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As promised Krishna took Bheem to the royal garden to pick some mangoes that growed year round in this special tree planted by Rishi aatri.

Krishna swiftly climbed up the tree while Bheem stood down with a basket.

Krishna kept picking out juicy mangoes and throwing it at Bheem's basket. Suddenly he noticed Sagarika coming to the royal garden and a plan crossed his mind.

Sagarika saw Krishna and approached him, while Krishna purposefully threw a mango at her making it look like an accident. The mango hit her lightly in the eye.

"Ow !" Sagarika winced.

It was as if on an instinct that Bheem quickly went towards her.

"Its ok. Show me." Bheem said, as he used his fingers to open her shut eyes.

But as he opened to look, he saw the blue orbs just like the ocean. He was mesmerized, he never saw eyes like her before.

Bheem couldn't help but smile, her eyelashes are as it were two opposed armies with their arrows drawn, the troop on Shri Ram on one side and Ravan on the other are in array and between them lie the irises, the ocean.

Those beautiful lashes turned out to be arrows as they pierced Bheem's heart and he drowned in her ocean blue eyes. Then his gaze fell on her entire face he was captivated

"I am so sorry Sagarika !" Krishna said jumping down from the tree causing Bheem to come back to his sense, he then backed away at a respectable distance.

"It's fine." Sagarika said rubbing her eye.

"Are you alright rajkumari Sagarika ? Or do I need to call a vaid ?" Bheem asked.

"I am fine, no need." Sagarika smiled.

"Well Sagarika, what brings you here ?" Krishna asked.

"Tarun is missing since morning." Sagarika said.

"Who is Tarun ?" Bheem asked frowning.

"My pet parrot. He flew away somewhere in the morning and I cannot find him." Sagarika said and left.

"Well, parrots do fly away sometimes but they do return. So don't worry." Krishna said.

"Alright if you say so. Now I will take your leave." Sagarika said leaving.

"Oh she is dreamy." Bheem muttered.


"Dark-skinned, luscious hair, charming looks in a horse-stable, you must be Panduputra Nakul." Tarun said.

"You know who I am ?" Nakul asked suprised.

"Trust me I do. No one in your kuru lineage was ever as handsome as you, and this charm befits only one." Tarun said.

"Who ?" Nakul asked.

"Samudra-kumari, Neelakshi Sagarika, to whom I belong." Tarun said.

"You're just saying because she is your owner." Nakul shook his head.

"Partiality is for humans not noble creatures like me." Tarun said, Nakul laughed.

"Really ? So tell me about your Rajkumari and I will think whether she is worthy of me or not." Nakul said chuckling.

"Oh How do I tell the tale of her charms, head is crowned with musk-scented locks like snakes before which Nagraj Vasuki would immolate himself. When she loosens her braids and shakes out her hair, darkness spreads throughout the universe from heaven to hell. The parting of her hair is pure white, yet untouched by Sindoor, it seems as though it is a beaming light zooming through the night. Her face is as bright as the moon. Lips are scarlet and when she smiles the whole world lights up by the shine of her pearly whites. Her body is tall and lean, scented with the flowers of Kalp-vriksh, her waist is even slender than a lioness, the feet are like lotuses and have never touched the ground naked. Although I have told you the tales of her charms yet I cannot describe her from head to toe, for nothing in this world is worthy to be comparered to her." Tarun praised Sagarika.

Nakul couldn't bring himself to say something, does such beauty actually exist ? Or is this parrot exaggerating ?

"So the question is not whether she is worthy of you, the question is are you worthy of her ?" Tarun said.

"Take me to her." Nakul said breathlessly.

"Tarun !" Someone called, they turned behind and saw a girl, fitting the description that Tarun just gave.

"Rajkumari !" Tarun flew over to her, confirming Nakul's guess.

"Are you fine ?" Sagarika asked petting the bird, Nakul wondered what would those hands feel like intertwined with his.

"Yes. I was with Rajkumar Nakul." Tarun said.

"I hope he didn't give you much trouble." Sagarika said to Nakul.

"I had the best time with him." Nakul said.

"Good to know. Thanks for taking care of him." Sagarika said.

"It was my utmost pleasure, Rajkumari Sagarika." Nakul smiled.




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