First Time

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First Time

Laken waved goodbye to his best friend Sadie after she dropped him off at the mall. Laken had only just turned 16 and was taking Driver's Ed this semester, so wouldn't have his license for another 7 or 8 months. Sadie was almost 17 and had gotten her license last summer, and was such a good friend that Laken often found himself at the receiving end of her generous spirit. He smiled as she drove off and thanked no one in particular for the fact that she just dropped him off and didn't insist on coming in with him. She even refrained from teasing him mercilessly about his first date with Pryce.

Pryce. He took a deep breath to shake away the jitters. Today he was meeting Pryce for the first time since that day, two Saturdays ago, when he met him briefly at one of his own swim meets. That fateful day, Laken had just hopped out of the pool after taking first place in the 400 meter freestyle and swimming his best time ever. It was a bit of a fluke, Laken was a good swimmer, but one of the teams they were swimming against was the biggest collection of excessive testosterone he'd ever seen. Every single swimmer was a beast. He and his teammates were pretty sure that their coach fed them steroid cocktails. So he was surprised when he looked up at the scoreboard and realized he had beaten one of the juiced up boys from West Inglewood High.

Sadie and some of their other friends were screaming from up in the bleachers, but what caught his eye most was a dark hair boy sitting next to his friend Matt. Matt was talking a mile a minute, but the boy next to him was staring at Laken.

Laken felt his face flush as he realized the boy was looking him up and down, he had forgotten he was standing there in his tight black speedo. Matt finally took a breath and looked up, following the boy's line of sight until his eyes landed on his friend.

"Laken! Hey, awesome race."

Laken quickly grabbed his towel, wiping down his face and chest before walking over to his friend Matt. He held the towel strategically in front of him as his skimpy bathing suit left nothing to the imagination.

"Hey Matt," he said, greeting his friend. Laken glanced over at the boy sitting next to Matt, whose eyes hadn't seemed to have left him. It suddenly made him feel even more nervous. The boy looked tall and well built, he could tell even though he was sitting down, with chocolate brown eyes, dark brown wavy hair and a killer smile. Laken couldn't help but think he was the hottest guy he'd seen in a long time, 'way out of my league,' he thought to himself. Laken had never had a particularly high opinion of himself, despite his friends' efforts to make him realize what a catch he was. Sadie teased him that it was a ploy for compliments, but he honestly didn't see what all his friends, and this boy with the chocolate brown eyes, seemed to see.

"Laken, this is Pryce, my best friend from when I went to Mackenzie." Matt had switched schools last year when his parents moved, Mackenzie High was only about a half hour away, but there were no buses that went there from this area and his parents didn't want to drive him every day, so he had to switch schools. Which was good for Laken, because he'd become a really good friend. "Pryce, this is Laken."

"Hi Laken. That was an awesome race, congratulations."

'Gah! Even his voice was sexy!' Laken thought. He blushed again, feeling the heat on his cheeks and was forever grateful he'd picked up his towel and let it hide the front of his bathing suit as a familiar feeling crept through his groin.

"Um...yeah, thanks." Laken mentally slapped his forehead, 'what kind of response was that!'

"LAKEN!!!" He went temporarily deaf as the loud, shrill voice of Sadie echoed through his ears as she flew through the air towards him. He lurched forward at the unexpected launch his crazy friend made onto his back and Pryce quickly stood up and steadied him. The only thing was, Sadie had forgotten that all the swimmers grease up their bodies before a meet. Their coach believed that shaving off all body hair that wasn't covered by their suits and slathering their exposed skin in swimmers oil shaved off a few vital seconds on their time. Therefore his strawberry-blond haired friend soon found herself sliding down his body and landing on her butt with a hard thunk.

"Ow," she muttered just before the boys burst out in laughter. It was a few seconds later that Laken realized the handsome boy that stood about 3" taller than he, was still holding onto his arm.

"Uh, thanks," Laken said, his eyes moving from the hand on his arm, up to the soul melting eyes.

"No worries," he replied, sitting back down with a grin. Laken willed himself not to blush as he smiled back, though not very successfully.

"Do you have any more races?" Matt asked.

"No, that was my last one, I'm just going to go take a shower and get dressed."

"Cool, meet us out front and we can hang out for a while before my Mom comes to get us. Pryce is staying at my place tonight."

"Sure. Take Sadie with you so she doesn't try to sneak in the boy's locker room again."

"Hey! I only did that once!" She complained, giving Laken her nastiest glare.

"Once today, but that doesn't count every other time you've done it."

Sadie stuck her tongue out at her best friend as Matt dragged her away, followed by Pryce who just shrugged and gave Laken another one of those heart stopping smiles. He watched the three of them head towards the door, actually he watched one of them as he headed towards the door, actually, his eyes were glued to the very attractive behind of one of them as he headed towards the door, and that was all well and good until that certain person turned back and Laken realized he was busted. He blushed a crimson red before he turned around and headed towards the locker rooms.


"Laken, great job out there!" I looked back to see the coach calling over to me.

"Thanks coach," I replied as I walked over to where he was standing with his clipboard. "Can I go shower now?"

"Sure, there are only two more races to go, hit the showers and stop by the registration table on your way out, they'll have a medal for you."

"Cool! Thanks!" At the smaller meets they have a little ceremony for the top three in each race, but this was a regional we were hosting at our school and it was too big and running way behind, so they'd scratched the medal ceremony, which meant I could get out of here sooner. After grabbing some shampoo and body wash from my locker, I headed straight into the shower and rinsed the chlorine and swimmers oil off, or as much of it that I could.

We were sharing our locker room with Mackenzie High while the Juicy Boys and another school were using the girl's locker room, the irony not lost on any of us. After I dried off I quickly pulled up my jeans and pulled a red polo shirt over my head. With my dark hair and dark blue eyes, all my girl friends (friends who are girls, of course) always told me I looked great in red.

Sadie loved my blue eyes, she said the type of blue was cerulean - she's an artist and knows all the shades of colors. She constantly tries to get me to wear eyeliner, but I draw the line there. I may be gay, but I'm not going to start wearing make-up any time soon.

I slipped into my black converse and grabbed my backpack before heading out the door. At the registration desk I gave my name and the woman checked it off on her list and handed me a gold medal. "Congratulations honey! Great job!" She said in a high pitched jersey accent; which was odd since this was Louisiana.

"Thanks!" Too embarrassed to wear it, I stuck it in my front pocket.

Standing on the front steps of my school I looked around the well-manicured lawn. I saw a group of my friends, including Matt, sitting on the ground under a large oak tree. It was a warm, early fall day, but the breeze on my still wet hair made me shiver slightly. 'Shit, did I even comb my hair?' I quickly reached up using my fingers to make sure it wasn't a total mess.

"Come on Aquaman," Sadie giggled into my ear coming up behind me, I hadn't notice that she wasn't with the group. She grabbed my hand and pulled me along with her.

"Just don't embarrass me," I mumbled to her.

"Do I ever embarrass you?" She asked in mock surprise.

I rolled my eyes. "It's like your life's work."

She gave me an evil grin and I just knew I was fucked.

"Lakey here thinks I embarrass him on purpose," Sadie complained as we reached the group. Case in point since I hate the nickname 'Lakey'. I pulled my hand out of hers with a glare and sat down next to Matt. "It's not my fault you make it so easy," she muttered as her attention switched to Matt's friend Pryce.

"Sadly we haven't been formally introduced," she grinned at him, holding out her hand. "I'm Sadie."

"Pryce," he replied with a friendly smile, before turning his gaze back on me. "That shirt and those jeans looks great on you, but I think I like the speedo better."

Heat immediately flooded my face and any words were completely lost to me. I think my lips moved a few times as I tried to think of something to say, but it just wasn't happening. I heard a few snickers and once again wondered why any of these people were my friends.

"Um...thanks?" I finally croaked.

"Laken, you want to come hang out with us at my house?" Matt asked. Everyone else had gone back to talking among themselves after my moment of embarrassment had reached its full peak.

"I can't," I groaned. "We have some family dinner thing going on and my mom said I had to be home right after swimming."

"Bummer, I wanted Pryce to get to know some of my friends."

"I can come!" Sadie piped up.

"I thought you were giving me a ride home?" I asked her, trying to mask the tone of annoyance threatening to spill out. I love the girl to death, but she was going to be the death of me.

"I'm just trying to figure out my options," she laughed, "I'm only kidding. Your mom's a better cook than Matt's so we're all good."

"Hey!" Matt objected.

"The truth can be harsh," Sadie said softly, petting Matt's shoulder.

"Your friends are as crazy as you described," Pryce chuckled to Matt.

"Hey!" Both Sadie and I shouted in objection along with some of the others who'd overheard.

The sound of a horn interrupted us as I saw Matt's mother pull up in her black Chevy Equinox. Matt stood up, "that's us," he announced.

"It was nice meeting you," Pryce said, looking directly at me. "Maybe we'll hang out another time?"

"Yeah, that'd be cool," I replied.

"Way cool!" Sadie added, jumping up and giving him a big hug.

"Umm, yeah," he mumbled stiffly while looking at me like I could save him. He didn't realize that there's not much I could do to stop the aberration that is her Highness Sadie.

When she finally let him go, she looked at me, her eyes sparkling mirthfully. "Let's go toots."

I rolled my eyes and started to get up when a large, lightly tanned hand reached out just in front of me. I looked up at Pryce's smiling face and grasped his hand letting him pull me up.


"I figured you might be tired after swimming." He looked behind him at Matt who was halfway to his mother's car. "Um, can you...have a phone?" He stuttered nervously, the suave demeanor he'd had up until now suddenly cracking.

"Uh, yeah..."

"What's your number?"


Sadie let out a big sigh and grabbed a piece of notebook paper out of her bag, scribbling on it. "Here, his number and his kik user name."

Pryce blushed, but gave us both a wry grin. "Thanks. I'll see you later."

"Yeah, later..." I breathed out as he walked away.

"You little devil you," Sadie muttered under her breath. "The best looking guy to come around all year and he freaking has the hots for you. Fuck my life!"

"Language Sadie, language," I scolded.

"I don't know how to say it in Spanish though."

I let out a big sigh and gave her a push in the direction of her car.

'Hots? For me?'


After Laken said goodbye to Sadie that evening, he ran up the stairs to his bedroom. Of course Sadie had stayed for dinner, she was a regular in the house and his grandparents who had come over that evening had become so used to her presence they would have worried if she wasn't there. Although he had 'come out' to his family, his old fashioned grandparents probably still harboured a belief that Sadie and Laken were more than just best friends as back in their day, boys and girls didn't often have such close friendships, which Laken found very odd.

Cell phones weren't allowed at the dinner table so Laken quickly went over to his desk and picked up his iPhone 6. He grinned as he saw he had two messages from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey Laken, this is Pryce

Five minutes later there was another text.

Unknown: What are you up to?

Laken grinned. There was something really sweet about the awkward text. He quickly added his number into his contact list and replied.

Laken: Hi Pryce. Not much just had dinner with my grandparents. You?

There was an immediate reply and Laken chuckled as he realized Pryce had been sitting by his phone.

Pryce: Me and Matt are watching Netflix. And I'm texting you :)

Laken smiled again as he replied. By the end of the night his cheeks would be aching from grinning so much as they texted back and forth until well past midnight.

He'd found out that Pryce was also 16, but was older by five months. He had his learner's permit and was taking his road test in four weeks. After getting the preliminaries over with; favourite color, book, movie, song, TV show, actor, and actress they moved onto the more personal details.

Pryce was gay as well and did not have a boyfriend. There was no one at Pryce's school that was remotely interesting in that respect, but yes, he'd met someone at another school who was very interesting and yes, that someone was Laken. Besides Laken looking extremely hot in a speedo, Pryce admitted that he loved Laken's huge dimples when he smiled, and the way he blushed when he was embarrassed. He also liked Laken's dark blue eyes and the way his slightly longish dark brown hair framed his face.

Laken confessed that Pryce was the hottest guy he'd met in a long time, (maybe ever, but he kept that to himself) and he liked how his wavy brown hair kind of looked out of control. He also liked his light, chocolate brown eyes; as well as how tall he was and his broad shoulders and strong build.

Pryce had to go back home the next day, but Laken was relieved to find out that he only lived a half hour away and once Pryce got his license his mom would let him use her car until he got his own. They exchanged Instagram and Facebook user names and each one poured through the other's pictures; Laken particularly enamoured with a shirtless photo someone had snapped of Pryce at a car wash fund raiser.

Over the next two weeks they texted several times a day and eventually began talking on the phone.

Pryce didn't have his road test for another couple of weeks, but he was sick of waiting to see Laken again so he asked him if he could meet him the following Saturday at a mall that was half way between the two of them. Laken figured he could get a ride from Sadie or in case of an emergency he could ask one of his parents for a ride, though he wanted that to be a last resort. Too many questions he wasn't ready to deal with yet.

So their date was set for Saturday at 2:00 p.m. and they would decide on the spur of the moment how to spend the afternoon. It was a big mall that had a food court, movie theatre, arcade; plenty of places to hang out.


As I walked into through the large doors of the mall, I thought of the last text I received from Pryce this morning.

Pryce: The first thing I'm going to do when I see you today is kiss you.

My heartrate started to pick up at the thought that any minute now I would be kissing Pryce. I wandered through the crowd looking around.

What if he changed his mind? What if he doesn't show up? Will he still feel the same when he sees me again?

I took a deep breath willing the nerves away. He wouldn't stand me up. After talking and texting him for two weeks I think it's safe to say I'd gotten to know him a bit, and even Matt said he was a great guy.

"Hey." I heard the word whispered in my ear by a familiar voice as two strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind. I was immediately pulled into a warm chest as I breathed in the scent of clean soap with a hint of aftershave, filling my senses and causing me to relax into him. Before I could think my next thought I was being turned around and his lips went immediately to mine; soft at first and then turning more brave and insistent.

I let my mouth follow his while he kept one hand on my hip and the other slid up until it was behind my head, holding me steady as his tongue probed my lips and I opened them immediately. Man, but he could kiss. I hadn't ever had a kiss like this. A few chaste kisses during spin the bottle don't count, so I decided that I could honestly call this my first real kiss.

By the time we finally broke apart we were both breathless. Pryce leaned his forehead against mine and let out a quiet laugh.

"That was definitely better than I imagined it would be, and my imagination was pretty damn good."

"Yeah," I agreed, still catching my breath. "Can we do that again?"

"If you keep smiling like that so I can see your dimples, we can do whatever you want."

If I was already smiling, that sentence probably turned it into an ear to ear grin that would rival the Joker, but before I could worry about looking ridiculous, his lips were on mine again.

If the first kiss was great, this one was amazing. The passion level ramped up to maximum levels and the way his lips moved so sensuously had me wondering how he learned to kiss like that. Like, is there an A.P. class that teaches something like this? Passion 101? Advanced Lip & Tongue Techniques?

Totally lost in the moment, it wasn't until we broke once again for air, and my eyes opened, that I remembered we were in the middle of a crowded mall. I glanced around; no one was really paying attention to us, maybe a few odd looks, but I didn't care and Pryce didn't seem to either.

"Umm, maybe we should cool off for a few minutes," Pryce said in slight pant and I realized that it wasn't just his hips pressed into mine, and it wasn't just his growing issue, but mine too.

My cheeks heated up much to Pryce's amusement. "You get embarrassed so easily."

"Sorry," I said glancing away as we moved apart just enough to give us a breather.

"Don't be sorry, I think it's cute. I think you're cute."

"Nah, I'm not cute," I replied, wondering if he needed glasses.

"Yes, you are. Very cute." His voice was firm, but warm as he proceed to trail a finger along my jaw line. "And very kissable, but I suppose we can follow up on that a bit later."

"What do you want to do today?" I asked.

"I don't know, are you hungry?"

"A little."

"I'm starved. Do you want to go downstairs to the food court and get something...and then, I don't know, we can hang out and talk for a while, there are some movies at 4:00, we can check out the arcade..."

"Cool, all of it," I laughed.

Pryce smiled back and took my hand, leading me towards the escalator to the lower level. "My older brother's home from college so he said he'd pick me up later, any time, when do you have to be picked up?"

"Any time before 9 because Sadie's driving me and she's got a junior license so she can't drive after dark."

"That's fine, so we have plenty of time together."

Pryce and I decided to share a pizza and luckily we had similar tastes so he ordered a medium pepperoni and two cokes. He insisted on paying, even though I tried to at least pay half. He said he had invited me on the date, so he was paying.

One of the things I had learned from him was that he worked part time at his uncle's sports shop a few nights a week and every other weekend. While I didn't have a job yet, now that I was 16 I was going to start looking for something part time too, so I didn't have to depend on my parents for spare money.

Pryce was also a lacrosse player, which was a spring sport. He told me he used to play football in the Fall, but wasn't in love with the game so he stopped playing this year to be able to work part time so he could save up for a car, plus his parents wanted him to start concentrating more on school so he'd be able to get into a good university after he graduated.

He and his lacrosse buddies still got together about once a week to play, he told me, just to keep up their skills for the spring season. He also confessed to his new found interest in watching swimming and promised to come to another swim meet soon.

We ended up just sitting and talking for almost an hour after we finished our pizza, huddled across from each other holding hands, talking and laughing, occasionally leaning in for another kiss. Both of us had gotten over any nerves, me especially because Pryce never seemed as nervous as I did. He was just really easy to talk to and he seemed to like me just for who I am, so it was pretty easy to feel comfortable with him.

After a while we finally got up to walk around before going to the movies. We ended up in Spencer's looking at all the stupid novelty items that just seem so awesome in the moment. Pryce bought me a Foster the People CD because he said they were one of his favourite bands and he wanted me to listen them. I felt weird letting him buy me things, but he kissed me so long and hard that in a blubbering mess I finally agreed. Really I think I was just catching my breath, but he took that as an approval and ran up to the front counter with the CD.

I wanted to get him one too, but anything I suggested he already had. He confessed to being a bit of a music junky, so I figured I'd just have to think longer about something I could surprise him with another time.

I honestly couldn't tell you what movie we saw since we were the cliché teenagers sitting in the back and kissing the whole time. Making out at the movies was definitely as good as everyone says; in the dark no one could see and the Dolby sound was loud enough to drown out the occasional moan when Pryce squeezed my upper thigh or I ran my hand down his chest and abs.

It was our first date so both of us were pretty PG-13, but when Pryce looked at me, the look in his eyes seemed to hold a promise of what we both hoped was to come.


After the movie the boys wandered around the mall some more, stopping in at the arcade to try a few games, but neither were terribly big on gaming. When Laken's stomach growled, Pryce grabbed his arm and dragged him down to the food court again and they shared a foot long sub and a bag of chips.

When Laken realized they only had one hour before their rides came, he asked Pryce to follow him; there was something he always wanted to do with his first boyfriend, though he didn't say that to Pryce. As they walked, Laken wondered if that's what they were, he was pretty sure, but either way he wanted a memento of this date.

Pryce smiled as he saw the large photo booth. It was one of those that you put your money in and it snaps several pictures in a row. Laken deposited a five dollar bill and the two boys squeezed inside, Laken sitting on Pryce's lap. They took the typical pictures; smiling, making a face, staring into each other's eyes and kissing during the last two. When the strip came out and Laken saw how good it looked, he quickly deposited another five dollar bill and pressed the button for a duplicate set before the time was up. Now they each had their own memory of the day.

"Do you want to sit outside for a while, it's still warm out?" Pryce asked.

"Sure, Sadie's going to text me when she gets here and then I can text her back where we are."

Pryce led Laken outside to a courtyard where they sometimes had live music or other events. Tonight it was quiet so they found a secluded bench and sat down.

"Have you had a good time?" Pryce asked.

"Yeah, it's been great. You?"

"It's been perfect. I'm really glad I met you Laken."

"Me too."

"So, then...will we do this again?" Pryce tipped Laken's chin up to look into his eyes.

"Yeah, for sure," Laken replied, slightly breathless. Pryce's eyes seemed to look deep down into his soul and it was a heady feeling.

"Can I kiss you again?" Pryce whispered into Laken's ear as he leaned forward, sending a tingle down his neck.

"Yeah...definitely...for sure," Laken breathed. Pryce chuckled softly as he trailed soft kisses from Laken's cheek, down his jaw line and finally over to his mouth. "I love making you nervous," he teased just before capturing Laken's lips in a heated kiss.

When Laken felt his phone vibrating in his pocket he realized they had been kissing non-stop for a good 20 or 30 minutes. He felt light headed and every nerve ending on his body seemed to be vibrating. He pulled his phone out and saw a message from Sadie that she was going through the McDonalds drive through across the street and wondering where she should meet him. He texted back their location before looking up at Pryce, a mixture of need and sadness on his face.

He needed more of the tall, handsome boy and he felt sad that their perfect date was coming to an end.

Pryce seemed to read his expression. "It's okay; we'll plan another date soon. I have to work next Saturday, but we can do something Friday night or Sunday. We'll figure it out next week." Pryce stood up, pulling Laken up with him. They walked closer to the parking lot where Sadie would be arriving in a few minutes.

In a moment of bravery, Laken pulled Pryce back into him and leaned up, initiating a kiss. Pryce reciprocated by placing his hands on Laken's hips and pulling him close. Laken reached his hands up over his shoulders pressing himself tightly against Pryce's chest. Pryce quickly took control as he slipped his tongue past Laken's soft lips, exploring every part of his warm, inviting mouth. They were both inordinately turned on as their bodies pressed tightly together. A moan popped out of Laken's mouth when their lips popped apart, both boys out of breath. Pryce's hands slipped down Laken's back and lower still until he was squeezing two perfectly round cheeks while pulling him even closer until their growing erections were grinding against each other.

Laken had never felt anything like this and if it weren't for Pryce holding him right up against him, he probably would have melted into the ground.

"I don't want to let you go," Pryce whispered as he nuzzled his face into Laken's neck.

"Me neither," he panted. Pleasure overcame embarrassment as Laken and Pryce moved their hips against each other just enough to create some friction, relieving some of the pressure building behind their jeans.

Laken didn't know how much longer he could hold out; after all, he was a 16 year old hormonal boy with the hottest boy in the county rubbing his erection against his own. It really wasn't going to take much to throw him over the edge.

"HEY BOO!!!"

Okay. There was something that could stave off his release and that was it. Sadie's high pitched squeal echoed off the sides of the building and seemed to reverberate in his ears. The two boys pulled apart with a groan. Sadie bopped over and immediately started pelting them with questions about their date. Laken felt the tightness in his pants immediately relax and from the resigned chuckle Pryce let out, he assumed the same thing was happening to him.

Sadie and Laken stayed with Pryce until his ride showed up and then they gave each other an awkward, chaste kiss before they parted. Laken didn't feel comfortable with Sadie watching and Pryce seemed to feel the same as his brother looked on from the car window.

The following weekend Laken was feeling pretty low. Their plans had fallen through for Friday night when Pryce found out he had a family obligation, plus he had to work all day Saturday, and he wasn't sure he could get a ride anywhere on Sunday.

Laken was starting to feel insecure. He was pretty sure their texts and chats throughout the week had gone well, but he couldn't help disappointment from creeping into that part of his brain that always over-analyzed everything. By the time Sunday morning came around, tired from a bad night's sleep he couldn't rouse himself out of bed.

His parents had gone off to Church and were going to his grandparents' house after so he had most of the day to himself, but all he really wanted to do right now was mope in bed. When hunger finally motivated him to get up, Laken trudged down to the kitchen. His phone was quiet and that just added to his melancholy. He poured himself a bowl of cereal and brought it into the den to watch some TV while he ate, bringing his phone with him.

Unfortunately, even with 99 channels, he couldn't find anything on cable so he just left it on a music video station while he finished his breakfast.

He was zoning out to a song he liked when he barely heard the ding from his phone, letting him know he had a kik message. He and Pryce texted since Pryce still hadn't downloaded kik, but he figured he'd see who it was since he had a whole bunch of friends in a kik group chat.

It wasn't his group chat, but a message from Matt.

Matadon (The Matt-meister): Dude, come over! I'm so bored

LakrBoy (Laken37): Meh. I don't have a ride, no one's home

Matadon (The Matt-meister): I'm sending a car, bring your suit, it's hot out

LakrBoy (Laken37): A car?

Matadon (The Matt-meister): Well, Sadie

LakrBoy (Laken37): Pfft. Okay.

Matadon (The Matt-meister): Well, I have to invite her first, I'll let you know in five.

Five minutes later I got a message from Sadie.

SaLaVie (Sadie17): Pool party at Matt's be ready in 10

LakrBoy (Laken37): Yeah, I heard, hopping in the shower first

SaLaVie (Sadie17): Dude, pool party, water, you do the math

LakrBoy (Laken37): I still need a shower to wake up, I'll be 5 minutes tops

SaLaVie (Sadie17): Whatevs :)

Laken was pulling up a pair of cargo shorts over his swim trunks when he heard a car beep outside. He threw on a random shirt, stuck his wallet, phone and keys in his pocket and grabbed a towel on his way down the hallway. Sadie was applying a liberal amount of pink lip gloss as he plopped into her car.

"Pool party?" he asked, "who all's going to be there?"

"I don't know, the usual gang, Matt's parents went with some friends to some wedding or something, so they're gone all day."

When they pulled up at Matt's house, Laken recognized Kelly and Eric's cars, two of their other friends, and assumed the rest would have gotten rides with them. Laken followed Sadie around back where they could hear splashing and laughter. Everyone he expected was there except Matt.

"Where's Matt?" Sadie asked Tyler.

"He's inside getting some food and soda, he'll be right out."

"Laken, get in the pool!" Kelly yelled over so Laken threw his towel on an empty chair, pulled off his shirt, kicked off his sneakers and unbuttoned his cargo shorts, letting them drop to the ground before stepping out of them and placing them in a heap with his other stuff. He laughed as he watched one of their friends attempt a back flip off the diving board.

Before he could take a step toward the pool, he was grabbed from behind and pulled into a firm chest.

"Wha..." he yelped, turning around.


"Hey," the other boy said with a grin.

"What are you doing here?"

"My parents and Matt's parents were going to some wedding so they decided to drive together and dropped me off. I didn't know until this morning and then Matt and I decided to surprise you."

Pryce gave Laken a quick peck on the lips. "Are you happy?"

"Happy doesn't begin to describe it," Laken sighed. Now it was his turn to drool over Pryce in a bathing suit and he wasn't disappointed. Pryce was built! He had a muscular chest and flat abs while his legs were well developed from playing lacrosse. Freaking perfection, Laken thought to himself.

"I'm sorry about Friday, but I hope this makes up for it."

"I think it definitely does!"

Pryce pulled Laken into a long kiss causing his friends to start cheering and whistling. "Oh my god, grow up!" Laken yelled at them when the kiss ended.

They spent the afternoon swimming, kissing, eating, kissing, swimming some more and kissing some more. Later in the afternoon each of the teenagers took turns rinsing chlorine off in the outdoor shower, bathing suits on of course since it was basically an open set up. Pryce pulled Laken under with him which gave them the opportunity to kiss in the shower as well. Everyone found discreet spots to change out of their wet bathing suits leaving them outside hanging on lawn furniture to dry.

The boys changed once the girls had gone inside. Laken turned away from Pryce as he slid his trunks down and pulled his cargo shorts up. "Nice ass," Pryce chuckled quietly as he did the same. Laken was redder than a tomato when he turned back around to face the boy.

"I can't lie to my boyfriend," Pryce said innocently.

"Is that what we are?" Laken asked softly.

"Um...I hope so," Pryce replied. "I guess I never asked though. Laken, will you be my boyfriend?" He said formally, gallantly reaching out his hand toward Laken.

Laken pretended to think about it, but had a hard time keeping the sides of his mouth from turning up into a huge grin.

"Hurry up, you're taking too long," Pryce teased, poking at Laken's sides making him laugh.

"Yes, yes!" Laken shouted trying to block Pryce's frisky hands.

"Ah! My boyfriend's ticklish too!" The two boys ended up falling into a heap on the grass and when Pryce noticed they were the last ones out there, he leaned over Laken and slowly lowered himself until their bodies and lips were pressed against each other. "I missed your kisses all week," Pryce whispered.

"Me too," Laken easily concurred.

Leaning on one elbow, Pryce ran a hand down Laken's side as he continued to make out with his blushing boyfriend. Both still shirtless, Pryce let his hand wander over Laken's chest and stomach before rolling them over so Laken was on top.

Pryce grinned up at him as if to say 'have at me, I'm yours,' so Laken took a deep breath and let his eyes roam down his boyfriends body, his fingers following the same path. He surprised himself as he leaned down and placed kisses on his collarbone, trailing them down his chest and stomach, only stopping when he reached the waist band of his shorts. Pryce was as surprised as Laken, but the heated look he gave him told Laken that he liked it very much. Very much indeed.

"You can keep going if you want," Pryce murmured with a grin. Laken's eyes went wide and he looked nervous. "I'm only kidding Laken, anyone could come out at any second and we don't have to do anything until you're ready anyway."

"I...I...I've never..."

"It's okay," Pryce whispered, sitting up. "We're not in any rush." Laken sat back on his heels as Pryce leaned forward and gave him a kiss. "Why don't we go inside and see what everyone's doing?" Laken nodded and the two boys stood up. Once they had their shirts on, Pryce took Laken's hand and led them inside. Music was blasting in the kitchen while Matt, Eric and Kelly were putting some food together and the rest of the group were in the den arguing about a movie to watch. The air conditioning in the house was chilly so Matt had brought an armload of blankets into the den. Pryce grabbed one and led Laken to the oversized bean bag chair. They plopped down together and once food had been brought in and a movie had been chosen, the lights were dimmed and everyone became focused on the large screen.

Pryce and Laken snuggled under the blanket and the movie was soon forgotten as they pulled the blanket over their heads and settled into a heavy make-out session. Had they been in a car, the windows would have been completely fogged up as their hands roamed over each other and ended up in very intimate places.


I held back a moan as Pryce's hand, which had slipped under my shirt, began to glide lower and lower. I knew he was as excited as me, so I wasn't worried about him finding that out, I was more worried about keeping the noise level down to a minimum as my heart began to pound in my chest and my breathing turned to a laboured pant. I felt like I was on the verge of losing control and I didn't want any of my friends to hear us, I got enough shit from them as it was.

"Do you want to go upstairs?" Pryce whispered in my ear.

I had to think for a minute. Did I want to go upstairs with him? Yeah I was nervous, yeah I didn't have a lot of experience, but...yeah, I wanted to go upstairs with him. I trusted Pryce and knew he wouldn't take things any further than I could handle.

"Yeah," I whispered with a nod.

Pryce pulled the blanket down so that we could look around the room. It was a loud action movie and half of my friends who were coupled with each other, were busy with their own make out sessions and the rest were totally focussed on the movie. We were sitting toward the back so we quietly crept out of the room and snuck upstairs into the guest room. Pryce closed and locked the door while I stood nervously in the middle of the room.

"Don't be nervous," Pryce said softly, "we'll stop whenever you want."

"It's just...I mean, I've never really done all that much," I stammered.

"Me neither Laken."

"What?!" I looked up at Pryce in surprise, he seemed like he had so much experience.

"I've never had a real boyfriend before, I kissed a few guys, but nothing more."

Pryce's eyes were soft and sweet as he leaned forward and gave me a gentle kiss. He took my hands and led me to the bed and then tugged my shirt over my head. After he pulled his up and off as well, he sat down and pulled me down with him, leaning back as I followed him until we were lying face to face. Pryce pulled me closer and soon we were once again kissing like there was no tomorrow, our bare chests pressed together.

Pryce reached down and cupped me through my shorts and I let out a loud gasp as a lung full of air got caught in my throat. While his hand gently squeezed me, his hips were grinding his erection into my hip and he let out a steady groan that sounded like a low hum.

After a few minutes I started to get uncomfortable. I mean, after swimming, both of us were going commando and if he kept this up, well, I didn't want to be stuck in a sticky pair of shorts until I went home and I didn't imagine he would either.

"Pryce," I sighed after, my hands squeezing his biceps to get his attention.


"I think we should know...before..."

"I know..." he groaned, dropping his head onto my shoulder as he caught his breath. His hips had stopped moving and he lifted his hand off my shorts and rested it up on my shoulder.

We ended up laying quietly, Pryce tucking me into his chest while we dozed for a while until we figured the movie was almost over. We eventually put our shirts back on and snuck back downstairs before anyone even seemed to notice we'd gone missing.


Laken and Pryce dated for the rest of the school year, meeting once or twice a week once Pryce got his driver's license. They often found themselves in these high octane moments, which only got more and more intense the deeper their relationship grew. Over the school year, when the right opportunities presented themselves, they took things further and further, but they both agreed that they weren't quite ready to go all the way, and at 16 neither of them felt there was anything wrong with waiting.

The holidays came and they spent Christmas Eve at Pryce's house for his family's annual Christmas Eve gathering. Pryce and Laken had long since introduced each other to their families, which ended up going better than either of them expected.

New Year's Eve came and while Matt's parents went away with Pryce's parents to a big event in the city, Matt hosted a party at his place. Some of their friends were able to get a few cases of beer and some wine and since everyone would be staying over so they didn't have to worry about anyone drinking and driving. Pryce claimed the guest room he usually stayed in right off the bat and of course Laken would stay there with him.

When midnight came around and the bell was about to drop on TV, Pryce turned to Laken and just before the New Year was official, he told him he loved him. After they kissed, Pryce wiped the tears off Laken's face and when he felt like he could breathe again, he told Pryce that he loved him too.

In February, Pryce turned 17 and his parent's invited Laken to come with them on a weekend trip to Baton Rouge to celebrate his birthday.

The rest of the school year continued the same, and Laken and Pryce's relationship just got stronger and stronger. They were even half joking about what University they would attend together. Half joking because part of them really did want to go to the same University, though neither wanted to be the first to say it.

In the spring, Laken, who had finally gone for his road test and passed, went to all of Pryce's lacrosse games. He loved watching his boyfriend trek across the field like he owned it. He found it inexplicably hot and had a hard time controlling himself at the after game parties.

Summer found them both with summer jobs, but still spending lots of time together and in the fall when Laken finally turned 17, Pryce gave him a promise ring. A promise of what exactly, he wasn't quite sure what or how to explain, but he just wanted to give Laken something special that told him how much he loved him and hoped that they would have a future together. Laken was a teary-eyed mess as Pryce held him tightly, rocking him until he calmed down.

Seventeen was a big birthday for Laken as he finally decided he was ready to be with Pryce fully and had planned to tell him that night after the family celebration Pryce had been invited to be part of. When Pryce beat him to the punch with the ring, he was just too overwhelmed for words.

Laken asked Pryce to take him for a drive up to one of their favourite spots that overlooked a large lake. Laken threw a couple of blankets in the trunk of Pryce's car, along with a few other items tucked into a bag with a few water bottles and munchies.

It was a warm evening and the clear sky shone with hundreds of stars. It was a perfect night. After they laid out the blanket and kicked off their shoes, Laken pulled Pryce down on the blanket with him. "There's something I wanted to tell you Pry..." Laken started.

"Did you really like the ring?" Pryce asked, he'd been so unsure about it and it took forever to pick out, that he was still worried that maybe Laken would have preferred a different one.

"I love it! I love you! I couldn't be happier right now."

"Good, I wanted this to be the best birthday you ever had Laken."

"It is...that's um...I kind of wanted to talk to you about something that would make it even more perfect."

"What? Anything..."

Laken paused for a few minutes to find the right words. "I know you're've been ready...and really patient...I love you so much for that..."

"You know, I'll wait as long as you need," he replied, knowing immediately what Laken was talking about.

"That's just it, I'm ready now...I've been thinking about it for a while, and I'm really, really ready now...and...if you want would make this a perfect birthday."

Pryce looked at him closely, watching him for a few minutes before he reached a hand over, running his fingers down the sides of Laken's face. "Are you sure? I want you to be really sure."

"I am. I love you and I know you love me, and I really want this."

Pryce smiled at Laken, his eyes full of pure love and affection. Laken blushed as he reached over for the bag and showed Pryce what was inside. "I've even come prepared," he chuckled.

"My boyfriend the boy scout," Pryce grinned. Laken put the bag to the side, but well within reach.

Pryce leaned in, brushing his lips against Laken's full lips with the perfect little bow shape, a part of him that was one of the biggest turn-ons for Pryce. He ran his tongue across those very lips causing a shiver to go down Laken's spine. Pryce sat back and reached his hand down to the hem of Laken's shirt. He looked at Laken's face, arching his eyebrow, asking for permission. Laken nodded his head so Pryce pulled his shirt up and over his head, then reached down pulling his own off and tossing it over with his boyfriend's.


After Pryce tossed his shirt aside, he pushed me back onto the blanket, leaning up on his knees. I flopped down and looked up at him, my mouth turning into a small grin. Watching his lithe body move over me, I still found myself amazed at how lucky I was that he was my boyfriend. Even after all this time dating, the prospect of a kiss from him still got my heart pounding with excitement.

"What are you grinning about," he teased as he caged me in with his body.

"You're amazing," I whispered breathily.

"No, actually, I think you're the amazing one."

Before I could object, Pryce captured my mouth in one of his mind boggling kisses and I soon forgot what we were even talking about. He laid his body down and I spread my legs cradling his hips between them, our bare chests pressed together. "See what you do to me," he whispered as he moved his groin against mine.

"Mmmmm..." I moaned as I felt his growing erection rub against me, causing what felt like a wave of butterflies to flutter around the pit of my stomach. I could feel myself getting just as hard and my jeans were feeling tight and uncomfortable. Pryce's mouth began working its way down my neck leaving light kisses and licks along the way as if he were attempting to taste a path down to my chest. His tongue glided down my collarbone and the barely there touch shot electric currents straight down my middle right to my core giving me an uncompromising desire to move my hips.

He kissed his way further down until his tongue was circling my right nipple. He hummed out what sounded like a chuckle when I let out a deep hiss as his teeth bit down on the sensitive nub that had hardened in anticipation.

"Pryce..." I pleaded. His slow pace was making me feel needy and overwhelmed all at once. He looked up at me from under his long eyelashes and I swear he was smirking around his tongue as it glided over to my other nipple. His hands which had been on either side of me, moved in until they were planted firmly on my sides. I don't know if he was holding me still or bracing himself but every nerve in my body was buzzing with kinetic energy and I felt like if he let go, I might explode into a million pieces.

While he took his time, exploring every millimeter of my chest and stomach, I ran my fingers through Pryce's soft hair, pulling at tufts of it when he teased me with little bites.

As he moved lower, the confidence he expressed made me feel like the only virgin in the room, but that's how Pryce was. He's probably been doing lots of reading and research. Pryce never went into a situation unprepared. It's why I knew already that he would be a successful businessman one day, his plans were well organized and he played to win.

Pryce dipped his tongue in my belly button making my whole lower stomach quiver. "I love the way you react," he whispered with a twinkle in his eye. The grin I gave him made Pryce chuckle as he looked back down, turning his attention to the ultrasensitive area just above the top of my shorts.

I felt unsure of myself as I lay there enjoying Pryce's ministrations, on the one hand I felt like I should be doing something more with myself, but on the other... "Mmmm!" I let out a loud moan only just realizing that Pryce had snuck the button open on my jeans and his tongue was sneaking just under the fabric, just barely running over the tip of my erection.

My heart rate picked up and my breathing turned to short pants as he gently tugged at the zipper. "Pryce..."

"Hmm?" he hummed as he slid the zipper slowly open.

"Umm...I feel like...ungh..." Pryce was mouthing my cock through my boxers and it rendered me speechless for several seconds.

"Yeah, Laken?" he asked again.

"I feel like...I'm being...selfish," I panted out.

"You're fine Laken, this is your birthday, just let me make it special." As soon as he finished he was tugging down my jeans so I lifted my hips to help. I felt myself blushing at the bulge, now more than obvious in just my boxers. It was silly, I know, but I was feeling exposed and vulnerable.

Pryce noticed and leaned up, placing his hand behind my head and pulling me in for a kiss. "You're very sexy Laken," he murmured after, making me turn away. "Don't get shy, I've seen you like this plenty of times."

"Yeah, you seem to make a habit of making me like this," I agreed.

"Well you do the same to me," he chuckled, taking my hand and pressing it against the front of his pants. I let out a deep breath, feeling a wave of dizziness run through me. I certainly know what a hard on feels like, I have them on a pretty regular basis. I've also felt his many times over the last year, but it never ceases to overwhelm me, like each time is the first time, and added to that the sense that I caused it, he was hard for me, turned on for me. That was an amazing feeling I never wanted to go away.

I gave him a gentle squeeze and watched his eyes close as he let out an audible gasp. When he opened them he was looking at me with a fierce intensity that made my mouth dry. He moved his hands to the waistband of my briefs and looked up at me as if waiting for permission. I nodded nervously so he proceeded to slide them down my hips, lifting the front so my erection didn't get caught, ever the thoughtful boyfriend.

When he'd freed them completely, or freed me completely, I watched entranced as he moved until his face was hovering over my hips. Taking me in his hand, he licked his lips, almost making my heart stop, before he leaned down and began running his tongue over the head while his hand slid up and down my shaft. My head flopped back onto the blanket and I let out a long groan. Pryce took this as encouragement and began taking me further and further into his mouth. I'm sure he could hear my heart pounding and if not, my heavy breathing was another clue that I was very much enjoying the experience.

I gripped the blanket with my hands, squeezing it into my fists, to keep them from finding their way to his head and pushing him down, even though the urge was enormous. My other struggle was to keep my hips still and not try to push myself too far or too quickly down his throat. Pryce took me deep into his mouth on his own initiative, eliciting all sorts of very happy sounds to spill out of me uncontrollably.

It didn't take very long until I was feeling a tightening in the pit of my stomach that spread throughout my whole pelvic area, but particularly into my balls. It felt like they were trying to make their way into my body and the pressure was both immensely pleasurable, but also slightly painful.

"Pryce...I'm going to...I'm really close," I panted.

"Hold on Laken," he said lifting his mouth with a pop. The vibration of the words was almost enough to push me over the edge, but I held my breath and willed myself back.

Pryce sat up and unbuttoned his jeans before standing up and sliding them down along with his boxers. His cock bounced out and I couldn't keep my eyes from taking in every single part of it. He was perfect. Perfectly sized, a perfect shape, perfectly hard and even his light sprinkle of brown, soft pubic hair was perfect. His long tone legs, muscular calves and thighs made me want to roll over and beg.

Pryce reached for my bag and pulled out the bottle of lube and a condom. "Are you sure Laken?" he said softly, his tone letting me know if I had any doubts, he wouldn't be mad.

"Mmhmm," I nodded. "Do...umm, how do you want me?"

"Just like that, I want to be able to look at your face."

Pryce kneeled back down and unscrewed the bottle, squeezing some out onto the fingers of his right hand. With his other he moved my left leg over, using his right knee to nudge my right to follow suit. I adjusted my hips, lifting my knees, to make it easier for him and he gave me an appreciative smile, which set my nerves at ease.

Before he went any further he leaned down and took my lips into a deep kiss. "Trust me?" he asked, moving his mouth away only slightly.

"Always," I murmured. He continued the kiss and soon I felt his slick fingers gently probing at my entrance. My nerves kicked up a few notches and my breathing became fast and shallow.

"Just tell me if anything hurts or if you want me to stop."


One finger slowly found its way inside me and he began a gentle glide in and out. It was different, not particularly painful, but it did feel intrusive. "Relax," he whispered, so I did my best to breathe in and out slowly, concentrating on relaxing my body. "That's good." His words were soft and encouraging and I knew that he was definitely the person I would want to be doing this with. When he curled his finger slightly and angled it just right, I suddenly felt an intense tingling feeling that spread out from my back all through my body. I'm sure I let out some kind of sound, but I was so in the moment that I couldn't give any sort of accurate detail. "That's it," he whispered, sounding pretty pleased with himself.

Soon he pulled out and inserted two fingers. He began gently scissoring them and carefully pressing against the sides of my walls and again I wondered how he seemed to know exactly what he was doing. But, it was Pryce. He was did everything well.

Pryce continued preparing me while he leaned down and peppered my chest with nibbles and kisses along with dragging his tongue and then teeth over each of my nipples. I knew if I wasn't careful this show would be over before it really began so I concentrated on steady, deep breaths and relaxing my muscles, especially my stomach and groin.

Pryce pulled his fingers out and I heard the bottle's cap open again. Soon he was pressing three freshly lubed fingers inside me and the pressure definitely felt more intense now. It was a little uncomfortable and I'm sure he could see it on my face because he slowed right down and whispered soft words to help me from tensing up. Once again he found my spot and that turned the moment of discomfort right around until I was a moaning fool with hips that were taking on a life of their own. "P..Pryyyyce...please." I sounded so desperate and needy, but at the moment I really didn't care. He was doing things to me that I'd never imagined I could feel.

"Do you want me Laken?" he asked and I quickly nodded and hummed out my affirmation.

Pryce pulled his fingers out while I kept my eyes closed, trying to stay in the moment. I heard the sound of the foil wrapper ripping and his own quiet groan as he rolled the condom onto his cock. I heard him open the bottle once again and I opened my eyes long enough to see him applying a liberal amount up and down his shaft. He looked over and mouthed the words, 'I love you'. The small gesture almost turning me into an emotional mess.

As Pryce tipped his hips towards me, I lifted my own up to meet him, then letting my head fall back and my eyes close. I took deep breaths willing myself to stay relaxed as the head of his cock slid around my puckered hole finding the right angle of entry. When he started to slide in I pushed out just like I had read somewhere and it seemed to help him break through the tight ring of muscles.

I felt my whole body tense and I let out a gasp as I felt myself stretched out beyond my expectations. He immediately stopped, "Relax Laken, don't tense up. Breathe."

"Mmhmm," I nodded, consciously breathing in and out, loud enough for him to hear and offer more encouragement.

He pushed in a little further, once again stopping. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I squeaked out, trying my best to sound as normal as possible. "Don't stop Pry."

Pryce pushed in further and let out a deep groan. "Oh my god, you're so tight," he hissed, strain evident in his voice. Pryce had been leaning on one arm, the other hand on his shaft, carefully leading it in, but with a huffing sound he moved his hand to the side of me, balancing his weight on both arms. This pushed him even further in and we both groaned in tandem.

Pryce, who had been tensely holding himself back, relaxed into me, sliding himself further in until he was seated fully. I let out a high pitched moan as the feeling of being completely stretched overwhelmed me. I was trying my best not to tense up, but it was a struggle as all these new sensations escalated to uncomfortable proportions. I began to pant and felt my hands shaking as I reached for him in an attempt to anchor myself.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to pull out?" he asked with concern.

", just don't move for a minute," I gasped.

"Okay, Laken, deep breaths. You're okay, just relax. I won't move until you're ready." I nodded as I attempted to control my breaths. "I love you Laken," he soothed. "I would kiss you, but I don't want to move at all until I know you're okay."

I smiled and huffed out some air, "I love you too Pry."

After a few seconds everything seemed to calm down and the discomfort became less and less. I guess I was getting used to it and I felt myself relax again. "Okay," I whispered, "you can move now."

"Okay, tell me if it hurts."

Pryce began very slowly sliding out and then back in and each time was less and less uncomfortable and then everything changed and each time felt better and better until it was a building of pleasure instead of a lessening of pain.

"That feels really good now," I huffed out, wanting him to know right away. "Mmm, really good," I added with a grin. "You can go harder now."

Pryce seemed more relaxed now and began to let out a burst of air with each thrust as if he were enjoying it more and more too. Everyone focuses on the pain the bottom feels the first time, but I bet the top has their own stress trying to go overly slow and holding back. Pryce seemed to be more and more relaxed as more of his body pressed into me while he snapped his hips back and forth.

"God Laken, this...this is so amazing..."

Pryce adjusted his hips and I don't know what he was doing, but he seemed to be hitting me in just the right spot on every push now, because it felt like my pores were opening up or something and wave after wave of this full-body tingling feeling seemed to flow from deep inside me and out through my skin. It was like this low vibration that hummed through every molecule and I felt like I just wanted it to go on forever.

"Prycccce...don't stop, don't stop," I begged. He picked up the pace and everything intensified even further and I felt this great heat emanating from my body making my skin feel like it was on fire.

Pryce was panting heavily and his arms were shaking so hard I thought he might collapse, but he kept going even picking up the pace. The strained look on his face sent chills down my spine and I wasn't even sure why. I think seeing how deeply he was feeling everything just made it that much more visceral and I thought to myself if I could see that look every day I would be the most happy and fulfilled person on the earth. I just couldn't look away and when he opened his eyes, his gaze was so transfixing I thought I might melt right into the blanket.

"I'm really close," he panted. "But...I can't...I can't move my arms." He sounded almost apologetic and when I realized what he was getting at I gave him a contented smile and lifted my own hand off the blanket to take hold of my erection that was ready to burst just from the intense pounding of my gland.

I shuddered as my palm ran up and down my shaft and it only took about two or three swipes before I cried out and found myself shooting my release onto my chest. Each pulse of my cock made my whole lower half tighten and a second later Pryce's face scrunched up and he let out a guttural groan as he slammed his hips down one last time. I tightened down right around him so hard that I felt a searing heat coupled with the throbbing of his cock as he emptied into the condom deep inside me.

He rocked into me with a few more short thrusts and then just leaned in holding himself deep inside as he caught his breath. My vision swirled as my own heart pounded out of my chest. We both breathed in sync together as our heart rates attempted to return to normal levels. When Pryce caught his breath he slowly pulled out and slid the condom off, tying the end. He looked around and ended up placing it in the grass just outside the blanket where we could retrieve it before we left to dispose of in a more appropriate way.

When he finished his task he looked back to me. He closed his eyes for a second and when he re-opened them he gave me the most loving look I have ever seen on another human being. I truly didn't want to be some cliché, but I couldn't stop the two or three tears that rolled down the sides of my head. Pryce laid down on his side and pulled me into his arms.

"That was, by far, the most amazing experience of my life," he said. Still at a loss for words, I nodded and tried to reflect in my eyes the amount of love I was feeling for him at that very moment, but I'm sure I didn't even come close.

"For me too," I finally said. "I...I wouldn't have wanted it to be with any other person on this planet. Thank you for making it the best first time anyone could have ever had."

"Really?" he asked.


"I was so nervous to do something wrong though."

"You did everything right."

"Probably because it was with you," he said as if it made absolute sense.

"I'm glad we waited," I whispered. "I think it made it that much better, waiting until we were both really sure we were ready."

"Me too," Pryce agreed. "I wanted everything to be perfect...and having my first time be with someone I love, it just couldn't have been more perfect."


The two boys laid in each other's arms, eventually pulling the blankets around them when the chill of the night air became too much. Feeling closer than they ever had before, they dozed in each other's arms for a few hours until they were ready to go home.

"Let's stop at the all night diner and get some french fries and ice cream," Pryce suggested. Laken laughed at first, french fries and ice cream, as odd as it seemed, was one of Pryce's favourite combinations, but then he couldn't think of a better way to celebrate the amazing experience they just shared.

"Yeah. That's a great idea," he said, beaming at his boyfriend.

"One of many to come," Pryce hummed, "I'm just full of great ideas."

"You're full of something," Laken joked.

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