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[Fall Semester, December]

It was December now and you could feel the winter chill creeping and traveling across your body as you hugged your oversized maroon wool coat. You had forgotten you scarf, but you had not turned back to grab it because you had a hood to keep the cold away from your ears.

As you walked along the side walk, you could hear the murmurs. It had been getting worse. The talks and the rumors but it was worse now and this time, it was actually affecting you. It was also annoying you because it was now pity. They were pitying you and it made you hate it. You wanted them to hate you rather than to give you pity.

It was even worse than worse because now there was a name. A name had been attached to one of the rumors and if you did not trust your boyfriend you would have actually believed the rumor. You stopped walking when you saw that the girl who owned that specific name was in front of you.

Her name was Suzy.

She was a grade below you and so you had never seen her face to face before.

You had though seen Namjoon interact with her, though he never stayed with her when he saw you. He would always immediately come to you when he saw you, pulling you into a breathless embrace. He also never flashed that signature smile that made your heart clench and butterflies in your stomach to jump around like a bouncy ball.

You guessed that it was his way of making you feel better...no, he wouldn't. He wasn't. He promised to be loyal, faithful to you while dating and he had never shown anything that could make you doubt so you pushed the disgusting thought away and just focused on the younger female student.

Suzy was beautiful and gorgeous. Not as much as Mina but she was definitely up to par with Juny, who was known to be constantly asked to be a model or an actress.

Suzy's lips were full but it wasnt like Mina's plump soft lips. Still, her lipstick was perfectly applied elegantly and luscious. Her eyes were doe-like and large with long eyes lashes and her nose, eyebrows and ears were all perfectly place by Aphrodite on her heart-shaped face. Her height was perfect as her perfect breasts and curvaceous body.

You could not help but stare at her features. Suzy was not intimidating but you definitely knew the reason why the rumors of Namjoon was with her. Why she was the match that everyone thought the Elite in their school should be with.

What Suzy was...she was the exact type of woman that Namjoon loved. Suzy was his ideal type and what made it worse was that you kind of felt that the two together would look so perfectly well together.

She was even dressed well and it was flattering on her despite how appropriately she was dressed for the weather. While you were wearing what you were so you could just survive the cold. Not that there was anything wrong with that but seeing the female in front of you made you feel like you should have tried harder, just a tad bit.

She looked at you from your head to your toes, taking in your visuals and, your stares and blinks. You couldn't tell if her scanning was insulting or not.

"Oh hello. You're Namjoon's girl friend..." Suzy's voice, the pitch and tone, was perfect too.

"I am." You answered but softly.

Though it irked you the way she had said your name, you could not really get angry at her because...well you had no reason to. She was not hitting you or bullying you or being mean to you. She was just part of the rumor that bothered you the most.

It was just rumors and if Namjoon wanted to date Suzy, he could. You trusted that he would be honest with you instead of going behind your back. Since that was part of what they had agreed to when they had started dating, so they could salvage their friendship even if it did not work out in the end.

"You are?" You knew but you still asked because of technicality. It was all about the fine details.

"Oh." She placed her prettily decorated nails on her beautiful pink lips and gasped. "Silly old me, how rude of me. My name is Suzy. It really is finally good to meet you. I heard a lot from...Namjoon." The way her tongue sweetly lingered on Namjoon's name really unsettled your nerves.

Before you could think of a response, you were distracted by your boyfriend's call. His deep voice taking your attention to him as your name is hushed into your ears once his lips were able to reach your earlobes.

"Hello, Namjoon. How did you get home yesterday?" Suzy smiled innocently, her make up on point perfectly highlighted her smiling face. You could not help interpret her smile as one that was veiled. You were rather good at sensing people's self.

What was more bothering was her question. You looked at Namjoon, pulling slightly away from him. You did not like what the implementation behind Suzy's question toward your boyfriend was. It scared you a bit.

Namjoon was not pleased either.

With the way Suzy had phrased her question and also the way it caused you to react, his body was immediately stiff. You could feel his muscles tighten in reaction to how you yourself reacted.

For Namjoon, he had not seen you in a week, this had been the first that he and you were not in contact for long periods of time. That also meant that he was not getting physical touch from you. Only a peck, or a greeting here and there while at school. He was getting even busier as his schedule was fully packed until the next semester, and helping his father with the company was taking too much time away from him. And he hated it, despite the fact that it was his duty to do so.

"That's misleading." Namjoon stated with a frown as he took your hand and gently kissed it, before giving you a reassuring stare. He wanted you to trust him. "And to answer you, yes I did but so did Hyuk, and my parents." He said bye to Suzy and pulled you away from the cold and into the warm heated building. "Don't trust whatever she says or anyone, okay?"

You looked up at him and into his chestnut colored eyes. The hue was so beautiful and it mesmerized you. You looked at him clearly when he called your name with a light shake.

"Sorry." You whispered.

"Give me a kiss." He sighed before smiling down at you, "I want a kiss."

"Huh?" You looked up at him with curious eyes. His smile was wide like a Cheshire Cat.

"A long one..." Namjoon pulled you into an empty storage room and trapped you against the door with his strong arms. He entrapped you further by strategically placing one of his legs between your thighs. "Where do you think you're going, love?"

He smirked sexily, as you straightened up once more. He knew you well enough that you would try escaping him by going under his arm but he knew that. Knowing that he had made precautions by disabling you from limbo-ing away from him like previous time.

"No where." You licked your lips before your teeth bite a corner of your soft lips. He saw this and kept staring at your untinted, lipstick free lips. To him it was even more tempting. "Uh, hey Namjoon, we should go to class."

"What?" He snickered at that. It was so cute the way you trembled underneath him. "You and I", his lips came closer to your earlobes as his fingers undid the buttons on your coat, "both know..." he then pulled his coat off before ripping your coat away from your fingers. He chuckled as he continued, "that we do not have zero period on Thursdays."

You looked at the two coats on the floor before his forefinger raised your chin up to look at him. You could not stop staring into his deep eyes. You wondered how long it had been since the two of you had time together. Like this, alone, just some time together. It was so hard to see him despite how he lived two blocks away from your house.

His fingers caressed your cheeks before tracing down to your nape. As he did this, his eyes never left your face.

You felt butterflies in your stomach bat their wings furiously against the lining of your stomach. Your heart was soaring and you somehow got the courage to put your arms around his neck. You breathed in his scent before pulling his neck down so you and he could be of the same level. Your lips innocently and sloppily met his and you could feel him smile.

He obliged happily and with glee.

It was not common for you to initiate a touch, a kiss, not even a hug that lasted more than three seconds. The hug you gave him was tight, lingering and body to body and it made him, oh so, happy. And the kiss, it was not the peck that you usually gave him since that was your definition of a kiss. This kiss was real, and the one that he would usually implant on you. You pulled away slightly, causing him to grown at the loss of touch but you knew that he wasn't about to let you go so easily.

Pulling you up by your thighs, he wrapped your legs around his waist before setting your back against the metal door once more. You were now seeing him eye to eye as his hands supported your bum up.

Before you could even think about how heavy you were, his strong arms lifted you a bit more to angle you better. This caused you to tighten your legs more around his body. You could feel his hands on your ass grabbing at it and caressing it longingly. This was not the first time you and he had made out or touched each other more sensually. You loved touch. It was your love language while for him it was gifts and token of appreciation.

He groaned as he could feel your soft body under your clothes. The skirt you had on was not helping. It was one of the few you owned and he loved it on you especially because he bought it for you. He pushed his hard body deeper into you to feel you more. He kissed you deeply, and you allowed his tongue to explore the cavern of your mouth.

His kisses were breathtaking and you were losing breath but he was relentless. He wanted more.

He pulled away for a moment. It was just for a moment before it was crashed on your lips again. Your hold on his neck stayed as you did your best to meet his expert moves. You were so into it that you even allowed a wandering hand to explore the skin underneath your knit sweater. Moving it up, he cupped the breasts that he loved to squeeze and fondle with. A place he had all rights to touch and play with. It was a place that you allowed him full access to and he took full advantage of it. With the other free hand, he decided to rub your upper thighs as he pressed his pelvis further into you.

Still, with the franticness and eagerness of his body and your body, you were afraid. A hand reached for him, which he met and interlaced with his own.

"I know. I know...", he whispered as he kissed your jaw before going lower to the shoulder that was exposed to him. He had tugged on it enough to stretch it to one side. "I won't."

And he didn't.

Though Namjoon did not go any further, he did not stop his lips from attacking where he was allowed. You allowed it because you were comfortable with that. He unclasped your bra freeing your breasts from its confinement. He pushed it up and you held it for him as his lips trailed down to your cleavage. You closed your eyes feeling his soft kisses on your skin. He was so warm and he was quickly warming your chilled body with his own body heat. You became warm quickly until it was even hot.

He nibbled everywhere he could. You arched your back giving him a better angle. He sucked and sucked, leaving red bites that would soon bruise. He pulled away admiring his work on your skin, which he thought was perfect.

"Beautiful." Namjoon muttered before plunging down once more to your breasts and hardened tits. Taking one in his mouth, he lapped, sucked on them and kissed them while he fondled and teased the other with his thumb and forefinger. You gasped as he lightly bit your nipple with his teeth causing you to moan his name out. "Mine all mine..." He whispered as he continued his administrations on your breasts.

He only stopped when the bell signaling for the first period rang.

Namjoon smirked as you grumbled and mumbled at his incessant need to touch. It was incoherent so he didn't respond other than to tease you. "You enjoyed it."

"Shut up." You tried hooking your bra but you fumbled with it.

"Here, I'll do it." Namjoon twirled you around so he could do the clasps on your bra. He did it easily and it made you annoyed. You frowned at him and turned to him after adjusting your sweater, but he had not seen it because he had turned to pick up his and your coat that had been abandoned to the floor. When he finally saw you he asked, "Why are you pouting?"

"Not pouting..." But you were...

"If you say so." He chuckled, and it made your heart all fuzzy. "Come on, we have three minutes to get to class." Then you remembered so you grabbed your coat from him and rushed out leaving him alone in the storage space. He chuckled as he waved to an invisible you. "See you soon."

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