1-Just some medicine

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It was a typical morning, snow was falling on and off covering the city in white. Everyone was aching for Spring, the drab weather only causing the boys to get on each others nerves as they were stuck inside together every day. They fought about almost everything, who's going to clean the dishes, who's going to make the meals.

Agustin, willingly made breakfast for everyone and the first one that followed the wafts seeping through the ceiling to the bedrooms, was Dylan. He came down still rubbing the sleep from his eyes completely careless of Agustin who did all the work.

"What's on the menu?" He asked as he took a seat at the table of four chairs. Todd Heart told them to scrape up some money to buy another one, but the boys wouldn't dare mess with the budget just for one stupid chair. They already couldn't afford any extras things like movie theater tickets or new clothes. They would just have to stick to the fights every meal time over who got to stand or eat their meal alone in the living room. 

"Know one cares that I'm the only one feeding everyone. I shop for the food I make it up all nice so you guys wont complain, and what do I get? No good mornings, no thank you's. Just what's on the menu?" 

Dylan raised his eyebrows, things must be bad if Agustin is complaining and nagging. He's usually the one that keeps everyone's mood's up.

"I helped with the shopping." 

The boys looked up to see Brooks coming into the kitchen. He was wearing one of Agustin's sweaters again.

"Yes you did and thank you. And I see you have on my sweater." Chuckled Agustin. He had a special bond with Brooks, usually being the one that looked out for him.

"If that's okay with you." Said Brooks. He was the one that spoke the least English and the others usually had to interpret for him. 

"Don't worry, come have some breakfast." Said Agustin.

Brooks took a seat across from Dylan and Agustin served them their food. 

"Eat up boys I have to go talk to Javier." Agustin already ate his breakfast before the others had gotten up, so he left the kitchen and went upstairs.

Javier was in the bathroom as usual fixing his hair or something. He was more of the vain one and all though the boys laughed at him, he didn't change. He said looking your best is important and he rather not bum around in sweats and a T-shirt like the others occasionally do.

"Javier!" Agustin called in a whisper through the bathroom door. He heard the water from the sink turn off then the door knob turning. 

"Give me a minute!" Javier began shutting the door again thinking Agustin was asking for some time in the bathroom.

"Wait!" Agustin put his arm in between the door to stop Javier from shutting it. "I have to talk to you."

Javier sighed, and widened the door so that Agustin could see him now. It was quiet a sight, his hair was a mess, and he had a sour expression, by the looks of it he was in one of his moods again. One that the boys knew all to well and didn't appreciate.

"You okay?" Asked Agustin with sincere concern. He went to Javier for advice since he was the oldest, he felt as if all responsibility was on him. Aman wasn't going to help out and Dylan was too fixed on his meals and video games. 

They only had one video game, Todd Heart said they deserved some fun but, Dylan was the one that would get addicted and tended forgetting his responsibility because of it.

"I can't take Brooks to work with me today, he was so board last time and complained till I got a head ache. He hasn't been that sick lately should I keep him home?" Asked Agustin.

Javier rolled his eyes, Agustin was truly a big kid at heart and he looked like the youngest although he was the oldest. 

"Am I his keeper or something? How am I suppose to know?" Javier asked eager to get back to his hair.

"I just needed some help, I'm the one that's stuck with him." Said Agustin.

"He's a big boy keep him here, I have to get to work so leave." Javier shut the door again and locked it.

"Don't go without breakfast!" Called Agustin feeling hopeless over the situation of taking Brooks to work again. He was the only one with a job that made babysitting easy.

Agustin worked as a secretary at an office in the city, Javier worked at a gas station, Dylan worked at McDonald's, and Aman was a server at Mia Bella's in Little Italy. Brooks was the only one that didn't have a job. Aman hated his job, he rather be working at some kind of club then do what he calls "girly" work. Todd Heart assigned them these jobs and said he knew what was best for them.

Aman has been awake since three A.M. He knew it was a horrible idea since he had work but, he didn't start till late afternoon. So he shrugged it off and told himself he could nap later on, He went downstairs to find breakfast awaiting him at the table.

"Morning Aman!" Said Dylan who was still indulging in the pancakes. 

Aman ran a hand through his lengthy dark curls. "I would say morning only I feel hung over." He sat down at the table and picked up his fork. 

"Yeah, and you weren't going to get away with it." Said Javier who came in behind him.

"Who were you going to tell, huh?" Asked Aman with a cocky smirk.

"Officer Heart, he said we need to maintain healthy lives, it looks like someone doesn't care if they die young." Javier neared the front door.

"Die young," Chuckled Dylan. "That's a bit extreme Javier."

"See ya guys later, I have a job to keep." And Javier left through the front door.

Agustin came back down in a fluster. "Guys we need to have a quick meeting, Brooks is in the shower so we can talk freely." He stopped to look around. "Wheres Javier?" He asked.

"He left for work just like that!" Said Aman as he took a bite of pancake.

"He didn't even eat?" Asked Agustin feeling concerned.

"Quit worrying he's his own keeper, just get on with the meeting you insist is so important." Aman rolled his eyes, he couldn't take all of Agustin's concern for everyone.

"It's about Brooks. I can't have him come to work with me any more, we need a plan b. Any ideas?" Agustin started clearing the table.

"I can look after him, I don't go to work till around three today and you get off at five, he'll only be by himself for a couple hours, he can hold his own." Aman suggested, but Agustin didn't like the idea. Aman would end up getting into some kind of trouble and pull Brooks along with him.

"Nah, that's not a good idea." Said Agustin.

"Officer Heart said we all need to share the load, so I'm offering and you have know other choice." Said Aman plainly.

"Fine, but keep an eye on him and remember he takes his medicine after lunch." Reminded Agustin, as he began to wash the dishes knowing that Dylan or Aman wouldn't even offer any help.

Finely everyone left for work on that cold winters day, bundling up extra warm because of the chill coming off the lake. 

Aman was in the kitchen waiting for Brooks to be done with his shower. To tell the truth he didn't want to keep an eye on the 16 year old. He rather spend his day on his own like he had planned but, earlier he was so tired and volunteered without thinking twice about it. Now what? He's been stuck in this house for a year now with four other boys and know freedom. Why on earth did he agree to this? What was going through his thick skull that made him even double think this whole thing? He heard the water from Brooks shower turn off and sighed reluctantly.

Just at the perfect time he heard, "Agustin!" 

He complained to himself and went up the stairs. "Why did I agree to this, why did I agree to this." The bathroom was directly across from the stairs so he stopped at the top step and replied,

"What is it Brooks?"

"Wheres Agustin?" Asked Brooks in a shaky voice.

"At work, your all mine today kid. What's the trouble?" Aman asked with many eye rolls which weren't even necessary.

The bathroom door opened up a crack but, Brooks didn't let himself be seen. "I'm sick." He said.

"Whats wrong Brooks?" Aman sounded annoyed which wasn't at all to Brooks liking. He was apparently babied back at home and didn't take a liking to any other form of treatment. After all he's been sick since birth and spent many days bedridden but, that's a whole other story.

"I-I through up," Brooks clearly wasn't giving the details.

Aman swore under his breath, something else Todd Heart told him not to do in front of the younger boys.

"Where?" He demanded of Brooks.

"A-all over the floor." Brooks sounded as if he might cry but, Aman was angry. He flung the bathroom door open to find a horrible sight! Brooks was seated on the floor wrapped in nothing more but a towel. Vomit was spilled all over the tile and the boys chest. Breakfast didn't agree with him like usual.

"Oh man, look at this mess! It will be a miracle if I don't get sick myself." Aman groaned. "Fine I'll clean it up but, you get back into the shower." 

Aman cleaned the mess holding his own vomit down, he had a feeling it wasn't just the sight and smell of it that made him sick. It was probably all the drinking he had done that priviest night. He wasn't aloud to buy bear but, he used some money from the budget and spent a bit. Probably one of the reasons they had less money lately. 

afterword he found a shivering brooks rapped in blankets on the sofa. He looked pal and seemed to be whimpering a bit. 

"Okay, now what is it kid?" He asked.

"Don't feel well." Said Brooks like everyday.

"I know a perfect medicine that could cure you for life." Aman said, as he came to sit beside Brooks.

"Don't be funny." Brooks warned.

"Oh but I'm not, I'll be back." Aman was back in a few seconds with a bottle. 

Brooks was wide eyed. "That's alcohol!" He exclaimed.

"Sure it is but, this is something know Doctor will say. It takes away pain, stomach upsets. When I had arm surgery I didn't even use the meds they gave me. This kid is what helped me."

"I don't know Aman, I don't want to get drunk." Said Brooks.

"Do you like girls kid?" Aman asked, he knew this one would get the boy.

"Well yeah, don't all guys?" Questioned Brooks.  

"Yup, but pretty boy you aren't ever going to get any girl to fall in love with you. Your so sickly."

"Girls fall all over me!" Said Brooks, despite his illness he was quite the lady's man.

"Oh but they don't know you, they just want to flirt. Trust me kid I've been around the block."

Brooks eyed the bottle, what did he have to loose?

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