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Eventually, the day of Taehyung's graduation came and he was surrounded by his family who were taking pictures outside of his house for the memories. Of course, Taehyung invited Jungkook who argued with Taehyung about how he was still not ready and Taehyung was honestly not up to fight on the day he was supposed to be happy so he simply left without any words.

Now though, he was pretty happy even without Jungkook who was nowhere in sight. "Jimin-ah, get in the picture with Taehyung." Taehyung's mother, Songyun called out to the boy who was sucking on a sucker that made his lips blue. "Stupid." Misun rolled her eyes at Jimin who hurried over.

"You look like you just ate a smurfs ass," Taehyung spoke to Jimin who nudged him. A laugh erupted from Taehyung as he wrapped his arm around Jimin as the picture was taken. Just then, everyone started to pack up into the vehicle. Having some hope, Taehyung checked his phone to see nothing on his notifications.

"Forget about him. It's our day today." Jimin nudged Taehyung who nodded and huffed out, shutting his phone off as he got into the vehicle. With that, Misun was taking pictures of all three of them before she clung onto Jimin. That day was pretty special for Jimin and Misun as well.

They'd been together for so long and now they were graduating together. Jimin and Misun were both proud of how they both turned out and even throughout all the fights and arguments, they still stood strong. Even Taehyung was happy for the two as he watched them both.

When they did arrive at the high school they had a hard time parking so the three got out to go get ready while the family tried to find parking. Eventually, when they did, everything was starting and Taehyung completely forgot about Jungkook and that made him quite happy considering he got to spend his time with his classmates.

After receiving his diploma which took so so long. Though waiting so long was worth it when the students were tossing their caps into the air as Taehyung then ducked, not wanting to lose an eye while he was at it. "Ow fuck." Jimin was heard which had the majority of the class laughing while the principal spoke on the mic. "Language there Mr. Park." He outted Jimin who put a thumbs up.

"Fuck him," Jimin whispered to Taehyung before Misun jumped towards the two and brought them both in for a hug. "Look at us go, all graduated and shit." Misun smiled while Taehyung flicked her head in which Jimin flicked Taehyung's head. "You're still all children." Songyun walked up to the three along with Misun's mother and Jimin's.

After the sentimental moment and hugging it out, they all hurried over to their whole family until Taehyung saw Jungkook fixing his tie while he talked to his father. Stopping in his tracks, Taehyung's eyes widened as he walked up to the table. "There's my boy!" Taehyung's dad raised his voice as he said so, bringing Taehyung in for a hug.

Jungkook looked at the male as he smiled lovingly, watching his boyfriend hug his parents and grandparents before he made his way to Jungkook who huffed out. "You're right. I... was scared. I didn't want to be called down or anything like that but... I love you so..." Jungkook grabbed onto Taehyung's hands and squeezed onto them with a slight smile.

Taehyung looked at his parents who had already caught on. "So, you're my sons.." Taehyung's father waited for the young man to finish the sentence and Jungkook did as he nodded. "Jeon Jungkook, I'm Taehyung's boyfriend." Jungkook moved aside to hold his hand out. This was the only time Jungkook felt so incredibly nervous as he looked at the father.

Taehyung pursed his lips as his father looked at Jungkook's hand before nodding, grabbing onto Jungkook's hand which had them both sighing out in relief. "Well, Jeon Jungkook. You treat my boy good, and we'll talk more over some drinks," he spoke with an intimidating look as Jungkook was quick to nod.

Though Taehyung's mom and grandparents were more welcoming. Taehyung watched his boyfriend interact with his family before Jimin came running up to Taehyung and wrapped his arm around him. "We're going to a fucking party tonight." Jimin took out his water bottle that was supposedly filled with water but it was vodka. It amazed Taehyung that Jimin could handle such a harsh straight drink.

"On god, Jimin are you drinking already?" Taehyung looked at Jungkook who was staring at the two and gulping, Taehyung removed Jimin's arm. "Yeah, pregaming man." Jimin gave Taehyung the bottle as Taehyung looked at Jungkook again as if he was asking for permission as Jungkook nodded.

Taehyung bit his lip before he took a shot and another one soon after that before giving it back to Jimin who chuckled. "Look at you, you didn't need a chaser." Jimin patted Taehyung's back. "Yeah, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to puke it out in a few seconds." Taehyung excused himself and Jungkook followed after.

"Still can't hold your alcohol huh?" Jungkook walked behind Taehyung who nodded and waited for the vodka to flow but it didn't. Taehyung closed his eyes and leaned on the wall while Jungkook placed his hands on Taehyung's waist and let the boy lean on him. "I don't want to be a party pooper so, I'll allow you to go out while I have a few drinks with your dad, hm?" Jungkook looked at Taehyung who nodded at the 'deal' he failed to notice.

"Okay, yeah." Taehyung looked up at Jungkook and wrapped his arms around the male who kissed Taehyung's forehead. "Text me where you're going and I'll pick you up around two." Jungkook gave Taehyung a time limit but Taehyung didn't go against it. "Wait but- you'll be drunk too," Taehyung spoke, a little confused.

"Unlike you, I can handle my alcohol princess. Now go on, go have fun but keep your phone on." Jungkook patted Taehyung's ass as the boy nodded but leaned in to give Jungkook a quick kiss before hurrying off to join Jimin and Misun while Jungkook walked back over to Mr. Kim who was waiting for Jungkook.

If Jungkook was being honest, he didn't want Taehyung to go out. He wanted to keep the boy in his house and make him watch movies or something while he went out with his father but it was his graduation night so, he allowed that.

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