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"Samragyi, the dwarpal of the Dyut Sabha wants to see you." A dasi informed to Sagarika who was resting in her room.

"Send him in." Sagarika said. The dwarpal came into the room with teared eyes.

"What happened ?" Sagarika asked.

"My tongue hesitates to speak the words I am sent with." Dwarpal said.

"Who sent you with such words ?" Sagarika asked.

"Yuvraj Duryodhan." He said.

"Him ? What are those words dwarpal ?" Sagarika asked walking towards him.

"Samrat Yuddhistir lost his kingdom in the game of dice." The dwarpal said.

"What ? Lost his Kingdom ?" Sagarika asked in disbelief.

"I am sure there's more you want to tell." Sagarika said looking at him.

"He lost his 4 brothers and himself." The dwarpal said.

"Impossible !!" Sagarika exclaimed.

"Its true Samragyi, he even lost you." The dwarpal said as tears fell from his eyes. Sagarika couldn't believe what she heard.

"It seems like there's still more to tell, Don't cry, speak without fear." Sagarika said.

"Yuvraj Duryodhan has ordered you to be present yourself at the court." The servant said.

"Ordered me !? Am I his Dasi whom he can order around ?! I am Samragyi of entire Bharatvarsh, I give orders and commands." Sagarika exclaimed.

"Samrat lost you to him, in a sense, forgive me, you are his Dasi." The dwarpal said.

"NEVER !! Go and ask Aryaputra Yuddhistir that did he lose himself first or did he lose me ! Without knowing my answers I will not go there." Sagarika ordered.

"As you wish Samragyi as you wish." The dwarpal said and left.

Duryodhan was angry with Sagarika as she sent questions instead of coming herself, the rope was burned but the strength was still there.

"Who is she to question us !?! I have won her and she has to listen to my orders !!" Duryodhan exclaimed.

"These servants are fools, Dushashan now you go and bring that Sagarika to me. And if she denies drag her by hair !!" Duryodhan ordered.

"Dushashan !! I shall rip your hands apart if you touched Sagarika's pious hair !!" Bheem warned.

"Stay quiet Das !!" Duryodhan ordered. Dushashan went out the room.

Sagarika was pacing back and forth in tension. How could the most righteous man in the entire Aryavart can commit a grave sin like this ? Was he drunk or did he do it knowingly ?

"Come Sagarika ! We have won you." Dushashan said stomping in the room.

"How dare you enter my room without my permission !?!" Sagarika asked. Dushashan scoffed.

"No matter how hard the river flows they have to stop before Dams." Dushashan chuckled and grabbed her forearm.

"Thats where your are wrong, Duryodhan ! Dams are built on rivers not Oceans !" Sagarika said as she pushed him away and Dushashan fell on the ground.

"Don't forget I am a Samragyi of Aryavart. Do not make me take a strict action against you." Sagarika said stomping out of the room.

Dushashan went after her and grabbed her veil and snatched it away. She looked at him angrily.

"Chudamani, doesn't suit on a dasi's head." Dushashan said. Sagarika grabbed a sword from beside and pointed it at him.

"But sword does suit in the hands of a warrior !" Sagarika said.

She swinged her sword, giving Dushashan a cut on his forearm. She swinged it again but he grabbed it and snatched it away.

Dushashan slapped Sagarika hard on the face, she fell on the ground. The slap stung like an electric shock, there was now a cut from his finger rings.

Sagarika touched her bleeding cut, it would leave more of a emotional scar rather than physical. An emotional scar that would haunt her forever and could possibly never heal no matter how much love would be streamed on it.

Dushashan stomped up to Sagarika and grabbed her by her hair.

"No one can stop us from violating your honour today !" Dushashan said. Sagarika slapped him.

"WHY CAN'T YOU SEE IT ?!?! THE MORE YOU'LL RESIST THE MORE HORRIBLE YOUR INSULT WILL BE !!!" Dushashan roared as he grabbed her hair and started to forcibly drag her.


Dushashan laughed seeing her tears as he dragged her. He saw her tears but not the heavy emotional trauma they carried.

Here, the Pandavas soon heard screams of agony and pain their worst nightmare was about to come true.

They raised their heads hesitantly only to see Dushashan forcibly dragging Sagarika on the ground by her hair like how one drags an animal.

The elders lowered their gaze helplessly while the Kauravas and their companions laughed seeing a proud women like this.




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