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Its was afternoon and the Pandavas were just about to reach Saurashtra to attend the Navratri celebration.

"Its good that we will reach the palace before evening, I was worried that we'd miss the dance." Nakul said.

"There was no need to worry Nakul, the dance and raas continues even after midnight." Sehdev said.

"And this time the celebrations are even more grand than usual because of their new princess." Yudhishtir said.

"Bhrata I heard some people saying that just by looking at her one's sins gets washed and mind gets purified." Bheem said.

"I wonder how many have come to wash their sins today." Arjun chuckled.

Soon they reached the palace and were welcomed by the Maharaj Kshitij and Maharani Ambika.

"Its a great honour to have the 5 Pandavas in my palace." Kshitij said.

"The honour is our Maharaj that you deemed us worthy to attend this celebration." Yudhishtir said.

"There is a little time left for the dance to start. Till then accept our hospitality." Maharani said.

"Gladly." The Pandavas said.


Sagarika was in her room getting ready for dance.

"Dasi, did Dwarikadheesh Shri Krishna come yet ?" Sagarika asked.

"Not yet Rajkumari." The Dasi said.

"He said he would surely come for Navratri." Sagarika sighed.

"He only comes when he needs to !" Tarun said flying around her.

She got up seeing herself in the mirror and smiled looking as beautiful as ever. But suddenly she heard a tune of melodious flute coming from outside.

"Krishna." Sagarika smiled as she ran outside the room.

On the other side Arjun who was in his room also heard the melodious and captivating sound of flute.

"Who is playing the tune ?" He muttered getting up.

He walked out and saw no one beside the guards, he looked around for the musician playing.

"Who is playing this flute ?" Arjun asked.

"Forgive us Rajkumar, we don't know." The Guard said.

"No problems. I'll find that person myself." Arjun said walking away where the tune lead her.

Sagarika was also unable to find Krishna, she kept asking the maids and servants on her way but they didn't knew from where this tune was coming from.

Arjun too tried asking guards and servants on his way but they were unable to answer. He too went where his ears led him and soon the tune of the flute became louder.

He smiled as he started running towards the direction and accidentally bumped into someone and fell down, he looked at the person and became speechless.

"I am so sorry." Sagarika apologized.

Arjun didn't know what to say, he was too occupied trying to take all her heavenly beauty in.

"Are you alright ?" She asked bringing him to his senses.

"Y-yes." He blurted out.

"Forgive me, I didn't see you coming." Sagarika said extending her hand.

Arjun held her hand and was in complete bliss as to how soft they were. And to Sagarika, his hand felt familiar. He got up and looked at her and got lost in her big blue eyes which were too beautiful to be real.

"Well, well." Someone said.

They hurried let go of each other's hand and look at the person. Arjun saw his dark skin, curly hair, mukut with peacock feather and a mischievous smile on his face. He must be none other than Dwarikadheesh Vasudev Shri Krishna.

"Finally you came Krishna." Sagarika smiled.

"Pranipat Dwarikadheesh." Arjun greeted.

"Its Madhav for you Arjun. Finally my desire to meet you came true." Krishna said embracing him.

Arjun felt good, it was as if he was embracing his long lost brother.

"What a way to meet for the first time to the princess of Saurashtra." Krishna said.

"Princess Sagarika ? Forgive me I didn't recognize you." Arjun said.

"It is me who should be apologizing, you fell because of me." Sagarika said.

"Its nothing. I should have been more careful." Arjun said smilingly.

"Rajkumari ! The dance is about to start !" The maid called.

"Coming." Sagarika said.

"Come Arjun, I have so much to talk with you." Krishna said.

Both Sagarika and Arjun were about to part ways when he turned around and called her.

"Will I see you again ?" Arjun asked.

"Only if you want to." Sagarika said leaving.



Chalo yeh Dwapar Yug mei huya toh chal gaya, agar yeh current time mei hota toh kuch aisa hota -

*Arjun falls*

Sagarika - Sorry uncle.

Arjun - Its ok beta.....*hits blunt as to what he just said faints*

Me to myself - Shambhavi Srivastava, you had to make it awkward....

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