Chapter 3

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"Yoongi hyung, I need help," said Taehyung as Yoongi opened his studio door.

Taehyung is one of his group members, hailed from the same city as him. Even if they are from Daegu, their taste differs from each other and they are the least likely member to have the same opinion about something. He brought along his airpod and notebook as he entered the studio. Taehyung paused as he entered the room.

"Finally, you got this cleaned," he commented. "So this was where the garbage Jae noona carried came from. I could tell, it was from here," he continued as he sat on the sofa.

Yoongi looked at Taehyung sharply, "You know Jae?"

"Of course, I do. She has been working here for months," replied Taehyung, stating the obvious. "She's the one from Daegu whom I wanted to tell you about. But you weren't interested," he said, reminding Yoongi about the time he was excitedly trying to tell him about Jae, but was shot down on instant. "Are you interested now?" asked Taehyung as he waggled his eyebrows.

"Why should I?" asked Yoongi trying to be dismissive.

Taehyung frowned. Yoongi was not a snob in the first place. He was always kind and respectful to everyone, regardless of their position. He even remembered all of their names. Taehyung can sense a difference when he was talking about Jae.

"Now why are you here in the first place?" asked Yoongi cutting off Tahyung's thoughts before it gets too uncomfortable. He was already uncomfortable with the little prodding by Tae.

"I want you to help me with this riff. It doesn't sound quite right and I want your opinion," said Taehyung, passing Yoongi his air pod. He promised himself to investigate more about Jae since Yoongi was being tight lipped as a clam. Yoongi went to his keyboard and started playing around with Taehyung's song when the doorbell rang.

Taehyung stood and checked on the door. He was greeted by Jin, the eldest member of the group.

"Whoaa, I can see your coffee table now. I can see your work desk," said Jin in awe as he stepped in. "You're not a slob per se and I was really concerned to see trash piling up."

Tae chuckled and Yoongi ignored Jin as he was playing on his keyboard. "Poor Jae. That trash bag was huge!" commented Jin.

And Yoongi missed a tune. Tae and Jin looked at each other in question.

"What do you want, Jin-hyung?" asked Yoongi drily.

"I'm just bored and saw Taehyung coming into your studio. Thought I could just pop in. Glad I did," he said as he propped his feet up the coffee table.

"Did you help Jae noona, Jin hyung?" asked Taehyung to Jin.

"Was about to, but she already got that load in her trolley. How long was it since he was cooped up in here Taehyung?" he asked.

"4... no it was 5 days. He didn't come home since that day you brought back kimchi," noted Taehyung.

"That was after we came home from Taipei. Jae sure got her work cut for her cleaning this room up," said Jin.

"You'll never see her complain," joined Taehyung in.

"Remember when that trainee threw up on Jae when he was not feeling well?" Jin said.

"It was not pretty," Taehyung shook his head.

"When was that?" asked Yoongi.

"It was like what... after we got back from Japan, I think. End of April?" Jin asked Taehyung for confirmation, which he received immediately as Taehyung nodded. "Come on Yoongi, everyone was talking about it," said Jin.

"He wasn't paying attention," remarked Taehyung. "It's not often we got a trainee barfing up on somebody in the agency."

"And now he's paying attention?" asked JIn.

"He asked me how I know Jae noona," replied Taehyung.

"She's been around for months!" exclaimed Jin.

"That's what I told him."

"He's interested in Jae?" asked Jin, going for the kill.

"I don't know. Ask him."

"Excuse me, I'm here and this is my room," warned Yoongi as they kept on talking like he was not there.

He was still a bit sore since it seems other people knew who Jae was. They were even acquainted with her when he only knew about her working there just last week. Not that he was close with her before. The unsatisfactory feeling of that thought just made him uncomfortable.

"Yes, we know," said Jin nodding.

"How about using this Taehyung?" Yoongi suggested as he played a tune, hoping Jin wouldn't ask him the question he planned to ask.

"Hold up. Play that again, hyung, I want to record it," said Tae, holding up his phone.

"That sounds right," commented Jin after Yoongi finished playing.

"And I have been stuck at that part since yesterday," said Taehyung. "Thanks Yoongi hyung. What do I owe you this time?" he continued.

"I'll just add that into your IOU list," replied Yoongi.

"You keep tabs?" asked Jin.

"Of course I do. Nothing is free in this world," said Yoongi as he stretched on his chair languidly.

"Now I'm scared to ask for your help," Jin shuddered.

"For you, I charge double," said Yoongi slyly. "For shoving in your clothes wherever you wanted," he continued. Yoongi and Jin shared a room and closet at their home. Yoongi always have to look harder for his clothes as Jin kept on putting his clothes at Yoongi's part of the closet.

"Man, you're cold," said Jin. Their phone buzzed at that moment, stopping their conversation.

"It's Namjoon, we have a meeting in 5 minutes," said Jin.

"Thanks again, hyung," said Taehyung to Yoongi as he exited the studio.

Yoongi went out not long after. He was still curious about Jae. It wasn't like he could go to her and ask her personal things up front, judging from her reaction towards him just now. She was as prickly as a porcupine. Yoongi shook his head. He needed to get Jae out of his head.


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