Chapter 58

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After Yoongi returned to Seoul, her identity was exposed by the fans who saw their farewell at the train station. When that went out, the masses were curious and looked her up on the internet. Her old recital video that she uploaded a decade ago on her video channel suddenly received a huge amount of likes. Other videos that she uploaded received the same attention. The video of her playing Paganini/Liszt Etude was the favorite.

There were a lot of comments and Jae had to mute off the notification. Some wete positive and some were scathingly toxic. As Yoongi advised, she didn't read through it, but one stood out – With skills as good as that, how could I compete? Jae nearly gave that comment a like but she stopped herself. She logged out of the site. It was better that she didn't interact to any of the comments whether it was good or bad. She's not looking for unnecessary attention.

As for Yoongi, some immature fans went overboard and went on a strike in front of the company telling them to break up. Not many turned up in their rally so it was easily dispersed by the company staff. After a month or two, the general masses seemed to accept the fact that both of them are in relationship whether they like it or not.

Jae went to the game developer studio and was greeted warmly by the staff. She had her own studio room where she could work without interruption which was good. To her delight, it was equipped with the latest studio equipment. She predicted that she would be spending a lot of time there.

Her Japanese were limited. She could understand some words but not in a full sentence. She tried to use it as much as she could which endeared her straight away to the other staff. They were helpful too. She set a challenge to herself to speak Japanese to anyone who made eye contact with her. She was able to speak like a local on her fifth month there. Company get-together was a drag for her. She had to be firm on her non-alcoholic choice of beverage when everyone else were chugging down sake and beer like plain water. It was good that they respected her and didn't push her to drink it

The six months dragged to more. The project gone through a lot of re-doing which included the storyboard and the game reel. Jae was up on her elbows with the songwriting and Yoongi was busy flying around the globe for concerts. Both of them were keeping themselves really busy so that the distance doesn't affect their relationship much. As Jae's dad predicted, their phone bills skyrocketed. They went on video calls when they could, spent a long time talking and managed to at least text each other when they were too occupied with work.

It was now September and Jae took a short break for Chuseok. She bought the tickets in advance knowing that the war for public transport tickets would start. Chuseok is when everyone in Korea make their way to their hometown. Traffic would be crazy and the public transport would be packed. The normal 2 hour drive could double up to 4.

She went out from the ticket gate at the Daegu station and brightened up when she saw Yoongi waiting for her. He was on his first vacation ever since the moment he debuted and he was already there for the festive season. Not caring for the world, she vaulted herself to him. "I miss you!!" she exclaimed. They haven't seen each other for months and that was telling.

He held her tight savoring her warmth in his arms, "I miss you so much."

Jae pulled back and smiled widely at him. He was wearing his face mask and his baseball cap but she could see his eyes lit up. "Let's go before I do something I shouldn't do in public," suggested Jae impishly.

Yoongi laughed, "You're right. Let's go," he took the handle to her big luggage and held onto her hand. "What do you have in here? It's heavy," commented Yoongi.

"I got something for everyone at home. Noah and his family would be there too," said Jae. Originally, she planned to stay at and Airbnb accommodation. On the insistence of her mama, she would be staying at Han's residence since her family was flying in from NY for Chuseok. "I got something for your parents."

"That's good. I got something for your family too. When will Danny arrive?" asked Yoongi. He somewhat bonded with Danny despite the fact that Danny kept on inviting him for a skydiving session for free. Danny even went to BTS concert at Rose Bowl, LA and praised Yoongi for his showmanship. They managed to sneak in a 1 on 1 basketball session and Yoongi could see where Jae's skill came from. Danny was impressive on the court. He even met up with the rest of BTS and Jungkook was more than excited about Danny's job. Jungkook wanted to go skydive when time permits him.

"Danny will reach here in the evening. He had to finish off his job before he could fly in. The rest of my family members are already here since weekend," said Jae. "And don't go on believing whatever bad things Danny said about me. Noah is the one you should trust."

Yoongi smiled. Danny only dishes out on Jae's antics when Jae was around. Despite the egging and ruthless teasing up front, her brother really cares about her. It was from Danny that Yoongi found out Jae didn't talk nor interacted much after her parents died. Chin Hwa didn't know what to do with a silent Jae. The best thing he did at that time was hiring someone to take care of Jae at home. Chin Hwa was not around that much either since he had to take over their dad's business overnight. He was still a university student and juggling his tasks too. He didn't realize Jae was wilting away, playing the piano non-stop, not even care to eat until Eun Ja and Theo came and visited her.

Eun Ja convinced Chin Hwa to let Jae stay with them in New York. Chin Hwa was hesitant at first but he relented knowing that Jae would fare better with Eun Ja. Jae's obsession with the piano play at that time made Eun Ja gave her a nudge and landed Jae a solo performance at Carnegie Hall.

When Jae came to their house when she was 8, Noah who was 14 and Danny who was 10 didn't know what to make of a silent girl who was glued to the piano. Then, they started the good natured teasing. After some time they managed to draw Jae out of the shell. One day, Eun Ja was actually shocked to find Jae rolling up in the mud with both Noah and Danny after a series of merciless teasing. Jae was trying to get back at Danny and Noah was trying to break them off unsuccessfully that he was caught in middle of the war. It was after the rain and the ground was wet and muddy. The fight halted when Eun Ja came out of the house, screaming. They stopped and looked at each other. Then, they laughed.

Three of them were grounded for a week.

Yoongi took her for lunch and they went to the park after the meal. They spent their time catching up, walking around and sitting at the bench doing nothing. By evening, Yoongi sent her to Han's residence. They were making out in the car In front of the residence until there was a tap on the window on Jae's side.

It was Danny smiling devilishly outside the car. "As much as I understood that both of you finally got together, need I remind both of you that you're in a neighborhood filled with family and you're drawing out attention by fogging up the car," he said as Yoongi brought the window down after Jae hastily composed herself. Danny's interruption was as effective as an icy cold shower.

"When did you arrive?" asked Jae, annoyed at Danny for his timing.

"You were too busy making out to notice the taxi dropping me off," said Danny. "You'd better get in. I saw someone behind one of the windows from the house looking at the car."

True to Danny's word, someone went out from the gate. It was Noah. Jae opened her door excitedly, pushing Danny with it and lunged herself at Noah. Noah hugged and lifted her up. "How are you doing, squirt?" he asked as he put her down.

Yoongi went out from the car and saw the reunion. He pound hugged with Danny. He then took Jae's luggage from the boot and joined in the small crowd. "So you're Min Yoongi?" asked Noah.

"Yes, I am," Yoongi said. "Pleased to finally meet you. Jae told me a lot about you," he shook Noah's hand.

"Good things I hope," said Noah. "You drove her nuts that summer and I have so much to tell you," he added.

"Not you too!" wailed Jae. "Traitor! I thought you were better than Danny."

"Excuse me?" objected Danny to Jae. "I am way better than him."

"In your dreams," retorted Noah and Yoongi smiled at the exchange.

"Ask Yoongi," added Danny.

"I'm on neutral ground. I side no one," said Yoongi holding his hands up. He have no plans to get in between the two behemoths' squabbles.

"Wise choice," praised Noah, patting Yoongi's back.

"Kids! Get in. It's getting dark," shouted a very familiar voice from the gate.

"That's mama. We'd better get in," advised Noah.

Yoongi entered the house with Jae and her brothers. The huge house was filled with family and it was quite loud. The people inside were busy preparing for the celebration and the newcomers could hear the loud conversation from the dining and kitchen area. Everyone was busy decorating the house, preparing the delicacies and the food for the next day ritual.

Jae, Yoongi and Danny bowed to Grandpa Han and Grandma Han who were at the family area of the house. "Grandma, your boyfriend is here," joked Danny, referring to that moment when Grandma showed Yoongi's picture in her phone gallery.

"You scamp," said Grandma Han turning red, hitting Danny's hand.

"Grandma, show me some of your dance moves," prod Danny again as he made a poor rendition of 'Idol' choreography.

Grandpa Han just shook his head at the exchange. Danny was always the center of chaos. "We finally get to see the boy whom Jae chased years ago. I'm glad you're real."

"Pleased to meet you, sir," said Yoongi respectfully. "I apologize for not being able to stay long. It's getting late."

"Thank you for sending Jae here," said Eun Ja.

"It's my pleasure," replied Yoongi.

"Will you come here tomorrow?" asked Theo.

"I will, sir," replied Yoongi before excusing himself. He had to get back to his parents' house too. He hadn't been around for Chuseok for years and his mom would certainly make her displeasure obvious if he's not home. He's not ready to get his ear bleed. Jae sent him to his car and bade him goodbye. They had a lot of things planned for the next day.

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