. What happened next explain Dhia protective action, when the viper lifted its head up and transformed into a very young girl. Naked.

"Oh my..." Bron abruptly turned away.

"Give me your robe," Dhia asked.

"Sure, sure..."

Not until Bron's velvet robe wrapped around the viper girl did Bron made a proper eye contact with her. She was a beautiful girl, but unlike Dhia's literal and metaphor radiant, this girl has a sun-kissed skin, accompanied by a pair of almond brown eyes and pitch black hair which had been braided down to her hip.

"You must be Miss Dhia, daughter of the Sun and the Moon?" the mysterious viper girl inquired.

"Yes, I am," Dhia answered. "And you're from the shape-shifter clan? What's your name?"

"I'm Yune Ludovic. I was sent here to seek for your help."

Although he knew about the fact that in the Seven Realms, there were numerous species living together, not just human, but this was the first time Bron see a shape-shifter, not to mention shifting right in front of his nose. He has only seen witches and wizards, plus a few trolls so far.

"What is it that you require my help?" Dhia raised a brow.

"My clan's ancient tree, Miss. It is very important to us, but somehow it is dying! Since you've helped the Sixth Realm forest to be this green, the chief order me to find you."

"I see..." Dhia's forehead furrowed. "May I ask how you knew I'm here?"

"I sensed your vibration through the ground, Miss. I was just a snake moments ago, honestly."

Dhia stayed silent for some seconds. Then she turned around to faced Bron.

"Dear Prince, would you mind helping this fair girl here with me?" he was about to consider the fact that she was in the middle of their contract when Dhia seemed to foresee his thought. "I don't think it can interrupt our promise. After all, we are having some days to spare with this tunnel, right?"

That was a logic that Bron could not argue with, or he did have the ability to, but chose not to say it. Plus, it was just a tree, maybe it could finish faster than they expected. With no more word, he gave her a nod, indicating his consent.

"Very well," Dhia called out to Yune. "Lead us to your place. I'll see what I can do."

"I am very grateful for your kindness, Miss Dhia," Yune bowed. "Follow me, please. The faster we reach my village the better."


Luckily, they did not have to turn around to Dhia's place. The shape-shifters' village was closer to the human town, so they kept moving forward.

Everything was awkwardly silent. Yune only focused on leading the way, she barely said any word. Dhia followed closely, her eyes stared straight toward Yune. Bron was the last in the line, still having a hand on his sword.

He could hear almost every movement in this tunnel. The sound of their uneven steps on the ground, contradict to Yune's and Dhia's harmony breath. The sound of rubbing fabric when they walked. The sound of Bron's nails lightly tapping on his backpack strap.

"What is your clan like, Yune?" finally, Bron broke the silent.

"Actually, our ways of living are more like animal than human," Yune said.

The shape-shifter original form was liquid-like, because they could transform to anything, like the water takes the form of whatever is holding it. Humanity thrived because people expand their territory, while a whole clan like Yune's just required a few trees. They usually turn to human to go to the human village, socializing and doing business. But on their land, they would turn into small animals or bugs and sleep by the tree. By that way, the shape-shifters did not need to cut down plants to build houses. Trees are their homes.

"We practically live on nature, so we live in a way that won't harm it," Yune ended her answer.

"Huh..." though his response sounded oblivious, Bron secretly felt ashamed, for the second time, because mankind could not think thoroughly like that.

"I think we're here," Dhia moved in front of Yune.

"I thought you said it will take us a whole day," Bron said. "I'm pretty sure it is just pass noon now."

"No silly," Dhia rolled her eyes. "I mean we've arrived at my resting spot."

Both Bron and Yune shared a questioning look towards Dhia. But only when they stood side by side with her did they understand what she just said. On the wall of the tunnel, a big hole was dug, creating a sort of hollow "chamber". Bron spotted a fur mat and a small pillow in it. This must be the place Dhia usually take a nap on her trip to the capitol's outskirt.

"Yune, Dhia, you two can take the chamber," Bron lightly pushed the two girls, "Yune can transform into some small animal so both of you can have space to rest. I'll use the robe as a mat."

"Good thinking, Prince," Dhia gave him a consent nod, while Yune dropped his robe and turn into her earlier viper form. The girls crawled on to the chamber, and Bron straighten his rob on the ground.

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