Chapter 16

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Is there a book on 'Friend Zone for Dummy'?

How about 'A Guide to Friend Zoning a Crush'?

Jae was browsing through the internet hopelessly. All the time she did, there were tons of guide of getting out of the friend zone and get into the relationship zone. She browsed for the common lines people get when they were friend zoned.

Line 1: "I really like you as a companion, and I don't want to risk ruining our great friendship if we get involved."

Problem: That was technically the same as what she said to Yoongi when he confessed, right? Although she was more snappish when she responded to it.

Line 2: "I'm not really looking for a relationship right now... we should really just be buddies."

Problem: The matter was not raised since the confession. Not once. For her to raise it up would seem awkward since he didn't push her for an answer.

Line 3: "I just broke up with my boyfriend and I need to get back to being myself before being with somebody else."

Problem: She was not good at lying and honestly, she haven't dated for years. Breaking up with a non-existent boyfriend would be comical even for her.

Line 4: "I need some space to be alone right now... let's just be friends."

Problem: That's what they are now, right? That just went back to line number 2. He didn't raise the issue nor push her for the same confession.

In her case, the best book would be 'Friend Zoning Your Crush Who Likes You', Jae thought miserably. People would say she had gone crazy, but that is what she needs right now. Despite BTS' busy schedule, there were always some texts from Yoongi. The 'Love Yourself' World Tour had just started and she hadn't seen him for more than a week. That was in August and it was already the first week of September. He was still in Seoul, that she knew, but until when, she didn't know. There were a day or two that she ignored his texts. Not replying was the hardest thing that she did. The texts he sent were the mundane day to day line – How are you? Eat well and something that goes along the way.

Absence makes the heart grows fonder.

That was true. She was missing him like crazy and those texts were beaming like a beacon. Even the songs that she made lately were too somber and sad when the game reels that she received was anything but. She needed to clear her head fast before it was eating her up. She couldn't be making a heart wrenching song for a happy and cheerful game.

With her earphone on, she started to play on the piano app on her phone at the convenience store counter. It was limited but that was the best she had during the shift. Salary-men and drunks usually came at the early part of her shift and now she was practically free. She was interrupted by someone who put a basket on the counter. She immediately took out her earphones and started to run the items through the register. The customer went out as quickly as he came in and Jae returned to her stool as she opened the app again.

"What are you working on?" a voice suddenly asked. Jae jumped in surprise. It was Yoongi, all decked out in his hoodie and cap, smiling at her as she regained her composure.

"You should stop doing that," Jae complained.

"Stop what?" he asked.

"Surprising me," she replied.

"On this shift, you should be vigilant at all time. How's your arm?" he asked looking at the wound area that was covered by her long sleeved shirt.

"Got the stitches removed and it's healing just fine," Jae looked at her arm and rolled up her sleeve. She didn't expect for Yoongi to take her hand and pulled her nearer to inspect the scar. The keloid was there, still pink and obvious. The doctor did a great job stitching her up. Not that she care that much since she was not in the business that require beauty and perfection. She could wear long sleeved shirt to cover that up. Then again, she didn't care much of what people think.

The scar looked like a badge of honour and in a glance it looked quite cool and badass. Jae was glad the injury did not affect her piano playing ability as she tested playing the most difficult piece she could think of. Had the knife cut deeper... she didn't want to go there. Yoongi was right, she should be more vigilant after what had happened.

"Does it still hurt?" he asked again, still holding her hand.

"No. Just a bit stiff and raw. Other than that, it's fine," she clarified.

"You can still play, right?"

"Of course. It's not that deep all the way," she reassured him.

Then he did the unthinkable. He traced his finger along the raised scar and Jae shivered to his touch. "You're okay now?" he asked, looking deep into her eyes.

Time stopped for Jae. That was a loaded question and which one that he meant? Okay physically or mentally? He was completely destroying her initial thought of friend zoning him. Jae pulled her arm from his, "I'm fine. My arm is fine, stop worrying, grandpa."

"I'll be leaving for the world tour tomorrow," he said.

"Safe journey then," Jae wished nonchalantly.

"I would probably be away until end of October," he said.

"That long?" blurted Jae. She bit her lips after the slip. Not so unfeeling now, was she?

Yoongi peered at her closely. "Yes, that long," he confirmed. "Didn't you hear any of the managers discussing about the world tour in the agency when you were working?"

"I did but I wasn't paying attention. I have a tunnel vision and I don't multitask well," admitted Jae.

"I thought all women are multi-taskers," he pondered.

"That is so stereotypical. I'm not a multi-tasker and I am a woman," said Jae.

"You're a woman alright," Yoongi looked at her from top to toe in a playful lascivious manner. Jae was about to punch his shoulder but stopped as a customer went in. Yoongi quickly went to the aisle near the counter and pretending to inspect an item on the shelf. He turned as he heard the customer was leaving with his or her stuff.

"You plan to buy that?" asked Jae, trying not to laugh.

"Buy what?" asked Yoongi.

"The tampon you're holding," Jae laughed. She was sure Yoongi just grabbed on any item at random when the customer went in.

"Wh... wait... what?" he looked at the box in his hand and it was a box of tampon. He immediately put it back and returned to the counter.

"I'm not the only one with the tunnel vision here," said Jae smugly.

"I'm a man," he said.

"Oh, I know that," replied Jae knowingly.

"Is there a camera pointing to the counter?"

"Of course. All stores have one or two focusing the cashier – one pointing to the clerk and another one to the customer. Your cap is covering you well if you're concerned about privacy. Besides the video quality is grainy," she reassured him.

"Is the night manager in?"

"As always, in his room."

"Sleeping?" he asked.


"Was he still sleeping when that robber got in?" he asked.

"He was, but he woke up after the scuffle," explained Jae.

Yoongi could barely contain his anger as he looked at the manager's room until Jae nudged his tight knuckles.

"Believe it or not, I do have some guardian angels protecting me," said Jae. "Remember the thugs I told you about? They came in after they saw the guy brandishing a knife to me."

"But not before the guy slashed you."

"I'm still alive and I could still play the piano. That's what counts," said Jae.

"Just be careful. Night shifts aren't the safest."

"Yes, grandpa," she nodded.

"So, back to business. I was presuming a lot when I told you that I like you back then. I'm using my first question. Are you currently in a romantic relationship with anyone?" asked Yoongi.

Jae gulped. Wasn't this the best time to give him 'I really like you as a companion, and I don't want to risk ruining our great friendship if we get involved' line? How about the 'I need some space to be alone right now... let's just be friends'? Why can't she say it?

"That's a simple 'yes' or 'no' question," reminded Yoongi when she hesitated.

To lie or not to lie, Jae thought.

"Lying would give me a bonus question," warned Yoongi.

"You wouldn't know. What are you? A human lie-detector?" Jae stiffened.

"Yes or no?" he asked again.

"No," she answered curtly. "I don't think it's a good ide-"

"Question 2, what's your Skype ID?" he cut Jae's sentence immediately.

"Why?" Jae asked.

"Don't answer my question with another question. What is your Skype ID."

Jae took her phone and Yoongi's phone buzzed. "There, my ID," said Jae, pointing to his phone.

Yoongi checked on his phone and nodded satisfyingly. He scrolled and typed something and Jae's phone rang. It was him calling her using the Skype app.

"Go ahead, pick it up," said Yoongi.

"This is nuts, you're in front of me."

"Pick it up," urged Yoongi again.

Jae accepted the call and looked at Yoongi, not amused.

"Look at the phone, not me," pointed Yoongi to the phone. He waved to Jae on the phone as she looked. "Yo Jae!" he said.

"Yo Suga!" she said, rolling her eyes.

"Wow, you never called me Suga before," he said, still through the phone.

"There's always a first for everything," she said as she looked at him. Yoongi waved and told her to look at the phone.

"You called me oppa when you pepper sprayed me," he reminded her and her ears went red.

Did she call him that? She couldn't remember. "I did? The pepper made you hallucinate for sure" defended Jae.

"No, you said it loud and clear. I could hear it through my pain," smirked Yoongi.

"No, it was probably Yoongi-ssi."

"Nope, just oppa. Besides, you always called me oppa back then," he smiled, referring to her crazy fan-girl days.

"Can we not go there?" said Jae exasperatedly.

"As a matter of fact, you never call me by anything but oppa," he pondered.

"I'll call you-" Jae was interrupted as an alert buzzed in Yoongi's phone. Yoongi disconnected the Skype call and answered it.

"I'm buying some stuff at the convenience store. Ramyeon? Which one? Okay," he disconnected the call and took a basket near the counter. "Jin asked me to get some ramyeon supply for the tour," he explained.

"I thought your manager got it all covered," she said.

"Sometimes they didn't get the one that we wanted. Better safe than sorry," he went to the aisle and filled the basket up with a variety of ramyeon.

"That's a lot."

"These are not enough for 7 guys," he said. Jae ran them through the cash register and loaded them up into the bags.

"It's not as if you eat ramyeon every day."

"You obviously have never seen 7 guys homesick for ramyeon. It gets ugly," said Yoongi. "I'm off. Be safe," he said. He quickly peck her on her cheek and went out abruptly with the ramyeon, leaving Jae in daze.

Friend zone?

What's that?

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