Chapter 22

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The floor was awfully quiet as Jae was cleaning the corridor. It housed BTS' personal studio and the event management office. The place would be deserted when BTS was away for a tour or any major events. They all went for the rehearsal for the Order of Cultural Merit that would be held the next day. BTS had achieved a lot – topping the Billboard charts, getting the Billboard Award, American Music Award and then the much talked about speech at the United Nations. They truly deserved it.

It was heaven for Jae to be working without any disturbance. She then heard footsteps behind her.

"Miss Ahn, I need your help in cleaning my room," said Yoongi.

Jae turned, and Yoongi subtly motioned to the surveillance camera above them. "On it Mr. Min," replied Jae, taking her trolley to his studio. As soon as she went in, she was engulfed in a hug and got a kiss.

"Haven't seen you for a while," said Yoongi.

"Why, Mr. Min you've seen me through the video calls," said Jae.

"Different. I can't hold you," said Yoongi, grinning from ear to ear.

"So, what do you need me to do?" asked Jae looking at his spotless room. She spied some crumpled paper in the trash can and that was just it.

"Now, that's a loaded question if I ever heard one," Yoongi rubbed his chin and gave her a naughty look.

Jae's eyes went big with the realization, "You and your innuendo," she slapped him on his chest, which earned her his painful groan. "Sorry, reflex," said Jae apologetically. "Your wound, I forgot. Are you okay?"

"I'm getting better. But I don't mind you checking me again. I need some tender loving care," Yoongi winked. This time, he held on to her right hand before she would swat him again.

"I thought you have a rehearsal today," said Jae. "I can't stay that long in here. People would talk," reminded Jae.

"The rehearsal's done. I've to head out for practice after this. Are you okay with this? With us seeing in secret and all?" asked Yoongi as he pulled her down to sit on the couch in his studio. "I didn't ask you before. Kind of selfish of me."

"I didn't think that much either before this. I know this relationship won't be a normal one. Normal as in go out, date and do anything that couples do," explained Jae. "I don't think I'm ready to face your fans," she shuddered.

"I don't want you to feel like I'm hiding you for all the wrong reasons," said Yoongi.

"Don't you have clauses in your contract that said about relationship and all? Heard some agency imposed a no dating clause in it and it can cause a termination," inquired Jae.

"There is that," admitted Yoongi.

Jae was aghast, "Then why are you being so relaxed? You can get yourself fired."

"The old contract is ending and we're negotiating a new one. There's going to be some changes," pacified Yoongi.

"Change as in?" prodded Jae.

"Can't divulge much. It's P&C," answered Yoongi with a knowing smile.

"If there's trouble with us being together, tell me. I don't want to cause a problem and I hate to be kept in the dark."

"You're not a problem. Never is, never was – even when you were following me around back then," Yoongi hugged her.

"Then why did you reject me when I confessed?" Jae was irked. She moved and kneeled, facing him on the couch grumpily.

"We'll get to that later," he linked his fingers through hers. "As for now, I'm concerned about you. I haven't been a good boyfriend and I'm going to be away a lot."

"Don't feel pressured. I'm not a good girlfriend either and we haven't even reached our 1 week mark," Jae smiled, comforting him at the same time. Her eyes landed on a book on his work desk. "If you can concentrate always on the present, you'll be a happy man. Life will be a party for you, a grand festival, because life is the moment we're living now," quoted Jae.

"You've read The Alchemist?" asked Yoongi.

Jae stood up, taking the book from the desk as she thumbed through it. "Who doesn't? This is one of Paulo Coelho's masterpiece. My foster mom gave the book to me when I was 12. It's all dog-eared from too much reading. I always get back to this when I feel down," replied Jae.

"You lived with a foster family in the US?"

"I was too young to go to a boarding school and there was a great music program in New York, so I lived with my mom's best friend until I got into college. That was after both of my parents died. Anyway, I'd better get moving," announced Jae. "I've stayed too long." She then took the trash can and brought it to the door.

"Leave the trash," said Yoongi as he went to her.

"Leaving your studio without bringing anything out would seriously cause suspicion, my dear Mr Min," replied Jae.

"I'd still prefer oppa above all else," Yoongi sulked.

Jae smiled and gave him a peck before leaving the room. Yoongi was smiling as he leaned onto his door. The bell rang few seconds later as Jae returned the trash can.

Concentrate always on the present.

That was a sound advice from Mr Coelho.


Yoongi was feeling anxious as The Order of Cultural Merit Ceremony was about to start. The members of BTS were in the dressing room, waiting for their manager to call them out. He went through his line countless of time, hoping that he would not forget anything. Butterflies in his stomach was an understatement. It was more of a herd of rhinoceros stampeding in his stomach. His group members were busy at their own space reading and memorizing what they wanted to say.

Taehyung was looking at the text he typed on his phone, Jin was using the mirror to say out his lines. Namjoon was sitting at the dressing table adjusting his glasses. He looked like a president of a country in Yoongi's opinion and he definitely has a gift of a gab with his speech. Everyone was in awe of his speech at the United Nations and Yoongi predicted that people are going to keep on playing that speech again in years to come.

"Namjoon-hyung, you look really good with the glasses on. Maybe I should wear it too," said Taehyung as he fished out his glasses.

Jungkook was moving around putting on the medal clip on his lapel as he was mouthing out his lines. "Is this how you put on the clip?" asked Jungkook to J-Hope.

"You got that inside out," commented J-Hope.

"It looks the same," replied Jungkook.

"No, look closely. There's an indentation for the front," confirmed J-hope.

"Oh, thanks Hope-hyung," said Jungkook as he corrected his clip.

"Jin-hyung, I don't look like a delinquent with this hair right?" asked Jimin as he looked at his bluish blond hair at the mirror.

"Nah, you look fine," waved Jin as he went over his text again.

Yoongi's phone buzzed. It was a message from Jae.

Jae: Congratulations for the merit award. I'm happy for you. I don't have any present but an audio file. The video is too big for the phone and even the e-mail. Congratulations oppa *wink

YO: I wouldn't mind the video file if you're in it.

Jae: Of course I'm in it. I was playing the piano

YO: Video file please

Jae: It would take forever

YO: I'm sure you can compress the file

Jae: But the quality won't be as good. It would be pixelated.

YO: Aww come on. That's my present. I want the video too

Jae: I'm sending you the audio through the phone and share the video in Dropbox. Happy?

YO: Very 😁

Jae: Gotta go, duty calls. Take care

Yoongi smiled and downloaded the file. He put on his earphone and listened to it. It was a piano piece that he wasn't familiar with. It was soothing and energizing at the same time.

"Hyung, what are you listening to?" asked Taehyung as he went to Yoongi.

"A really nice music," answered Yoongi.

"Can I hear too?" Taehyung asked again. Yoongi passed the other earphone to Taehyung. "Just what I need. Is this from you know who?" he inquired.

"Do you know this piece?" asked Yoongi without answering Taehyung's question.

"It's Franz Liszt's Liebesträume. I don't remember which number this is but I know the meaning of Liebesträume," responded Taehyung, smiling widely.

"What is it?" Yoongi asked.

"It's German for Dreams of Love," returned Taehyung.

"Guys, time to hit the show," announced their manager from the door.

"Let's go everyone," said Namjoon to the guys.

The guys stood up, checking their suit one last time as they exited the dressing room. That day, they became the youngest recipient of the Order of Cultural Merit in South Korea.

They have made everyone proud.


Author's note:

This is Liszt's Liebesträume No 3

Suga's speech during the Order of Cultural Merit Ceremony:

"It is truly an honor. Thank you very much. So much has happened this year. No.1 on the Billboard charts, the Billboard Music Awards, AMA, the UN speech and now, the Order of Cultural Merit, it is truly a huge honor. We will promote Korean music with the mind of a national representative."

Suga is a fan of Paulo Coelho, so that's why I put the quote in my story. The Alchemist is a truly wonderful book if you have read it.

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