First Proposal

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A/N: Still waiting for trailer 2, but in the meantime have a sorta Christmas in July Broppy fic, taking place post Holiday in Harmony 😜


A balloon ride over the Troll Kingdom was a pleasant experience. But there were certain things that made that said experience an even better one. A ride at night during the holidays, for one, enhanced the atmosphere, as the rider would be able to see all the unique, beautiful lights and displays of each musical tribe. Another thing that added a touch of extra excitement was the ability to ride with Queen Poppy, the optimistic pink Pop Troll who's ever-jovial attitude allowed her to be a friend to many.

And, to some, more than a friend.

But that was only a special advantage that one particular Troll had the privilege of having. And that Troll happened to be having the full pleasant experience. That Troll, being Branch.

It went without saying that Branch held a special place within the pink Pop queen's heart. Those who knew them from Pop Village (namely, Poppy's closest friends referred to as the Snack Pack) had seen the pair since the start of their friendship and how it had blossomed. Those who had come to know them more recently, such as members from the Troll Kingdom, saw how the pair interacted and knew without much doubt how much of a close bond they shared. Why, even Queen Barb of the Hard Rockers - who very well knew Branch's name - simply liked to refer to him as 'Poppy's boyfriend' when speaking with others, despite the two not officially being an item.

Well, not yet at least. But that was something that the teal Troll was intent on resolving soon. And by soon, he meant...


Branch cleared his throat, attempting to be inconspicuous but also wanting to make sure that he got the attention of his companion. He felt a moment like this, staring out at the beauty of the lands below should perhaps not be interrupted. However, Branch did not see a better moment to ensure that they were alone, so that he could express a certain thought that had been on his mind for quite some time.

Poppy immediately turned to him, a content expression on her face. "Yeah?"

Branch didn't say anything right away. Instead, he took a few fleeting seconds to behold her beauty, far more radiant than anything they'd seen on the balloon ride thus far. He loved the perfect pink hues of her skin and hair, the way her stunning fuchsia eyes sparkled with life, and the way her sweet, pink lips upturned when she smiled softly at him. The same pink lips from which the physical memory still lingered of when she'd pressed them lovingly against his cheek in a quick but incredible peck. Branch had to resist bringing a hand up to his cheek to rub that spot in fondness, and prevented himself from the goofy, giddy laughter that wanted to bubble up again. Boy, that had felt good! He blinked, clearing his head, pressing on with confidence and poise. "I, umm... have something I want to tell you."

The pink Pop Queen nodded, her eyebrows drawn together slightly in worry. "What is it? Is everything okay?"

Branch nodded, unable to keep the smile off his face. "There's actually, uh, a second part to your gift from today..."

Poppy blushed. "Braaanch," she groaned playfully, though she couldn't hide the pleased glow from her cheeks, "you shouldn't have. Here I am, having gotten you nothing, and here you are with not one but two gifts for me!" She sighed. "Not the best impression on the Gift Master, huh?"

Branch chuckled, reaching over to take her hand in his and speaking softly. "Poppy... I know you've got a lot on your mind, being the queen and all, but you remember what we said. Gifts might be a nice part of the holidays, but the best gift is just being here... with each other."

Poppy gratefully squeezed Branch's hand. She knew that, of course. But the queen still wished that there was something she could do to make up for the huge gift box with nothing inside. Luckily, Branch presented that opportunity in that next second.

"But I guess, if you still feel like you want to make it up to me - which, is not necessary, by the way - you, um, could agree with what I'm about to ask you. Which, you know, you're not obliged to agree, it's totally okay if you don't because it's your decision and as a friend I respect whatever your decisions might be -"

"Branch," Poppy cut into his rambling with a laugh. He was so cute when he got flustered. "Just ask me. What is it?"

"Well..." He took a deep breath, gathering his courage. His fingers curled a little tighter around Poppy's hand. "Poppy... we've been friends for a while now."

"Correction: really good friends," Poppy said, with a grin. "Best friends."

Branch nodded, blushing slightly. "Right. Best friends. And... well. We're pretty close."

"Yep!" Poppy agreed, giggling. They had a special connection, and every time they hugged or high-fived they could feel it.

"And... you know that I, um, l-love you," he continued, starting to get a little nervous.

"I love you, too, Branch," Poppy reassured him, feeling that wonderful warm glow she always got whenever she said it out loud. It was such an honest thing to say, because it was the truth.

"And..." Branch continued, "I was wondering if we could take our friendship a bit further. Make it not exactly a friendship, per say, but more of a... a relationship?"

The pink Pop Queen gasped, realizing where this was headed.

Branch 's face further darkened with a blush when he spoke again. "Poppy... would you be my girlfriend?"

Poppy felt her heart leap at the words. A swarm of butterflies felt as though they'd taken flight inside her stomach, leaving nothing but joy and excitement in their wake. She could hardly say how happy she suddenly felt. She really did love Branch so much, and he made her feel so special. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she was dying for things to be more official between them. Why, she had even considered proposing the idea to him!

"Look, I... I know that things were not so great between us before the whole Bergen-Town rescue thing, and I know that you'll probably never forgive me for leaving you to get captured by Barb when she was doing her World Tour. And like I said before, you don't have to feel obliged to agree, I mean, I'll be fine with whatever you decide because it's what you want, and I'll be happy with whatever makes you happy so - "

"Shh," Poppy hushed him, placing her index finger on Branch's mouth. She couldn't help giggle at the startled expression on his face. She wished she could snap a picture of how flustered he got again. "Branch, I've already forgiven you like a thousand times over for that stuff - no, more like an infinity-times over! You don't have to keep apologizing... unless, you don't think I'm a merciful queen..."

Branch's eyes bulged. "What?! No, NO! Poppy, of course you're a great queen, I would never - "

"Branch, I'm joking," Poppy reassured him, snickering.

He relaxed a little, though he still looked somewhat embarrassed. "Sorry. Um, you're right..." He looked down at his feet, avoiding her gaze.

But it wasn't for long. Poppy's free hand found its way to his cheek, lifting his head so that he faced her. "And my answer, is yes." She smiled brightly, her fuchsia eyes sparkling. "I would LOVE to be your girlfriend. And I'd love for you to be my boyfriend!"

Branch made a sound of surprise and gaped at her. "Yes? Really?" He looked utterly ecstatic, as though she were giving him the entire world for the first time. And, in a way, she was, because Poppy was his world.

Poppy laughed again, nodding vigorously. "Uh, yeah! Definitely! I mean, all of Troll Kingdom pretty much thinks we're together anyway!"

"O-Oh... right."

Poppy saw his expression falter a little, and she smiled sweetly at him. "Branch, I'm not saying yes because everyone else thinks we should be together. I'm saying yes because I really want to be with you. You're so sweet, and funny, and kind, and cute... you're just who I want as a boyfriend!"

Branch grinned broadly. "Yeah?"

"Yes!" Poppy said again. "What, you, the guy who's super overprepared for everything, didn't prepare for me to say yes?" She feigned shock.

"Well... there's a first for everything," he laughed.

She joined in his laughter, the two holding each other's hands and grinning. She loved the way he looked at her... like he couldn't believe someone like her existed. And Branch loved how she treated him, like he meant absolutely everything to her. Like he was precious, unique, irreplaceable. He felt like the luckiest Troll in the world. The most important person in the universe. And he loved it. She was perfect for him, in every conceivable way. And he wanted to show her - his girlfriend - just how special he thought she was.

Branch leaned closer towards her, tilting his head, letting his eyes slip closed. He figured the action would not be a stretch, since she herself had pecked him on the cheek. And there's a first for everything, he reminded himself.

Poppy leaned in, too, a little scared and a little anticipatory for what was coming next. She closed her eyes, her boyfriend's breath caressing her lips just a few centimeters away, and ...


A fizzing sound followed by a loud explosion and burst of light filled the air, causing the two Trolls to jump back from one another in surprise. They looked out into the sky. The balloon had returned back to Pop Village, and fireworks were being shot out around them as part of the holiday celebration. Some Trolls below clapped for the pretty display, some clapped for the couple's return... most clapped for both!

Poppy and Branch awkwardly cleared their throats, neither knowing quite what to say. They were obviously surprised that their moment had ended abruptly. But it was taken in stride, the mood not completely killed. Instead, Branch extended one of his arms out, wrapping it around Poppy's shoulder and allowing the pink Queen to snuggle up next to him, one of her arms on his chest and the other holding his free hand.

They stood there like that, watching the fireworks go off around them, listening to the cheers of the crowd, and loving the feeling of having each other in their arms, safe, loved and alive in their bubble of happiness. There would be more opportunities to kiss - it was something that came with being boyfriend-and-girlfriend, they knew that.

But for now, this was enough.

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