26-Why we are here

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A/N Here it is! :D 

On that night other things were happening, Corey was having seizures. "The withdrawments are bad, he had a horrible addiction to alcohol apparently."

"What are you going to do next?" Asked Dr. Mccardie.

"He's on some medicines that should help him a bit. He's asleep now but I don't know what will happen when he wakes up." Told Dr. Morton, Dr. Mccaride was speaking with her in her office.

"He's so young and alone. Their investigating but can't find any leads to his family. Well, I hope everything turns out okay." Said Dr. Mccardie.


Corey was just waking up, he could feel a dull ache in his head and stomach. Then he noticed something, his hands were trembling, in fact, his whole body was! And this wasn't nerves, he couldn't control it even the slightest. He felt as if he couldn't move but strangely he didn't even notice. Then the door opened yet he didn't even turn to look.

"Corey?" He heard the voice of Dr. Morton. "Hello sweet heart, how are you doing?" She came over to his bed and lay a hand over his forehead. "Corey, can you hear me?"

He heard her but his focus was somewhere else.

"Corey?" She repeated. He heard some shuffling around then Dr. Marton talking through the walkie talkie. "He's having another seizure!"

He blocked out her words and began panicking. His legs were trembling and he couldn't hold them still, his arms were doing exactly the same! He was thrashing around the bed completely blocked out from the world around him! Before he knew it there were all kinds of Doctors and Nurses around him. Taking his vitals, placing him into a comfortable position. Then he felt a needle in the curve of his right arm which made him jump! But his body calmed down, he felt numb and lethargic. He saw everyone through blurred vision, he wasn't sure what to think, the only person he saw in his mind was his mom. "M-mama," He cried.

"Calm down Corey, you need to rest." Dr. Morton took the hand he was aimlessly holding out and placed it down. "How do you feel?"

His eyes fluttered a bit, he was feeling fatigued and sick to his stomach. "Tired. I have to go." He sat up a bit but was forced back down.

"No, you need to stay here and I don't know what type of situation you were in but for now it's over. You obviously have a Mom somewhere, but we can't help you on till you give us some insight." 

Corey felt his stomach tighten, the bile was rising and he could feel it coming up. He sat up quickly and threw everything up missing the bowl she held out to him. "That's okay Corey, just lay back."


Javier wished known of that happened, he felt as if he stepped into the past, something he wanted to do the least in life. He was startled when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to face Aman who was on the sofa beside him.

"Javier, are you okay?"

He was surprised Aman was being so concerned for him. He hesitated before replying. "I'll be fine." He managed to reply, still unable to open up. He wasn't sure why himself, it was almost as if he was forcing his feelings back!

"If you need to talk I'm here." Said Aman. He, Dylan and Javier took a bus home so they could relieve Isla.

Finally, the sound of the key in the front door turned their attention. Javier stood up when Officer Heart came in carrying Brooks. Agustin was lagging behind, he looked worn out. After all, it was three A.M and everyone was tired.

"Is he okay?" Asked Dylan who joined Javier by standing from the sofa.

"Thankfully the wait at the ER wasn't too long or we could have been there for another hour!" Said Agustin, he plopped down on the sofa looking exhausted.

Officer Heart placed Brooks down on the opposite side of Agustin, carefully laying his head on the arm of the sofa. "He just needed some IV fluids, they ran some EKGs too. They warned us to be more careful next time, he's at great risk of having another heart attack." Officer Heart knelt down beside Brooks and ran a hand through the boy's messy hair. "I'm very proud of him though, he was strong and brave."

Javier didn't like the looks of that. Brooks had dark circles under his eyes, his skin was pale. He didn't even look up, he kept his eyes shut and even behind the mask it was clear he wasn't getting much air. "But he is going to be okay." Said Javier with worry.

"If he gets plenty of rest and doesn't do this sort of thing for a very long time. I think I better go now boys, I want to see all of you after work and school tomorrow."

Javier couldn't imagine going back to school, he was almost at graduation, how would it even make a difference? Aman looked a bit perplexed himself. He stood from the chair.

"But aren't you going to explain anything to us?" He asked.

"Yeah, and why did you just stand there when Ray Cassidy mocked us?" Added Agustin now standing.

"Boys I need you to keep trusting me, right now everyone is over tired. Besides, I want Brooks to hear it too and he's too tired to even listen. For now, you should get some sleep, you have work and school. Good night boys and I will say I'm very proud of all of you."

Officer Heart left and Javier knew the boys would have argued back if they weren't all so tired. "I'll get him to upstairs." Said Dylan. Agustin helped him lift Brooks from the sofa. Javier followed them up then watched them put Brooks in his bed. Once they left to get ready for bed themselves Javier knelt down beside the bed.

"Brooks?" Brooks stirred a bit then opened his eyes. "Are you okay?" Javier Asked.

"Am I going to die?" Brooks was clearly over medicated, he wasn't usually that vulnerable. 

"Of course not and I think that you were the strongest one tonight. Listen, I'll sleep with you, okay?" Brooks just nodded his head then shut his eyes again. Javier was mostly thinking of himself, he didn't want to have another nightmare. He knew Brooks could manage without him.


Corey was asleep in that hospital bed, he had been given plenty of sedatives or else he would have never calmed down. He heard something about being in the ICU and that he would have to stay there if the seizures didn't stop. From the time he was old enough to understand even the thought of the ICU was scary! His Mom was a Nurse and many afternoons he would go visit her. She didn't work in the ICU but he would hear her talk about it and the stories were horrible! Hospitals to begin with scared him and there he was in one himself, the ICU to be specific. And the fear crept into his dreams making him fall into a nightmare! He could feel the beatings Orson Luz gave him, the fear that man put in him each waking moment. The lies, the alcohol, the very reason he was there! He almost thought he could feel Orson pulling on his collar so he screamed without even meaning it! But a hand on his mouth stopped him just in time. His eyes flew open and he met the eyes of Orson Luz! He wasn't dreaming either, this was much too real to be that.

"Corey Aaron, I'm getting you out of here." Corey tried pushing him away but fell to weak. "Come on boy I can't live without you, maybe I can find you help in another State! You have to come with me!"

Corey could feel his legs and arms beginning to tremble, it was clear he was going to have another seizure! "What's wrong with you boy?! Don't you love me?" But Corey was getting worse, his stomach was leaping into his throat. Sounds of footsteps in the hall outside were heard. Since he was hooked to an EEG the Nurses were notified every time he was having another seizure!


Orson could hear shouting outside the room so he made his way back to the window from where he came. He climbed back out and ran into the dark. He found himself behind the hospital lost from the worlds reach. He needed Corey, he couldn't go on without him. He pulled out the gun from his coat and looked at it, he had nothing, he couldn't win against Aman and no money would make up for that. Money felt pretty worthless to him then.


There it was again, the thick darkness and the pain. Javier found himself in another nightmare! He was once again climbing out of bed toward the door. But he stumbled crashing into the door before opening it. It woke The other three boys, startling them out of their wits! Agustin was the first to jump out of bed and come to Javier's rescue. Javier still felt determined though, he attempted opening the door still half sleeping.

"What's wrong with you Javier?!" Exclaimed Agustin pulling Javier's  hands off of the knob.

"What's going on?" Asked Brooks tiredly.

Dylan jumped down from the bunk. "He's doing it again! Come on Jav, what's the matter with you?" Asked Dylan.

Javier just stood there, he was feeling himself wake up and got rather embarrassed. Then the door opened on the other side and Aman came in. "Is it like world war three in here? What's....Javier what on earth are you doing?!" He exclaimed.

Javier dashed out of the room feeling very embarrassed, he went straight to his bed, lay down and hid under the covers. It was about to happen again if it wasn't for the other boys waking him! His nightmare was dragging him to Valeria's "rescue." He wanted to stop that, the boys were beginning to wonder and he was getting embarrassed! He could hear their hushed tones from the other room, he couldn't make out what they were saying but he could hear their voices.


"I don't want him in my room! He'll try to get  Valeria again!" Said Aman, he was feeling very dizzy, he needed a seat.

"Something's haunting him, it's clear. Usually, when he does it once in one night that's it, I wouldn't worry." Said Agustin, he returned to his bed looking horribly tired.

"What's happening?" Asked Brooks as if he hadn't the slightest idea.

"Don't worry yourself, Brooks, get some sleep. I'm off to bed myself." Said Aman, he could feel Dylan and Agustin staring at him as if they were surprised to see him so caring. But Aman had come to a realization that the world didn't revolve around him, life was short and every step taken by human man was one step closer to the grave. He couldn't risk anyone's life on his account again, he felt as if it was his fault for Corey ending up in the hospital. And Brooks, he still blamed himself for the heart attack. He had a mind to ask the Dr. himself if alcohol could have been a possible cause. He was headed to his room when his stomach was getting very sick. He brought his tired body over to the bathroom and leaned in near the sink. His stomach flipped and he threw up everything that was left inside. After washing his face he returned to his bed knowing he needed to see a Dr., his concussion wasn't getting any better.


Brighton got up early that next morning, her mind was playing with her in a few different ways as she drove to the hospital. For one, she needed to talk to Agustin, but that could be risky, she might still have feelings for him and that could hurt Dylan. Oh, she's made a bad choice with the boys, she shouldn't have given any of them the wrong ideas. And Aman, he was a jerk but she did like him. She was beside herself and she had work in the ICU her least favorite part! They had a shortage there and called her, likely for a day that was already going badly for her.


Javier was sick about school, he felt like he was under so much pressure, he didn't get much sleep either. He wanted to skip but disappointing Officer Heart was the last thing he wanted. He knew out of all the boys that he was the most devoted to the whole thing, he also had the most trust in Officer Heart. He entered those school doors feeling butterflies in his stomach. No one looked at him, not even mockingly! So he just went over to his locker and threw his coat inside. Everyone just passed him talking to one another only. Then he realized, he never did go out of his way to speak to anyone himself. If it wasn't for Luis he wouldn't even have made friends with him! If they only knew the adventure he lived last night, he was someone he would never have known he could be! All because he had faith, he may have been afraid yet he did it. But he looked at all those kids, he could never have the life they had. Why even try making friends if he would be the odd one out? Javier, you have to do it no matter what. He told himself, somehow he did have a small confidence boost, it wasn't big but the night before taught him a lot more than he expected. So he headed off to his first class trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach.


"Hello, Isla," Said Agustin that morning.

"Hey, where were you last night?" She asked.

"I had some things to do Isla, and after words, Brooks was in the ER." Said Agustin hoping Isla would be understanding.

"Well, I'll trust you for now but if it happens again tonight I want to know. Hows Brooks? I brought him this." She held out a stuffed dog, it was about 18 inches long and rather round and fuzzy.

"You spoil Brooks!"

"I can't be as bad as you, is he okay?"

Agustin shrugged. "He's over medicated, but he should be calm today, the stuff knocked him out."

"Agustin, you look worried, are you fine?" She asked.

Agustin met her eyes, everything she said made him feel as if they were together again! She must have liked him which was a good feeling. Yet he was saddened, everything felt strange and he wasn't sure how. "I feel like we're losing Brooks. This morning he was so weak he couldn't even get out of bed. When I asked him how he was he didn't even recognize me. Isla he's so young and we can't lose him! If he gets off the medicine he could have more heart attacks, he could just catch a cold and die! The list goes on Isla..." Agustin's words trailed off, he couldn't bite back the tears.

"It's been hard, I want to say I feel your pain Agustin it's just that I never experienced something like this. But I'm here for you Agustin, for all of you. Even Aman." She said, she knew about him being bailed out. "Just cry and let it out but don't ever lose your sunshine."

Agustin dried his tears. "Thank you, Isla. Thank you." He reached into hug her, it felt so good but in a way, he never really felt. It was a comfort, not just a crush triggered emotion. "Brooks parents are coming soon, just let them in and tell them he's upstairs." Said Agustin.


Brighton tried to keep her wits about her but she hated that place. Besides, most people in the ICU couldn't have a meal! To her surprise there were more than she expected, she was also told there was one patient, in particular, that was very hungry! She hated going into each room, there were all kinds of people with horrible illnesses and injuries. She dreaded seeing who would be in that next room at the end of the hall. She took a second before knocking. "I know I'm braver than this." She told herself. So she lifted her head and raised her fist, then she knocked gently. The door opened and there stood Dr. Marton.

"He's awake and hungry." She smiled.

"Oh, good. I'll bring him the food." Brighton replied. The Dr. left the room and Brighton was alone entertaining. Some sick old man probably, the poor lonely souls. She thought. She walked into the room bracing herself for the sight, at first glance he looked rather young. She just kept her eyes on the table she was pushing and managed to say, "Good morning." Before he could reply she looked up to see the person she just spoke to. She felt as if she's been hit in the head! Dizziness took over her for a moment, somehow she was brought back to childhood memories. She felt as if her whole body was numb!


Corey himself felt numb, when he first saw her he wasn't sure if he was just having another seizure or if that was really happening! There was a thick silence that washed over the room, a moment of breathtaking shock! He could see tears forming in her eyes, she pushed aside the table and fell beside his bed. Then she lay her head down on it and began sobbing. He felt weak, ashamed she had to see him like that, but her presence drew him to her. Making him feel instant comfort. Why was it that life worked so strangely? You could be going about your day and get sick, or see someone you knew nothing of in months time. And life always seemed to hit you when you were in the deepest trouble of all as if it knew how to make things worse yet clean you up at the same time! He lifted his shaky hand, the one with the pulse ox on his ring finger. He needed to touch her to know she was really there because that moment felt like a dream. His hands were trembling when he felt her dark hair, he gently ran his fingers down the back of her head.

She sat up and took his hand holding it in both her hands as if he might have left that present moment. "Are you really here?!" She cried, he could feel her hands shaking.

He took his left hand which was spare and lay it over her cheek. "I'm real," He breathed. "W-why are you here?" He asked.

"Corey! You told us you went to Europe, I wrote you letters, I called you and now you're in the hospital!? The ICU and you haven't told Mama? What on earth has gotten into you!"

"Don't shout Brighton! L-let me explain,"

Brighton looked perplexed, she let go of his hand and attempted standing. But she stopped, she leaned back in and wrapped her arms around him. "Don't leave me, don't leave me." Then she stood and started toward the door.

"Brighton, don't go!" Corey called.

"I have work." Then she left.

Corey was so upset, she couldn't leave him! He needed her, he needed his mama. He didn't care how sick he was he was going back home! He sat up feeling aches in all his joints. Then he grasped the sides of the beds and swung his legs over. He slowly stood but his knees buckled and he found himself on the ground. It took a few minutes but the sounds of footsteps in the hallway were heard. He tried standing back up but it was no use. The door swung open and a herd of Doctors and Nurses were crowding him. That's when he started panicking,  all the sounds and then the needles! He began having another seizure then everything went black.


"Brooks?" Brooks heard familiar voices, yet everything in front of him was fuzzy and he felt very far from the outside world as if he was living inside his own body. Then he felt a hand on his forehead.  "Bebe, it's Mommy and Papa is here too, are you okay?" He heard a voice, one he knew he's heard many other times, he just couldn't wrap his mind around it. The only thing his mind told him to do was ask, he didn't really have to think about it, it just rolled off his tongue.

"Who are you?" 

He felt a stronger hand on his shoulder. "Brooks, it's your parents." Said a deeper voice.

"Can we go home now?" Asked Brooks, he wasn't sure where he even was.

"Brooks, that's what we came to talk to you about." Said, Mama.

"Brooks we found a place and we want you to drop your contract." Added Papa.

Brooks just stared at them, if he was himself he would have fought back, but in his state, he could do nothing more than agree. "When can we go?" He asked.


"It should take a few more weeks, right now you need to rest." Elon helped him lay back on his pillow. "Maybe he'll understand more tomorrow." He said looking and Delfia.

"What's happened to him?" She asked trying to hold back the tears that were so eager to fall from her eyes.

"I don't know, but if it will keep his heart where it's at then we will have to try to understand him." Said Elon.

"There has to be more they can do, his mind isn't gone, he hasn't been like that in months! I'm staying here with him." She said running a hand through Brooks' hair.


Corey was feeling over tired, he was waking up from the sanative. But his mind was on one thing, Brighton his sister. He knew all his bad choices would add up to tragedy, every time he got in a rut his family was there to welcome him home when he was ready. Even after the gang, his Mama cried for him, begging him to never leave again. He obviously pushed it too far that time, they didn't forgive him. Thoughts of suicide always been in the back of his mind somewhere but he was even afraid of that. He just lay there feeling over tired, the seizures were causing his body a lot of stress, he couldn't take much more and he could tell the Doctors were worried. He lay there planning his death when there was a quiet knock at his door. Then it opened and he expected it would be the Dr.

"Corey?" He looked up feeling his heart jump, it was Brighton, she looked nervous but eager. Eager was what she always was, determined, bold and ready to take a step forward if it meant risking anything at all! Corey couldn't imagine her bravery. She neared the bed then hesitated at its foot.


She sat on the chair then stared at him. "Corey, why are you here? What did you tell the Doctors about your family? Obviously, nothing because we never got a call!"

Corey bit back his tears, she was upset with him! It was clear and he hated that. "I was living with a Dr." He breathed out feeling oddly tired.

"A Dr? What on earth do you mean?" She asked.

"He said he could help me, then he found out about the g-gang. I helped him, I helped him, Brighton! And now I'm sick, it's over." Corey tried sitting up but blood came pouring out of his nose.

"Take this!" Brighton handed him a tissue from the bedside table then helped him steady it since his hands were shaking so bad. "Keep your head back." She warned.

"I didn't tell the Doctors anything," He said. "They don't even know I have a family." He fell back on the pillow feeling over tired. His eyes fluttered a bit.

"Get rest, my break is up I better go, but Mama will find out about this."

Corey's eyes flew open. "But,"

"No Corey, she needs to know I'm not keeping any secrets." Brighton stood up. "I'll see you later."


Brighton had to speak to Dr. Morton, she knew Corey was sick by the way he looked. His skin was pale, his eyes glazed over. After her shift, she went to talk with her.

"You say you're his sister?"

"Yes Dr., I wish I would have known sooner. Is he very bad?" Brighton was afraid to hear the answer. But she didn't expect better than bad news, sooner or later Corey would have ended up in horrible trouble. He's been so afraid since he was a little boy, he didn't even start speaking on till he was three! Before then he would just say things to her but no one else. Their Mama was beside herself, she took him to numerous Doctors and psychologists, he got a little help. Then they labeled him mentally ill, Brighton knew that drove him even crazier and he started running around with the gang!  Corey was her best friend at one time, even in his fears he confided in her.

Dr. Morton got serious, she looked at Brighton as if she was bracing her for the news. "He came in here with alcohol poisoning, we pumped it out of him now he's having withdrawment. I'm afraid there fetal, he's having too many seizures. I'm sorry about this Brighton, we want to help him but he seems very afraid as if he's been abused."

"He was always afraid," Began Brighton, for some reason she had no tears left. Corey hurt them, he should have thought of that. "I don't know where he's been in the last month if there should be any added fears. My brother was always afraid, he was born like that."

"He's starting rehabilitation as soon as tomorrow if he responds well we need to send him to Michael's house treatment in Palm Springs California."

Brighton shot up. "Palm Springs? Our Mom lives in LA! That would be great, he'd be closer to home and Mom. Do you think he'll pull through?" Brighton was feeling very determined again.

"It depends on how much of a fighter your brother really is. I'm sorry to cut this short but I have other patients." Dr. Morton held a hand out to Brighton.

"Thank you, Dr." Brighton shook it then left.


"How did school go Javie?" Asked Agustin as he cleaned the last of the dinner dishes.

"Long." Replied Javier.

"Not making any friends?" Agustin asked.

"Guys, come on Officer Heart is going to be here!" Brooks said while coming into the kitchen.

Agustin turned to see Brooks, he looked a lot better than earlier that day but Agustin still thought he should rest up. "Brooks you really should rest."

"I'm fine Agustin, Officer Heart wants me to hear this too." Just then there was a ring at the doorbell.


A minute later Officer Heart was in the armchair facing the boys on the sofa. Aman was at the left end holding Valeria on his lap, Dylan was next to him looking nervous. Brooks sat next to Dylan laying his head on the back of the sofa with Javier beside him stroking his shoulder. Agustin sat on the floor near the right end of the sofa. They all looked eager yet nervous and Officer Heart wanted to end that. "I think we all know there is a lot to talk about." He began. "I talked to the Dr. today and told her I'll be dealing with Corey, that won't be easy but it calls for another mission. We need to find out who his family is and where they are. Then we have the risk of him telling on Orson Luz, tomorrow I hope to talk to him about that if he's up to it. Orson dropped charges today, Aman you're doing the same, right?" Aman nodded his head.

"What about last night?" Asked Agustin. "Why did you just stand there?"

"Don't be so fearful Agustin, I stood there so I could see how well you boys would stick to your beliefs. If you would give into Ray Cassidy because of fear. But none of you did and I'm very proud of all of you. I don't want to compare you boys to the other Team, but you boys reminded me of them last night."

"Other team?" Brooks asked sitting up now and gently pushing Javier's hand off his shoulder.

"Brooks I believe you know briefly about this. The book you had was written by one of my boys."

"What book? He reads so many!" Said Aman sarcastically.

"It was the one called the Team Hero's, you remember Agustin." Said Brooks. Agustin nodded with wide eyes. "The one I stole, the one with Ray Cassidy in it."

All the boys looked shocked. "I was going to tell you, boys, when I felt it was right, the meaning of the stone, I was going to let you read the book. Jesse Donahue wrote that book, he's Flying Cyrus. He based it on his real experiences with his team, I'm the guy in the hut at the Island, I'm the boys boss. And the stone, that was theirs, It belonged to Kavan Star, or better known as Leatherman Kavan. There are old legends on that stone but for now, we won't talk about it. The stone is for you boys to understand how important it is to become a team with equity, to find your inner essence. Boys we are here to make the world a better place. You are my new Team Hero's, together we will work for the law yet not under them. We will work with our own government and God's guidance. If any of you boys don't want to go further speak up now." He looked around at them, they were so young. Aman had a child. Yet they seemed ready, stronger than they were before last night. 


"But I have to leave, I can't do things with the rest of you I'm sick!" Said Brooks. He realized he had just admitted to being sick, something he wanted to forget or either die in its depression.

"Brooks, just because you are sick doesn't mean you can't do great things. With God all things are possible. And I want all of you boys to read the book Jesse wrote." Said Officer Heart. "Are you boys ready to be the next Team Hero's?"

The boys all looked hesitant. Aman was the first to look up. "I'm ready."

"Me too." Added Dylan.

"Can I try?" Asked Brooks.

"Of course Brooks." Said Officer Heart.

"I'm ready." Added Agustin. Everyone turned to Javier. He just glanced at them then turned to leave.

"Give him times boys, he's suffering more than you know." Said Officer Heart. 


Brighton was going to make sure Corey fought his battle and won. She told their Mom who was more than beside herself. But Brighton wasn't about to give up. "Hey, Corey."

Corey opened his tired eyes and a faint smile formed on his face. "Brighton."

"I told Mama and she said she wants to talk to you soon. Who's been looking out for you?" Asked Brighton.

Corey strangely hesitated. "Right now it's a Police Officer." He replied. "And his boys."

"His boys?" She questioned.

"Yeah, they're all Latin American."

Brighton couldn't help feeling excited, he knew Dylan and all of them? Well, she was going to put a stop to it. That was her brother and he was in her care, he was the most important thing to her. "Well, don't worry Corey, I will be looking out for you now."

A/N Two more chapters to go then it's over! :D What do you think about this book? :D 

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