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Aditya was worriedly looking at Sagarika, Krishna was trying to calm him down.

"Don't worry, she is fine." Krishna said.

"But she never sleeps so much, her sleep breaks with the slightest sound." Aditya said.

"Waking up at the slightest sound is to tackle any possible threat, its her Kshatriya instinct. But when one is in the safe arms of their beloved, they enjoy a peaceful deep slumber." Krishna said.

"Safe arms of Beloved ? What do you mean ?" Aditya asked.

Before Krishna could answer, the sound of yelling and screaming was heard. They quickly made their way out and saw Duryodhan yelling at Pamdavas for they kidnapped Sagarika to stop the wedding.

Kshitij and Drupad stood quietly, they didn't know what to say, scold the Pandavas for kidnapping Sagarika or thank them to stop the wedding.

"Maharaj Kshitij it is your duty to punish them ! They kidnapped your daughter ! Order their death sentence !" Duryodhan yelled.

"That cannot happen." Krishna said getting involved.

"Why ?" Karn asked.

"Because in Aryavart, a woman who stays with a par-purush for a night, she cannot marry. Unless the man agrees marry her." Krishna said.

"What is he saying ?" Kshitij muttered.

"Let him speak, Arjun will be great for Sagarika, trust me." Drupad whispered.

"But I am ready to marry her !" Duryodhan said.

"A pious woman, like devi Sita was also questioned when she spent one year at Ravan's Lanka. One can only imagine what the people of this age will say. Even if you marry her, the people of Hastinapoor will never accept her. So it is in everyone's best interest that Arjun marries her." Krishna said.

"You forgot one thing Vasudev." Karn said stepping forward.

A smile appeared on Krishna face, as if he was waiting for Karn to speak up.

"Not only Arjun but all 5 Pandavas have spent the night with Rajkumari Sagarika." Karn said and Krishna smiled.

And thus besides them, everyone's face became pale, as they guessed what's about to come.

On the other side Sagarika woke up and got suprised finding herself in her room and not in the forest. She saw herself not in her torn wedding dress but nice and luxurious clothes.

"Rajkumari, your breakfast is ready." A maid said.

"How am I here ?" Sagarika asked.

"The Pandav Kumars brought you here." She said.

"After they kidnapped you !" Tarun said flying over to Sagarika.

"What ?" Sagarika asked.

"Yes. They kidnapped you to stop the wedding." Tarun said.

"How kidnapping me would stop the wedding ?" Sagarika asked confused.

"It is the rule of Aryavart that when a woman stays with another man for a night, she cannot marry unless that man agrees to marry her." Tarun said.

"I see." Sagarika muttered.

"But a conflict has arisen down there that you have spent the night with all the Pandavas." Tarun said.

"What !?" Sagarika exclaimed.

She got up and ran down stairs, reaching the place where all of them were debating.

"Arjun you marry her and all the rest of us will renounce the world." Yudhishtir said.

"Never. Bhratashree, you are the King of Indraprasth, you marry her and I with others will renounce the world." Arjun said.

"Arjun try to understand you are the best for her." Bheem said.

"Yes, Bhratashree you love her for her is superior." Nakul said.

"If anyone deserves Rajkumari Sagarika then its you." Sehdev said.

"But how will I marry her at such high cost ? Jyesht please marry her." Arjun said.

"Really ?" Sagarika said and all eyes turned to her.

"Sagarika ?" Arjun muttered.

The very next moment she ran away from there to her room. The Pandavas followed her behind calling after her.

"Sagarika listen to us first !" Yudhishtir called.

"Sagarika please !" Arjun called.

But she entered her room, shutting the door before they could reach.




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