The Monsters in My Head

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Original prompt: Nightmare

After the Plegian war was over, we were all relieved when my nightmares and headaches became less frequent. But they never vanished from my life completely. It was especially hard in the months before I married Chrom, when I still slept in the garrison and had no one to rely on but myself to fetch a healer when I needed one.

This particular nightmare was an unclear haze that showed glimpses of nothing that could not be attributed to an ordinary bad dream: fires, desolated streets, a sense of impending doom. But the room was already spinning when I woke up, and the invisible sledgehammer that I was now well-acquainted with smashed into my skull.

I groaned, slowly pushing myself upright with shaking arms. I hadn't had a migraine this terrible since I'd collapsed in front of Chrom in Plegia, and even I couldn't fool myself into thinking it would go away. Somehow, I was going to have to get medical attention.

I swung my feet over the edge of the bed and tried to stand up. My legs gave out beneath me, and I landed on my knees. The pain intensified with the sudden movement, but I forced myself to crawl to my wardrobe.

Once I'd dragged my coat from its hanger, I used the wardrobe to help me stand up. This time, I stayed on my feet. I shrugged my coat on over my chemise for some decency before staggering to the door. Then I weaved my way out into the hallway in the direction of Maribelle's room.

I'd raised my fist to knock before I remembered that she was on a trip to Themis.

Damn. I'd have to go all the way to the medical ward.


Every step was a war in which I had to fight to stay standing. I was weaving about so much that I was certain I looked drunk, but I thankfully retained enough sense to avoid the royal guards. It would take too long to explain my station and soberness to them. Especially if they caught me tackling the grand staircase on my hands and knees.

I didn't realise that I'd passed Chrom's room until I heard the door open behind me. I'd just managed to walk into the wall with a particularly loud thump, and I froze. Then I realised that I was falling.

I scrabbled around in the air for something to hold on to, already wincing in anticipation of the pain I would feel when I hit the floor. But it never came.

Someone gathered me into their arms. It took me a few moments to recognise Chrom's face through the haze. He started moving towards my destination, his expression pinched and worried. "You had another nightmare."

"Yes." The sound wasn't reaching my ears at the same time I could feel my mouth moving. "Maribelle's...not here..."

His arms tightened around me. "Damn. I forgot about that. I should have stationed someone down there with you...Robin! Hey, Robin!" He tapped me on the face gently. "Stay with me. Open your eyes."

I hadn't noticed them sliding shut until now. I prised them open again slowly. "'Kay."

"Just hold on a moment. We're almost there."

It was hard to stay conscious when it felt like my skull was being smashed into smithereens. I tried to focus on Chrom's face so that I wouldn't faint.

It was a relief when we finally reached the medical ward and the cool gem of a staff was pressed against my forehead. The pain faded away, and everything became clear again.

Chrom still had me in his arms, but his expression was relaxed. "Better, now?"

"Yes, thank you," I murmured. My eyelids grew heavy again and started to fall.

"Robin!" He tensed.

I sighed and cracked one eye open. "I'm just sleepy now, Chrom. I'm fine. Though I suppose I should walk the garrison..."

My eyes fell shut again.

Chrom had a quick discussion with the healer, then started moving. He was still carrying me in his arms. I thought about making him put me down, then decided that I was too comfortable.

I drifted in and out of consciousness as we walked, and I was dimly aware of the fact that we hadn't gone far at all when Chrom stopped and opened a door. Then he was gently laying me down on a mattress that was much softer than my own. A few seconds later, it dipped as he lay down beside me.

"Not my room," I mumbled.

"No, it's mine," Chrom said. I could hear the small smile in his voice. "I know you never have two episodes like that in one night, but I just wanted you here with me anyway." He put his arms around me. "Now go to sleep."

In the warmth of his embrace, I didn't need telling twice.

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