15-"I'm going!"

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Hey! Hope you enjoy this one. :D

What would it feel like to live in utter darkness? As if you were locked in a dark closet? Pain, tears and know one to reach out for? It was horrible, it was tantalizing. "No! No please!"

"Javier wake up!" Aman shook Javier gently. "Come on man it's just a dream." Valeria started screaming from the bed where Aman had put her.

Javier jumped up, he stopped to look around as if he wasn't sure of his surroundings. The bedroom door opened, Agustin and Dylan came in looking worried. The boys recalled Javier having a few nightmares over the past year they have been living together. He never told them what it was about except for that it was something that has been happening since he was little.

"Javi, what's wrong?" Asked Agustin, he came over to sit beside Javier. It's been a long day at the hospital for all of them, perhaps Javier was just over stressed. He was very close to Brooks after all.

Javier looked around at all the boys, he heard Valeria screaming. "Help her Aman!" The boys were a bit put off by Javier's sudden reaction, ever since Valeria has moved in he's been acting stranger.

Aman just looked at him for a moment and went to get Valeria. "Shhh Princess, papa has you." He cradled her close to his chest and she calmed down a bit.

"What happened Javier?" Asked Agustin gently stroking Javier's shoulder. He was sweating and trembling.

"It was just a dream, I want to go back to bed." Said Javier.

"No, you're coming down for some hot cocoa and we can talk about it." Said Agustin a bit forcefully.

"Yeah, and I'll drink some too." Added Dylan with a smile. Agustin and Aman shot him death glares. "Just being a friend." He shrugged.

Javier hesitated but he knew he couldn't get past Agustin. Besides, he made the best hot cocoa Javier has ever had. "Alright." He finally spoke up.

The boys gathered in the kitchen and soon enough the house was filled with a warm sweet smell. Valeria was quiet by now, sucking on one of her toys happily in Aman's arms.

"What did you dream about?" Asked Agustin. He placed a warm mug in front of Javier, it's steam smelling sweet.

"Thank you," Javier whispered.

"Jav, it might really do you some good to tell us." Offered Dylan, he took the mug Agustin handed to him.

Javier looked over at Valeria and gave one of her little hairs a twirl. He didn't think this life was good enough for her, he knew Aman loved her, something that was hard for him to imagine, but it was true. He cared for her and Javier supposed that's all a child needed, was love even if it meant she or he lived what he thought, a strange life. The boys fought a lot and their contracts weren't over on till the first of next year, that was ages away. His train of thought was interrupted by Agustin gently rubbing his back. "Come on Javi, is it, Brooks?" He asked.

"I had a dream too, it wasn't that bad. It was about Brooks though." Told Dylan. Javier's dream wasn't about Brooks, he wished that's all it was.

"Javier, tell us."

Javier looked over at Aman a bit shocked at his caringness. He then took a sip from his mug, a bit of the cream getting on his lips. Agustin chuckled a bit and handed him a napkin. "Guys if you don't mind, I really just want to get back to sleep. Thanks for your help but it was just a dream." He took the napkin, wiped his face, then left. He curled up in his bed drowning himself in the warmth. "I miss you, mama," He whispered. "I miss you." He could feel the tears in his eyes as they wet his pillow. He shut them, hoping his dreams would bring him to a happy place, but he didn't have many of those.


Brooks have been asleep all the day before and the first half of the night. He was finally waking up realizing he couldn't take being in bed anymore. He looked around the dark room, confused about where he was. This wasn't his bed back home nor was it his bed in the room he shared with Dylan and Agustin. He didn't see anyone else, and he began feeling afraid. He sat up feeling the electrodes from the EKG on his chest pull as he moved. That's when he noticed a few things, he had a pulse ox on one of the fingers on his left hand. There was a blood pressure cuff on his left arm and an IV in his right. The oxygen tubes were tickling his nose and the mask felt dry around the bottom half of his face. Then there was the buzz of the monitors he was hooked up to and they rang in his ear with a miserable sound. Then he knew, he was in the hospital and assumed his heart have gotten worse. But he was feeling afraid, he didn't know what was going on.

"Brooks?" He heard someone call his name, a voice he knew well.

"Mama?" He asked looking around. Then a light turned on and he shut his eyes at the sudden change.

"Bebe, are you okay?" She asked. He turned to his right to see her sitting up in a recliner beside his bed.

"Where am I? At the hospital? What happened?" He asked.

His mama came to sit beside him on the bed. She ran a hand through his dark hair. "You had a heart attack, but the D.r has confidence you'll be fine."

Brooks didn't even know what to think, he couldn't comprehend this, he knew it would happen sooner or later just not this soon. He lay his head in his Mama's chest. "Will I die?" He asked her.

"Hush baby boy, you aren't going anywhere, don't say those things. Go back to sleep."

"No, I can't sleep now, you can." He told her.

"My dear boy, don't worry it will only cause you more stress. Pray then read a bit." She handed him his book on the bedside table then went back to the recliner.

Brooks eyed the book, he shouldn't have it, it wasn't his and he stole it. Yet he had to find out what was happening and it seemed to help him refocus his mind. He flipped to where he left off and began reading.

Flying Cyrus and the boys ended up on a peaceful beach, there were palm trees and the water was so clear you could see yourself in it. There was a house up ahead and the map in his hand told them to go there. Once they got there they waited at the door after knocking. That's when they met an older man, he invited them in and explained a few things before they continued their journey. He told them they had a mission to become a team, a team that would make the world a better place.

Brooks shut his eyes feeling over tired, this reminded him of what Officer Heart told them when they first started. That they were meant to make the world a better place. 


The next day was just as cold, the chill flying off the lake. You could see your own breath anytime you breathed. The house felt warm though, Agustin made a fire in the old fireplace in the living room. It smelled of warm food that morning, giving the Winter atmosphere a cozy feel which was much needed. Dylan found Agustin in the kitchen, he was washing dishes.

"Good morning, you didn't have to do all of this." He said.

Agustin turned from the sink. "I wanted to. Well, today it's back to work. Is Javier up?" Agustin asked. It wasn't even sun up yet.

"Yeah, he's primping in the bathroom. Thanks a lot for always looking out for us Agustin." Dylan wrapped his arms around Agustin.

"My Mama used to do it for me, I like to do it for all of you." Just then the boys were forced into a silence when piercing screams from Valeria bounced off the walls. "We need a babysitter." Said Agustin.


Aman couldn't get Valeria to be quiet, her diaper was dry, she ate her food. He decided to text his mama, maybe she would know what to do.

A -Mama, Valeria has been crying all morning and I can't make her stop. Could you tell me what to do?

M- Aman, shouldn't you at least say good morning? Listen, she might have a rash or perhaps she's just cranky. It's very common, you still get like that.

A- I'm sorry, good morning. Thanks for your advice. Love you.

Aman put his phone down feeling dizzy, he had to look for a job. Wait, his contract was gone and who knows what Orson was up to. He had to tell the boys before he caused them any more trouble. He's done enough of that. "Come on Princess, let's go downstairs." Aman brought her into the kitchen where the other three boys were seated at the table.

"Aman, what you need is a babysitter." Said Agustin.

"Yeah, but I don't trust just anyone. Any news on Brooks?"

"He's having more testing but he's alert now. Brighton is going to visit him on break, she doesn't work in the ICU." Told Dylan.

"Brighton?" Agustin and Aman asked at the same time.

"Yeah, she's still my friend." Blushed Dylan.

Javier was looking annoyed by Valeria's screams, he reached over to grab her from Aman. "Shhhhh," He told her bouncing her on his knee.

"Javier she's not dying." Said Aman, Javier always seemed to treat her most delicately, he spoiled her too.

"Isla offered to help out in any way, I'm sure she would babysit." Said Agustin.

"That's good and all but I don't know" Aman could feel a headache coming on.

"Let me at least call her." Said Agustin, just then Valeria stopped crying, something else she did while being in Javier's arms.

Aman knew he better mention the contract missing, he was still sure the boys have forgotten. How could they have remembered, there has been so much more going on. Aman let out a breathe. "My contract have been missing, Orson Luz has it and he's been watching us. I talked to him."

The boys looked shocked, Aman could tell he was about to get it. Javier handed Valeria back to Aman then stood up from his chair. "Why didn't you tell us?! Do you know what this means?!" His shouting caused the baby to start crying again. "And you expect us to keep this from Officer Heart?! How many secrets do you have?!"

"Enough Javier!" Dylan shouted everything fell silent.

"It's true! You all know it!" He grabbed his backpack that lay beside his chair and quickly left.

"Javier!" Agustin called but he ignored them as expected.

"He's always so angry, what's wrong with that guy?" Aman could feel his blood boiling, he was trying to contain his temper but he couldn't.

"He's obviously going through something. I just wish he would tell us." Agustin stood up and began clearing the table.

"Yeah, and you should have told us about Orson Luz. Where is he?" Asked Dylan.

"LA, we have to put a stop to this." Said Aman, Valeria was getting quiet again.

"You know we can't do this on our own Aman, Officer Heart will end up finding out." Said Agustin.

"He'll be disappointed, I have to win this fight this time and you guys don't have to help." Aman got up from his chair.

"So what do we do?" Asked Dylan.

"I need to go to LA," Aman replied, he received glares from the other two.

"Oh right, you have a baby, you lost your job and you're still recovering. Aman, be real." Said Dylan.

"I can do it, I will demand to get my job back." Aman stood up. "I'm feeling better." Then he left the kitchen.


Javier got to school hoping to see Luis, he waited and waited in the locker room. Still, he didn't show up. The bell rang and he had to go to class, he was beginning to worry about Luis, maybe something happened.


That evening remained cold, snow was drifting in the air. Agustin was baking again, he wanted to bring some of the cookies to Brooks but he knew he couldn't. He just got off the phone with Isla then put the pan in the oven.

"So, are you and Isla like a thing now?"

He turned around to see Dylan and Javier standing near the table.

"No Javier, we're just friends, you okay?" Agustin asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, you had that dream last night, I was just wondering."

Javier cast his eyes to the floor. "I'm fine. Except I had this friend I met at school." Said Javier.

"Oh, the one you brought to the party?" Asked Dylan.

Javier nodded his head. "He wasn't in school and I've been trying to call him since the night of the party when he just left for no reason." He explained.

"That's strange, does he have a family?" Asked Agustin. "You can try contacting them."

"No, there all in Spain. I just hope he's okay." Just then Aman walked in holding Valeria.

"Guys I've made a decision." He said.

"Oh, and Isla is interested in babysitting." Said Agustin.

Aman looked as if he might get mad, but his expression immediately turned. "Agustin I have to thank you although don't go spilling my business without my consent next time. But this time you actually did me a favor. I'm going to LA."

The boys looked shocked. "You're just going to leave?! What are you going to tell Officer Heart?!" Asked Agustin.

"Probably some lie." Added Javier under his breath.


Just as Aman opened his mouth to speak the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." Offered Dylan. He left the kitchen and went down the hall to the front door. When he opened it he was rather surprised!

"Officer Heart, you're a couple weeks early!" He chuckled feeling nervous.

"Hey Dylan, I just wanted to see how you guys are getting on. Ever since Brooks heart attack I've been upside down, I could only imagine what you boys must be thinking." Officer Heart looked saddened and the boys rarely saw him like that. But Dylan knew they were in a bit of trouble, or might he think a heap of it! Aman going to LA, all the lies about Orson Luz. Dylan still had to invite him in, it was the polite thing to do since he was the boss.

"Come on in, Agustin just baked some cookies."

Officer Heart smiled. "Thank you, Dylan, I'll never get tired of your smile, you're a sweet boy."

Dylan liked to think that, he knows he's been in on all the lies but the glory felt good. He led Office Heart into the kitchen where all the others were. They looked a bit too surprised, making things a little obvious.

"Hello, boys. Valeria!" He exclaimed.

"Hello, Officer Heart." Said Aman.

Javier and Agustin said a quick hello and Office Heart embraced all of them. Much to all their dread, they were all seated at the table talking.

"This is a hard time for all of us but I trust you guys. I know that you will be nothing short of an encouragement to Brooks, but I have something to say. I fought with myself the whole way here rather or not I should ask this now or wait till next month. But I think I should just lay it out on the table."

All the boys could feel their hearts sink, their palms were sweating. What was he about to ask?

"Don't look so nervous, I'm just wondering about the good deed contract we had. The last one I received was from you Agustin, it was about letting a homeless man stay at the house. Whatever happened with that?"

Agustin cleared his voice glancing around at the others as if he was hoping they would help out. Of course, they didn't so he was stuck explaining. Aman hit his leg under the table reminding him not to give. "He only stayed one night then he left as if he was in a rush."

Officer Heart raised his eyebrows. "I see and what about anything else? Dylan, have you been doing anything extra?"

Dylan felt his chest tighten. "Work has really been keeping me busy and now everything with Brooks. But we will focus more on our good deeds. Maybe things would be easier if we knew exactly why you had us here, other than the part about making the world a better place. Because to tell the truth I don't see that happening."

Agustina and Aman shot him glares. "Dylan, I need you to focus on the job I've given you, all of you."

Javier stood up from his chair and whispered, "I'm tired, I'd like to go upstairs." He strangely spoke to the floor.

"Good night Javier." Said Officer Heart, but Javier just left. "Is he okay?" He asked the boys.

"He's been kind of strange." Told Agustin.

 "Keep an eye on him, make sure he never feels too alone." Said Officer Heart.

The boys didn't understand what he meant, they just thought Javier has been a bit of a brat and barely took into consideration what Officer Heart said.

"Do you guys need anything?" He asked. They all shook their heads. "Then I'll be on my way because I have to leave. There's an escaped convict and they are sending me out with the swat team. I don't know when I'll be back."

They all said goodbye and it was a relief once he left, to tell the truth. "We did it!" Said, Aman, as if there were no cares in the world.

"I'm not sure I like all the lies, actually I don't at all." Said Agustin, he took Valeria from Aman.

"Me either." Added Dylan.

"Guys, in the end, it will work out, I have to do this my way." Said Aman. "And I'm going to LA."

"Aman, you can't do that, what are we supposed to tell Officer Heart?" Asked Agustin.

"You'll think of something, my bags are packed, besides he's gonna be gone. I'm off. And I'll miss you, Princess." He gave Valeria a kiss.


Javier could hear the boys fighting but he locked himself in the attic and stare at the stone. "I can't lie, I can't lie. This just doesn't feel right."

What did you think? Let me know! :D I'd also like to know who your favorite character has been so far! Thank you. :D 

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