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The conquests of the Pandavas were going very successfully and quickly. Although these many wars would anyone to get tired but not them.

For the Pandavas had taken the painting of Sagarika with them, which motivated them to return back soon.

Bheem was ready to leave when his pregnant wife Hidimba approached him.

"Can't you stay till our son is born ?" Himdimba asked.

"I want to but I can't dear. I need to complete my conquests." Bheem said.

"Arya please." Hidimba held his hand as tears streamed down her face.

"You mustn't cry Hidimba, its not good for you." Bheem said.

"Please stay Arya, just till the day our child is born. After that I won't ask you to stay. I am sure Rani Sagarika would also want you to do the same." Hidimba said.

'Sagarika would indeed want me to stay, I think I mustn't leave Hidimba alone in this condition.' Bheem thought.

"Fine. I won't leave till the day I see my child's face." Bheem said.

Hidimba smiled and quickly fell into Bheem's embrace.

On the other side Arjun was also ready to leave Manipur when Chitangada came to him.

"Arya, why are you leaving so soon ? Its only been a few days since our marriage." Chitranagada said.

"I can't Chitra. My conquests are complete." Arjun said.

"If they are complete then why are you leaving so soon ?" She asked.

"I know but I have to return back." Arjun said.

"To whom ?" Chitrangada asked.

Karenumati asked the same thing to Nakul, who was also preparing to leave, to conquer other kingdoms.

"To Sagarika." Nakul said.

"What's so special about her ?" Karenumati asked.

"You should ask what's not special about her." Nakul said.

"Don't play games Arya, tell me why do you always want to go back to her ?" Karenumati asked.

Same question was asked by Vijaya to Sehdev, who was packing his stuff.

"For she staked everything for us." Sehdev said.

"What do you mean ?" Vijaya asked.

"She divided herself so we could remain united, she staked her reputation just for us. And you being a woman definitely know how important respect and reputation is for a lady better than me." Sehdev said.

"She is special indeed, but must you leave so soon ?" Vijaya asked.

"I must." Sehdev said.


Duryodhan had asked Karn to meet him today for an urgent matter.

"Mitra Karn, I have a plan." Duryodhan said.

"For what ?" Karn asked.

"I have plan through which I can make Sagarika mine but it will only succeed with your help." Duryodhan said.

"Just command me Mitra." Karn said.

"The Pandavas are gone for Digvijay yatra and Bhrata Yudhishtir is alone with Sagarika. Its the best time for us to attack him with the army of Ang. He will loose and I will make that Sagarika mine." Duryodhan said.

"So, when do we march ?" Karn asked.

"Tomorrow." Duryodhan said.



*sighs* Dekh Karn, aisi galti mat kar ki iss baar tujhe bhaagne ka mauka na mile....

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