2. The Second Letter

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Dear Luk,


            I can’t believe you sent me all of the series with the Ninth Doctor in them.  You’re crazy!  I only said that I wish I had them so I could watch them when I got bored, not that I wanted you to buy them for me!  But I really appreciate it.  You shouldn’t have, but I’m glad you did.  When I get some free time away from Emma, my family, and schoolwork, I’ll pop one of these in the DVD player and make a bowl of popcorn.  You rock, L!

            Also, judging from your last note, you’re still not getting my letters.  It’s shitty, man.  I really just want to talk to you.  I want to tell you to call me, but I don’t want to run up minutes on your home phone.  Is that how it works?  I don’t know.  I’ll put my number on the back of this note so you can call me.  I hope when you get this, you’ll call me.


            Lukas stopped reading and flipped the note over.  Scrawled across the back of the paper was Chandler’s number.  He was surprised to see that it was so messy.  From the way Chandler had described himself, he seemed like the only interesting American football player Lukas had ever talked to.  The guys at his school were only focused on panty-chasing and partying.  Something about the American he had come to know was unique, like a white rose in a bouquet made of red ones.  He stood out, contrasted to the others around him.  This was the reason Lukas had grown so close to the boy.

            Lukas himself was so very different as well.  He didn’t know what it was, but something in his chest felt weird every time he received a note from Chandler.  It was just like the letter he received had said.  Chandler knew what he was feeling.  Lukas was scared about it.  This feeling gnawed at his stomach lining like a virus, infecting his brain and controlling his moves and thoughts.  He was a slave to it, but there was no fighting for freedom.  He hated the word, but he had a crush.  It was stupid though.  Emma was Chandler’s girlfriend, and they seemed so happy.  He couldn’t have a crush on a straight guy, not again.  He’d been hurt too many times for that mess.  Lukas placed the note on the table and walked downstairs.  The study was much too stuffy for him at the moment.  He needed fresh air.

            With his cellphone in his hand, the blonde dialed Chandler’s number.  He paused.  There was no way he was still awake.  They were hours apart.  Lukas hung up and clenched his phone.  His plan was ruined once more.  First the letters that didn’t arrive, and now the time difference.  He was worried what else would go wrong before things started going right.  Lukas prepared himself another cup of coffee and slowly carried it upstairs.  As he read once more, he took a small sip of the scalding drink.

            I stopped writing for a little bit and put in the first episode.  Still amazing, I tell you.  I also went out and bought you something of your own.  You said you’ve never seen it, and I can’t have that.  I have a feeling you’ll like it, since you’ve got the same kind of sense of humor.  Man, shit’s been boring.  While we were out, Emma threw a fit that I was buying you something and not her.  It took everything I had in me not to yell at her.  You know how much I hate conflict, but she was saying things about how I’m more invested in you and me than I am with her.  That’s not what it is.  You’re my best friend, she’s my girlfriend.  It’s not so hard to understand if you ask me.

            I’m getting angry talking about this now.   I think I might wrap this letter up and go watch some more Doctor Who.  Hope you get this one soon, and if not, I’ll just keep writing like you promised you’d keep writing to me.  Miss you still, man.





            Lukas found the small brown package on the table and lifted it up.  At the time, he hadn’t known exactly what was in it, nor had he been that much excited for it, but knowing that it was something Chandler had sent him made him swell with anticipation.  He pulled the paper away and stared down at the pink cover.  There was a sticky note attached to the front:

            She doesn’t even go here!


            Chandler had bought him one of America’s favorite teen movies; Mean Girls.

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