Chapter 35

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Yoongi went out to the rooftop garden at the hospital. It was deserted at that hour and he was glad the garden lamp were still on despite the time and lack of visitors. He wore his cap low and pulled his jacket tight as he sat at one of the benches.

When he said he needed to get out, he meant that he needed to clear his head and think. Not leave the hospital for good.

He didn't know how to respond after Jae dropped that bombshell. Yoongi thought what Jae wanted to tell him was only about Chin Hwa. He had some time to recover from that shock after Ki Tae told him. Who would have thought that there was more? He didn't expect her to be wanting to pay the long overdue royalty fee for his songs. Like he told her before, it was not even her debt to begin with. He was hurt when she kept on wanting to pay it.

Yoongi still felt the same as it was before.

He didn't care for the money. He just wanted to be recognized for what he did. At that time he wanted to know that he had a fighting chance in the music industry. Nothing else. The recognition was long overdue and people had already forgotten about the song. He was still a rookie then and he knew his songs were still too raw and unpolished for the listeners. It was true that he struggled, juggling part time jobs and choosing between food and bus fares, but in the end, what he did was for himself. He survived and succeed.

That didn't happen for Jae. Chin Hwa was still manipulating her even in his coma.

The challenges she was facing now is mostly due to her brother from the moment she quit Juilliard. The debt was his last straw. Jae could use that money for Chin Hwa's hospital bills or anything else that she needed but he didn't think that she could accept that. She would rather live in a godforsaken building just to get enough money for someone else and left nothing for herself.

When would she be able to live for herself?

Would she be trapped, living for her brother her whole life? Yoongi didn't want that for Jae. She had too much potential and talent to be tied down. The possibilities are endless and she could do more. Yoongi needed to talk to someone but it was already 1.45 a.m. and anyone that he call would be thoroughly annoyed. He didn't think that they would be able to give a sound advice at that hour either.

How could he tell someone he loves that her brother is a first class bastard? Yoongi shook his head. He never planned to do that. Ki Tae's advice rang in his head. Don't let Chin Hwa ruin their relationship. Whether he likes it or not, that guy is still Jae's brother. He really need to work this out with Jae.

Yoongi gazed at the clear night sky. That brought him back to the night of their date at Hannam-dong. She didn't say much about her dreams other than being a princess in a medieval castle. He wondered about it afterwards. She's a songwriter now but does she really want to stay at the background when she could actually fly high as a classical musician?

Another one of her questions echoed in his head. Did he hate her back then?

After Yoongi's confrontation with Chin Hwa, a letter from her came right away. She was cheerful in it writing about what she did, where she went and what she accomplished. He despised her that very moment. She was right. He did call her a spoilt selfish brat – and more. He thought she only cared for herself.

Their first encounter at the dance studio after all those years was exactly what Yoongi thought of Jae then. He accused her of stealing his work like her brother stole his. He knew he was wrong about her.

Yoongi sighed. He should get back to Jae. He admit, it was wrong just to leave her like that in the midst of their talk. She's the only person he needed to talk to now. Not anyone else. He felt suffocated then and didn't want to say anything that he would regret later. Living with the other BTS members for years had taught him to clear off any misunderstandings and problems before the day ends. That was what he was planning to do.

Yoongi made his way back to Jae's room. Jae was already asleep. Yoongi's heart constricted when he saw her wet lashes. He kissed her on her forehead and her eyes fluttered open.

"Oppa?" she called sleepily.

"I'm here," he said tenderly. "I'm sorry for leaving you."

Jae held on to his hand. "I'm sorry too. Please, don't go."

"I'll stay," he promised. "We need to work this out."

"I agree," said Jae as she sat up. Her face was puffy from crying, and Yoongi could see that. "Let's sit at the sofa. It's more comfortable than the chair you are sitting in."

They went and sat next to each other. They both started to open their mouth and called each other at the same time. "You go first," prompted Yoongi.

Jae took Yoongi's hand as she began, "I am sorry I offended you just now when I was pushing you about Chin Hwa's debt to you. I should have realized what my brother owes you was what money can't buy. I'm a songwriter and I should know that. Nothing could bring back that recognition that was lost."

"It's not your fault, Jae," said Yoongi.

"In my head, all I thought was, once the debt is settled, I would be free. I hurt you," her voice was near to whisper. When Yoongi stormed out the room, realization dawned to her. By forcing him to accept money from her, she was belittling Yoongi's past effort by equating cash to the recognition that he needed the most. Tears ran down her face. She didn't mean that, yet she was demeaning him with her intentions.

Yoongi swallowed the lump in his throat. He pulled Jae tight in his embrace. He knew it was hard for her as it was for him. "You didn't mean it," he said and Jae cried even harder. "Jae, I want you to know that whatever happened between your brother and I, had nothing to do with you. You have your responsibility towards Chin Hwa, to care for him, but his problem is solely his. Don't carry someone else's burden. It could break your back," advised Yoongi.

"When I found out what my brother did, I blamed myself. I thought that maybe, it wouldn't happen if I didn't go to the States. It costs a lot and I didn't even finish," continued Jae.

"No, don't blame yourself Jae. You were in the US because you are gifted and you were given the chance to flourish," Yoongi faced her squarely. "The guilt trip needs to stop. Whatever Chin Hwa did was his action alone. He's 13 years older than you and he's the one who messed up, not you."

"I'm sorry he was an ass to you," Jae finally said.

Yoongi blinked in surprise. Did he hear her right? "Jae, he's your brother."

"He is and he's an ass. I'm not blind to his faults," replied Jae, resolute. "One of the person on his list whom I met actually suffered a lot from what Chin Hwa did. That person lost his source of income and it nearly costs his daughter's life because they were short on cash for hospital bills. When he nearly ran me off with an axe I was scared stiff."

"That's dangerous!" burst Yoongi.

"That was a telling sign on whatever bad things my brother did," smirked Jae warily. "Anyway, I came at the right moment and he was able to get proper treatment for his little girl. I kind of break right then and there and thought it would be better if I could help Chin Hwa with his debt. My goal was fixed on getting enough money and help Chin Hwa. Scratch that. I wanted to help the people he hurt."

"Not everything that he owes could be paid with money," commented Yoongi.

"That's true," Jae agreed and she paused. "Did you really hate me back then?" her voice started to break as she changed the subject. "Please, don't lie."

Yoongi took a deep breath before answering. "I did. Past tense," he stressed that out.

"I'm sorry," Jae cried again as she buried her face in her hands.

Yoongi took her close as she carried on crying on his chest. "That was all on me. I'm the one who should apologize. Not you."

Jae just shook her head.

Yoongi went on, "I was angry at your brother and you got mixed in it. I was wrong about you," he admitted. "I love you."

"I have another question," said Jae.

"Go on."

"Why did you still have my letters?" asked Jae, looking at Yoongi for an answer. "You told me you did when we had that talk in your car," she was curious. He never did reply to her, yet he kept it.

Yoongi looked at her and smiled wryly, "I don't have all of them. I threw most of it away after I confronted your brother."

"But you kept it. Why?"

"What do you think?"

"Did you like me too?" Jae was surprised when he nodded. "Then why did you reject me when I told you I like you?"

"You're my boss's sister. You performed solo in the US at 10 years old. At that age, I had only started learning to make music. I was not good enough for you," he said.

"No, don't say that," she stopped him. "But... I understand what went through your head," Jae went solemn.

"Why is that?"

"I bet you never realized that I stopped writing a year after you debuted," she confessed.

"You're wrong again. I realized that. My mom told me when I called home."

"Your mom realized that. Not you," said Jae sulkily.

"Why did you stop?" he asked earnestly.

"Well for one, you never wrote back anyway. I'm sure you would be occupied with your fans. You were going up and I was going down, just like a see-saw. It was the same thing when I ghosted you after you told me that you like me months back," admitted Jae. "I didn't think I was good enough for you too."

Yoongi hugged her tight, "We're all equals. You're perfect."

"You too," she returned the sentiments. "You've never replied to my letters," Jae complained all the sudden.

"I did," answered Yoongi.

"I never saw any of them," Jae objected.

"That's because, I never posted them," Yoongi pinched her nose.

"Aww no," lamented Jae. "I'm sure you threw that away with my letters too. Now I will never get to know what you wrote," Jae sulked again.

"Some might survived," replied Yoongi and Jae's eyes went big.

"It did?"

"Some of it," he repeated. "It's in Daegu and it would be a long time until you can read it because I don't know when the heck I would be able to go and visit my parents there," explained Yoongi.

"You have a full schedule ahead," said Jae. She started to yawn.

"It's late. You'd better get to bed," suggested Yoongi.

"I'm glad we have this talk," said Jae.

"I'm glad too," replied Yoongi as he kissed her. He couldn't get enough of her as his kiss went deeper. Jae was caught in her emotions and returned the feeling. Her hands went under his jacket, removing them effectively as he went on top of her. He then stopped her wandering cannula-free hand that ventured under his shirt. He planted his face on her neck, catching his breath.

"Oppa?' she asked questioningly, looking at him.

"We're in the hospital and the nurse might come in to check on you any time now," he explained. "Your IV bag is nearly empty," he pointed that out.

"Oh," replied Jae shortly as she looked at the said item. "There's always a lock on the door," she said thoughtfully.

Yoongi just laughed at her suggestion. As if on cue, someone knocked on the door before entering. Yoongi went up quickly and headed straight to the bathroom. Jae sat as if nothing happened as the nurse replaced the IV bag. She thanked the nurse after the nurse was done and Yoongi went out afterwards.

"That was close," commented Jae. She was trying hard to hold in her yawn, but failed.

"You'd better go to sleep, it's getting late," said Yoongi.

"Are you going home after this?"

"I'll stay for a while. I'm leaving for Japan in the afternoon and this is the only time I could spend with you. I could bunk down on the sofa."

"There's enough room on the bed," she invited as she sat on it.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes," replied Jae. Jae moved to her side and Yoongi laid down next to her. He ended up spooning her as he went on the bed.

"Are you comfortable?" asked Yoongi as he pulled her close, breathing in the scent of her hair.

"Yes," repeated Jae drowsily. "Ouch!" said Jae all the sudden.

"What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" Yoongi asked, worried.

"No. I bumped my cannula," answered Jae, lifting her right hand up. A bit of the blood already went up in the IV line. "I hate this thing."

"You'll get that out when you get discharged," said Yoongi as he was about to close his eyes.

"Oppa?" Jae called again.


"I love you too," said Jae.

Yoongi chuckled softly at her delayed response. "I love you, Jae," he returned before he finally doze off.

Jae slept with a smile on her face.

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