Chapter 55

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Jae waited for Yoongi at the private dining area at the hotel her foster family was staying at. They were meeting up for dinner. Jae wore a dress coat over the long sleeved, knee-length red dress that she bought with her mama earlier that day after she introduced her family to Ki Tae and Chan Ri over lunch. The dinner venue at the hotel requires formal dress and she was never ready for a formally attired Min Yoongi who was walking towards her.

"Did you come here from work?" asked Jae, looking at his dress shirt and pants. He wore a top coat over his shirt and his hair was swept to his side neatly, exposing his forehead. He also brought a paper bag with him.

"No. I went home to change before coming. How do I look?" he asked, sweeping his hands back.

"You look very impressive and way too good looking Min Yoongi-ssi. You do me in with that look," complimented Jae. "You have definitely killed some people along your way here," replied Jae.

"Are your foster parents here?" he asked, looking at the dining area's door.

"They're waiting for you inside," said Jae. She looked at Yoongi and he looked pretty uptight. "Relax, they won't bite," comforted Jae.

"Easy for you to say," commented Yoongi. "They're your family."

"Well, imagine how I felt that time when you sent me off to your parents' all by myself," retorted Jae.

"That was different. You already know them," replied Yoongi candidly.

Jae looked at him drolly, "Should I let you meet my family alone in return for that?"

"No!" replied Yoongi quickly, holding on to her hand.

"Come on. They're going to like you," assured Jae. "You don't have to go extra length and bring them gifts," said Jae, pointing at the paper bag. "They're not Korean," she paused. "Well mama is but she's been living in the states for so long."

"Well, I am Korean and I stick to the gift bearing tradition," said Yoongi. "Your dad loves whisky, right?"

"Yes, that's what I told you few days ago when you asked," Jae held his hand in comfort. "Oppa, relax."

He took a deep breath and exhaled. "Lead the way," he said.

Jae linked her arm to his and led him to the door to their private dining are. Yoongi held the door for Jae and they went in. That was when Yoongi met Jae's foster family for the first time. Jae's foster dad and brother were towering over them. Theodore Westberg, Jae's foster dad is really tall with his patrician features apparent. He looked like a staunch banker with a body of a line-backer. His hair was all white and looks really intimidating.

Danny got more than his dad's share of height. He look like a younger version of his dad. The only trait he got from their mama was his jet black hair and eye color. Yoongi was glad Jae's mama was about Jae's height. She has a warm and friendly face with sharp eyes that made her look like she didn't miss a trick ever. She looked elegant and young despite being in her 50s. If she and Jae walk side by side, they would probably think of her as Jae's older sister instead of her mother. She had probably found the fountain of youth, thought Yoongi.

He introduced himself formally and was quite impressed that her daddy and Danny were very fluent in Korean. "Dad worked in Daegu when my parents met so he's already an expert. Every one of us is bilingual at home and mama made us learn Hangul," explained Danny when Yoongi complimented on their proficiency as they shook hands.

"It's good to see you in person," said Jae's mama to Yoongi. "We only saw your pictures before."

"We thought you're just her make believe boyfriend," said Danny. Jae kicked his feet on impulse and Danny stepped back in reflex, already anticipating that move from Jae.

"He's real and you can see that," said Jae in defense.

Yoongi gave each of them their gifts – a good bottle of whisky for Theo, a brooch for Jae's mama and 2 pairs of modern hanbok for Danny.

"Thank you so much," said Theo, looking at the box. "This is good stuff," he commented.

"That's my personal favorite," informed Yoongi.

"You got good taste," complimented Theo. "Too bad Jae won't be able to appreciate it," he said.

"She'll pass out after a few sip," said Danny.

"The brooch is beautiful," said Jae's mama. "Thank you."

"Mama, you are being too westernized right now. You won't hear the end of it if Grandma Han can see you opening the gift from the guest in front of the guest," Danny chided playfully.

"Hush, she's not here now," Eun Ja waved her hand at Danny's remark. "Why is everyone standing for so long? Let's sit," she said, taking her seat. The seats at the table was arranged so that they were eating face to face with 2 seats at one side and another 3 at the other side. Theo, Eun Ja and Danny sat at one side while Jae and Yoongi sat at the other.

They talked companionably with Jae's family asking Yoongi about his work. Yoongi felt like he was in an interview despite the light-hearted mood in the room. He looked calm and answered the questions with ease. Jae was surprised as she took his hand under the table and felt his clammy palm. He was definitely nervous.

"How did both of you get together again? Jae didn't tell us what happened when we didn't believe her," asked her mama as they ate.

"We met at our workplace," said Yoongi.

"Does the company make games too?" asked Theo to Yoongi. He then turned to Jae. "I thought you say you work freelance with game developers," said Theo to Jae.

"I worked part time there as a cleaning personnel. I already resigned," supplied Jae.

"How about the restaurant? I thought you mentioned working there too," asked Danny.

"I already resigned too after I accepted the Japan offer," said Jae.

"Just how many jobs did you juggle before Chin Hwa passed away?" asked Eun Ja, in the middle of taking a piece of meat from the plate.

"A few," said Jae, drinking on her water.

"As much as I applaud on your independence and hard work, if you run into any trouble, you know where to find us," said Theo.

"Or I would look for you myself," added Danny. "I should have known that happened when you were suddenly unreachable. You hate making us worry but when you thought you were saving us from that, you made all of us go through hell. That's not going to happen again," vowed Danny.

"I hired a private investigator to find you. Since you moved a lot, he failed. I should have kept on looking after that," said Theo regretfully.

"I'm really sorry," Jae apologized. "I won't do it again, I promise."

"So back to the question. What did Jae do this time?" asked Eun Ja to Yoongi.

"Why do people always think I did a repeat of what I did that time?" asked Jae, exasperatedly. "I've changed."

"That's because we witnessed your lovesick puppy phase for years," explained Danny. "Min Yoongi this, Min Yoongi that. My ears bled when Jae started rambling about you," said Danny to Yoongi. Yoongi just smiled as he ate his food. Danny turned back to Jae "You even have books with his name scribbled in it. Ow!" Danny yelped. Jae kicked Danny's foot under the table.

"Kids! Stop fighting," chastised Eun Ja.

"Can you at least make me look good in front of him by not saying too much?" said Jae, not listening to her mama.

"Save you breath, dear. They're not going to listen anyway," said Theo, patting Eun Ja's hand in comfort.

"I can't. I'm not programmed like that," replied Danny.

"I'm not like that all the time," said Jae, turning to Yoongi. "Don't listen to Danny."

"Oh yeah? Then how about the time you-," Danny was stopped when Jae went to Danny's side and covered his mouth, effectively stopping Danny's ranting.

"Shut it!" warned Jae. Danny moved and pushed Jae's hand and since she was standing and Danny was sitting, Jae used that advantage and switched her arm in a head lock – courtesy of being roughhoused by Noah and Danny as she grew up at their house.

Yoongi's eyes went big at Jae's head lock. He'd never saw this part of her before. She did say she could defend herself. She told him she was slashed at the convenience store last year because the slasher was erratic and she miscalculated her moves. He didn't believe her then either.

Theo shook his head. "Some things never changed. I apologize for all this fiasco," said Theo, drinking his soju.

"Children, behave!" admonished Eun Ja, going up to the fighting kids and twisted both Danny's and Jae's ears. They yelped in pain before stopping their bickering. "Jae, act ladylike for god's sake, your boyfriend is here," chastised Eun Ja.

"Now sit down both of you and act your age, we have a guest," said Theo.

"I'm glad we booked this private dining room. God knows what I would do if we're in a public dining room," said Eun Ja, getting back to her seat.

"If you want to back out, now is the good time," prod Danny devilishly.

"You are definitely going to pay for this," muttered Jae, setting her clothes and her hair back in order.

"Now I sound like a broken radio. Did she pursue you?" asked Eun Ja to Yoongi

"No, I was the one who was doing the pursuit this time," Yoongi answered.

"Really? That's a surprise," commented Eun Ja.

"Did you hang around at her house just like she did before?" Jae choked on her kimchi as Danny asked Yoongi the question. Yoongi thumped on her back lightly and passed her a glass of water. That hits home. Yoongi hangs around at her house after they got together, not before.

"Thanks," her eyes watered as she mouthed to Yoongi before drinking it. Choking on a kimchi stung a lot.

"She was set on being just friends so it was not easy at first," said Yoongi. "She avoided me a lot after I confessed."

Theo, Eun Ja and Danny looked at Jae in surprise. Jae just carried on eating without care.

"I thought she would be jumping in joy when you showed your interest in her," said Danny.

"She did the opposite," responded Yoongi. "So I had to do a lot of convincing."

"You really did change," commented Eun Ja.

"I thought he could get someone else better than me," explained Jae. Yoongi squeezed her hand in response, knowing what went through her mind at that time. "My self-esteem was really low at that point."

"It's great that you had her convinced," said Theo.

"She's a wonderful person and she can't see it," replied Yoongi.

"When are you flying out to Japan?" asked Theo to Jae, changing the subject effectively.

"I start on the 15th but I'm going to go there at the 10th to sort my stuff and settle down at a new house," replied Jae.

"That's your birthday," pointed Eun Ja.

"I'll be celebrating my birthday working, then. It's no big deal, mama," said Jae.

"You'll be there by yourself," said Eun Ja worried.

"I'll be fine, mama," comforted Jae. "I'll call up, I promise."

"Are you up for long distance relationship?" asked Theo to Yoongi.

"There's technology. I think we'll both be fine as long as we work for it," replied Yoongi.

"Relationship takes effort. If you're complacent, it is going to wilt fast," advised Theo, eyeing at Danny.

"Why are you looking at me dad?" asked Danny. "I'm single."

"You broke up because you're too complacent," replied Eun Ja eating the banchan.

"Your mama and I are married for a long time but we made it interesting. Have to spice it up once in a while," Theo winked at Eun Ja knowingly and Eun Ja blushed.

Jae and Danny shuddered at the same time. Yoongi laughed at their expression.

"TMI daddy," Jae cringed. "Euw."

"Dad, we're eating. Please," pleaded Danny.

"Jae's mama and I had a lot of fights when we got married. I returned to the states and she was stuck here because of immigration matter. Good thing we pulled through," Theo looked at Eun Ja with love in his eyes. "We spent a lot on phone bills, though."

"I'll only be there for 6 months," said Jae.

"6 months would seem like forever. Don't let the distance ruin your relationship," advised Theo.

"Excuse me, I need to go to the powder room," said Eun Ja. "Jae, accompany me please," she requested.

"Sure, mama," answered Jae.

Both of them left the dining room, leaving the males behind. That was when the mood changed 180 degree.

"I'm going to cut to the chase and be quick. What is your intention towards my daughter?" asked Theo straight away.

Yoongi knew that was coming that he was somewhat prepared. "You have raised a wonderful and independent woman, sir," Yoongi started. He paused and went forward. "I respect her and she means a lot to me. We are still new to this despite the length of time we made acquaintance years ago. I am not going to give you empty promises, but I do hope there's a future between your daughter and I."

Theo nodded in approval and Danny jumped in. "You have lots of fans and work with a lot of celebrity. You have a huge selection of people to choose from. Why Jae?" asked Danny. Despite the ruthless teasing and prodding between both of them, Danny really cares about Jae.

"Trusting people on a personal level is quite difficult for me. It's hard for me to discern the fake from the real that I didn't bother to look for a relationship until I met Jae again. She knew me since before I made it big. The more I learn about her, the more I am amazed by her."

"I'm not going to do the classical father-boyfriend threat. I can see that you really care about Jae, I value that above all else. If things don't go well and you part ways mutually, I'll be fine. But if one word about cheating or an affair reach me, I'll personally come and ruin you," Theo threatened.

"I did some checking and I know you're not fond of heights. After dad is done, you would have to face me," added Danny. "You have our trust, for now. Don't mess it up."

"I understand," replied Yoongi firmly.

"Let me pour you soju," offered Theo. Yoongi brought his glass up to be filled, turned to his side and drank. Then they started to talk about the fine points of a good whisky which Yoongi was more than glad to join in.

Jae and her mama returned to the dining room not long after to find the males laughing and chatting companionably over soju. Jae smiled at Yoongi as she returned to her seat. She was glad Yoongi was not as tense as he was before he joined them for dinner. The meal went really well that they exchanged phone numbers at the end of it. Yoongi apologized to her family in advance for not being able to send them off at the airport the next day. There was another show coming up real soon and he would be busy preparing for it.

"How are you really?" asked Jae in the car after they parted ways with her family. Yoongi put his car in gear and started driving.

"I'm fine as you can see," replied Yoongi. "They're amazing people and I am really happy you grew up with them. They really care about you."

"Did something happen when my mama and I went to the powder room?" asked Jae curiously.

"No. What makes you think that?" asked Yoongi back.

"You were really tensed up before I went out but after I returned, everyone looked chummy. What happened?"

"We bonded over liquor. That's all," said Yoongi.

"I hope dad and Danny didn't pull out any macho protective sentiments over me," said Jae. She turned and looked at Yoongi. "They didn't, did they?"

Yoongi only smiled as he looked at the road as he drove.

"Did they?" asked Jae again.

"Don't worry. I could fend for myself," he squeezed her hand in reassurance.

"They did," said Jae, resigned. "I hope they didn't give you a hard time."

"We bonded, so to speak. That whisky really helped. Thanks for the tip."

"You're welcome," said Jae.

Yoongi parked his car at the lot as they reached Jae's house. Jae unbuckled her seat-belt as Yoongi cut the engine off and pulled Yoongi for a kiss. "I've been wanting to do that since you showed up at the hotel, but you were too strung up," admitted Jae. "You. Look. So. Hot. In this suit," complimented Jae, fiddling on the top button of his shirt.

"You look beautiful yourself," praised Yoongi back.

"Too bad you have to get back to work," Jae sulked. "I am grateful that you rearranged your schedule to meet my family."

"I'm happy to finally meet them," said Yoongi.

"Don't walk me up to the door. You are extremely noticeable with this look," said Jae, stopping him from getting out of the car.

"It's already late and no one is around at this hour," objected Yoongi.

"I can't promise not to pull you in if you do. Then you won't be able to work," stated Jae. "You can just see me going to my house from your car. That would be better," advised Jae. "I'll wave at you when I get in my house. See you around. Love you," she kissed him quickly before he could say anything. She left the car and went all the way up. Jae went into her house, opened the window and waved at him, signaling she was safe.

Jae closed the window off and went to her closet to hang her coat. She was in the middle of hanging it when she heard the pass-code being entered from outside. The door opened and she was surprised to see Yoongi. She put her coat in and closed the closet door "I thought you already left," she said.

"I could stay for a bit," and he went on kissing her hard. "You slay me with that red dress," he whispered before continuing.

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