Getting to Know: Dust

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"i know."
"i will, i will, but his brother will kill me."
"be patient bro, i've got this."
Dream looked at Nightmare in concern though Nightmare wasn't the least bit phased at Dust's actions. "this is normal." Dream glanced at the Skeleton talking to nothing. "there is nothing normal about that, night. he needs someone to help him through, whatever this is." Nightmare nodded. "i don't disagree with you on that, but there are very few that would ever help him through his grief. the same goes for killer." Dream looked back to Nightmare. "so him and killer are going through the same thing?"
"their circumstances were different, but yes. in killer's case, he completely, or almost completely closed off all emotions and in dust's case, he believes, no that's wrong. he conjured up an image of his papyrus to deal with his loss." Dream once again looked at Dust, sympathetic. "that poor guy... he really needs a friend!" Nightmare looked skeptical. "just be careful what you're getting into, dream." Dream nodded. "i know what i'm doing night, i helped killer this morning!... i think.." Dream wasn't sure what happened with Killer, but it seemed positive!


"hey hottie, sorry if we were bothering you." Dust noticed Dream as he walked over with a smile. "no, no. you're not bothering me. though i do have concerns. you don't have to talk to me if you don't want to, but i figured i'd let you know that i'm here for you, dust, and i want to help." Dust looked startled for a moment, then a smirk made its way onto his face. "i know a way you can help me~" Dream blushed and smacked Dust's hand. "n-not in that way! you can go to lust if you're going to be like that!" Dream was flustered more than anything, but he was NOT that kind of Skeleton! He huffed and turned around. If Dust was going to assume things then maybe this wasn't such a good idea- Dust caught his arm. He was about to pull away, but, "i'm sorry, i'm being a dumbass again. please don't leave." The look in his sockets was serious, borderline panicked. "... ok, as long as you're willing to talk and won't say that again!" He made a 'x' motion where his soul was. "cross my soul, hotstuff." Dream glared but sat down to listen.


Dust sighed heavily, the look in his eyelights conflicted. "shut up and let me think." Dust hissed at the air. "not you, dreamy boi, my, uh, fake brother? ugh, let me start from the beginning..." So Dust told Dream his story. And at some point, Dream took his hands to stop Dust from shaking. Dust had paused for a second, but otherwise continued all the way up to the point where Nightmare took him in despite his obvious insanity. "he gave me a place to sleep, food to eat, and even a job to do, even if it was what i was doing in my au. we are all grateful to nightmare for that. your brother is a cool guy. and-"
"let me guess, i'm the hot one?" Dream deadpanned as Dust chuckled. "right on the money. you're getting it, sweetcheeks." Dream rolled his pinpricks. "ok, i get it, you're a bigger flirt than killer." Dream paused. " you'll have to let go. my advice to you is more or less the same as my advice to killer. i'll be here to help with the hard stuff, but otherwise the rest is up to you. if you really want help, let him go." Dream told him honestly. "talking about it is step one. just find me when you're ready for the next step, ok?" Dust nodded slowly, purple dusting his cheekbones as he watched Dream walk away.

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