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There was a lot of tension between the Kauravas and the Pandavas regarding the next heir to the throne of Hastinapoor, the capital city of Kururashtra.

Especially since they defeated Drupad and it was clear that the eldest Pandav Yudhishtir would be the future ruler. But Kauravas were not ready to accept the fact.

Fearing that there might be bloodshed they divided the Kingdom into two, Hastinapoor and Khandavprasth which now became Indraprasth by the blessing of Devraj Indra.

On the other side Drupad had performed a yagya and obtained a son named Drishtadyumn but denied to obtain a daughter as the priests told him.

This crumbled the entire plan of Dwarikadheesh Vasudev Shri Krishna, who had incarnated on earth just to establish Dharma.

The only way left for him now was to give the responsibility of Drupad's daughter to another, someone who would be equally capable and worthy.

And thus he went to Saurashtra, a neighbouring kingdom where mourning and grief had taken over because Maharani Ambika had give birth to a still born baby girl.

To Maharaj Kshitij it felt like his desire for a daughter will never be fulfilled. He had a son Yuvraj Aditya to rule the kingdom but he wanted a daughter to provide a sense satisfaction in his heart.

Maharaj and Maharani tried several times to have a girl, but either Ambika had a miscarriage or the girl was still-born.

"Forgive me Maharaj, I cannot fulfill your one desire." Maharani Ambika sobbed.

"Its not your fault dear, its fate. Looks like Paramatma doesn't want us to have a daughter." Maharaj Kshitij consoled.

"Paramatma doesn't want you to have just any daughter." Someone said, they turned their heads and saw none other than Dwarikadheesh Vasudev Shri Krishna.

"Greetings Dwarikadheesh, you here ?" Maharaj Kshitij asked.

"Saurashtra-naresh, I have come here to fulfill your desire for a daughter." Vasudev said.

"Is it possible ?" Ambika asked.

"Yes, but it won't be easy." Vasudev said.

"We're willing to do anything for a daughter." Maharani said.

"What is the way Vasudev ?" Maharaj asked.

"There are more than one way to have a child, and one of the way is through penance of gods. And we here in this part of Aryavart are blessed with the majestic Sindhu Sagar, a daughter obtained from Samudradev will be calm yet strong." Krishna said.

Maharaj and Maharani looked at each other with determination in their eyes and then at Vasudev.

"How do we do it ?" Maharaj asked. Krishna smiled.


*Drupad denies to have a daughter*

Krishna to Nalyani/Draupadi -

(Chandrika ko laa ha, Chandrika ko laa, mast Sagarika bana ke laa...)

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