Chapter 43

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With a stroke of her signature, she gave the consent to the hospital to take Chin Hwa off the life support and proceed with the organ donation. Chin Hwa's health was declining and the hospital scheduled for the operation to be done at the earliest possible. Jae requested for the operation to be done the next morning unless Chin Hwa's situation didn't permit her to do so. Dr Seo respected her wish.

Yoongi was with her throughout the process and he could see that she was trying hard not to break down again. She was holding herself up valiantly as she was briefed on the process by Dr Seo. Outside she seemed calm and accepting. Yoongi knew she was using her sheer willpower then. She was holding on to his hand tightly as she carried on with the discussion.

They went to Chin Hwa's room afterwards. The sound of the machine was constant, and could lull anyone to sleep. For some people, it might be deafening and could cause anxiousness. For Jae, it was the sound of life, as the oxygen was pumped to his lungs and blood was coursing through his body. The constant beeping means Chin Hwa was still there with them despite his state of unconsciousness.

Chin Hwa was still alive.

"Good morning, oppa," greeted Jae as she kissed Chin Hwa's forehead that was not covered by the patches of electrode, monitoring his brain activity. Tear slipped from her eyes as she kissed him. "I'm sorry I didn't get to shave your moustache last time. I don't think I could work the razor through the ventilator tube now and you are getting shaggy," said Jae, trying to be cheerful, but failing miserably. "He hates his moustache," Jae told Yoongi. "I usually shave his face and trim his hair when I come to visit, but now, I couldn't."

Yoongi was quiet. Nothing that he wanted to say could be of a help. You can't tell someone to be strong when that person is really trying hard to be strong. You can't tell people that you understand their situation when you have never even gone through that kind of experience yourself. Even if you already did, it is always different for everyone. Hang on? She's hanging on to every single thing possible right now. The only thing he could do to help Jae now was to just be there for her.

"Do you think I can move him to the side? I don't want him to get bedsores if he stays on his back for too long," pondered Jae. "I'll go and ask the staff if I could," she continued.

"Do you want me to call Ki Tae hyung and Chan Ri noona and inform them about Chin Hwa?" offered Yoongi. That's the least he could do now.

Jae nodded. "Yes please. I haven't had the chance to tell them yet."

"I'll call them up then."

"I will stay here at the hospital until everything is done. I know you have your full schedule, you can't leave them all behind for me," said Jae.

"Jae," Yoongi started to object, until Jae put her finger on his lips.

"Oppa, please. I promise you that I won't break. There's a lot of things that I have to start doing too." She really had to pull herself together. She had to make arrangement for the cremation, and she needed to call up the people in Daegu who could help her in interring Chin Hwa's remains. Chin Hwa did mention that he wanted to go back to their hometown and be close to their parents. The hospital has its own funeral home and she need to go there later.

The world would not stop when someone you love dies.

That was the painful truth that she learned when she was 8 when she lost both of her parents. Crying would make her feel a little bit better, but that was just about it. Breaking down won't erase her sorrow either. She needed a clear head. She was the only one who could do this for her brother.

"I don't want to leave you to do that all by yourself," replied Yoongi. He had seen her 'to do' list before they left her house in the morning. She wrote all the things that she should do when they pull Chin Hwa off the life support. It was quite morbid to have it all planned out when the person it was intended for was still breathing, but Chin Hwa's situation was anything but usual.

"You're here with me now is enough and knowing that you are helping me through all this means the world to me. Don't let my difficulties become the cause of your trouble. I can't live through that. You can come and be with me when your job is done. Have faith in me," she reassured him.

Yoongi was hesitant.

"Oppa, please," she pleaded again. "The faster you get your job done, the faster you could be here," she reasoned.

"Call me up anytime at all, okay?" he conceded.

"I promise, I will. Now go," she said.

"I love you," he hugged her tightly.

"I love you too," she held on to him longer.


The moment came on Monday.

It was near to 10 a.m. and the medical team was ready to wheel Chin Hwa out to the operation theatre. Jae stood back as they prepped him up for the transfer. Chan Ri and Ki Tae came for both Jae and Chin Hwa. Jae's tears started to fall again and Yoongi was holding her close. Then they started the last walk.

Jae was next to the bed, holding on to Chin Hwa's hand. This was truly the last time she was able to walk with her brother. Everyone was silent throughout the journey and the other staff who they met along the way was bowing to Chin Hwa. It was the last respect that they gave to patients who were also organ donors. It was even harder for Jae who had to go through the last march with him.

Jae kissed Chin Hwa's forehead for the last time as they reached the entrance to the operation suite. It was the time for Jae and Chin Hwa to part ways. "Goodbye, oppa. Send my love to eomma and abeoji. I love you," said Jae painfully.

It was their last goodbye.

The team proceeded in moving Chin Hwa in and the door closed on them.

Chin Hwa saved 7 lives that day.

His wish was granted.


Author's note: This chapter was hard 😭

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