Epilogue - The Fifth Letter

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Dear Lukas,


            I love you.







Woohoo!  Happy endings for all :)  I hope you all liked the story, and don’t hate me too much for almost killing off Chandler!  I’d never have the heart to do something like that, lol.  It was so much fun writing these characters, but it’s time for bigger and better things!  Expect something new and even more exciting coming your way next week.  I’ll give you a hint as to what it’s about, though!  Here it gooooes…


Ooooooh, exciting!  I hope you guys enjoy that one too!  Anywho, thanks so much for reading, and you guys just stay awesome! :) XOXOXOXO times infinity!  -Jack

Edit: Haha, JUST KIDDING, that whole zombie idea fell through.

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