Chapter 4 Free Roam Day

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Family's weren't aloud in the pizzarea on Sunday's so we roamed freely, I loved these days because there were no kids screaming and there were no day guards or night guards. We were sitting on stage when the entrance doors opened, we got back into our positions. There were two people a inspector and the one me and my friends have known to hate, Purple Guy. Purple guys was selling the restaurant for some reason only he would pick us up next year when the construction of the new one was done, I looked at them and the inspector was freaked out by the way I stared at him. Purple Guy was just standing there with an annoyed look on his face.
"They are just animatronic and nothing more so do you want it or not," purple guy said impatiently.
"Sure as long as they are locked up," the inspector said pointing to us.
"Fine but I am picking them up next year so they shouldn't be a problem," purple guy said, I made a scream noise and almost charged at purple guy if Freddy hadn't grabbed my arm, I screamed in anger but stayed where I was. The inspector and purple guy left so we started roaming again, I went into the kitchen and started to get the dough for the pizza ready for tomorrow. I heard a clanging of pots so I looked at the dorm and saw Freddy picking them up, I giggled and Freddy looked at me with embarrassment.
"You clumbsy bear," I said.
"I am pretty clumbsy but what happened today was kinda weird, purple guy never comes to this place unless he is up to something," freddy said his voice concerned, I handed him a piece of dough.
"I need help making pizza's," I said, Freddy came up next to me and we started making pizza, he did need a bit of help though but he always made the silliest mistakes. Like accidentally throwing the pizza into the air and landing on his face, or he made it too flat that it broke in his hands.
"I am no good at this," Freddy said half laughing.
"You just need more practice," I said, Bonnie came into the kitchen as well.
"Hey Bonnie can you go help foxy clean the warehouse?" I asked.
"Sure," Bonnie said walking away, I finished with the dough and put it away for tomorrow.
"Ok so tell me why we needed to do this?" Freddy asked.
"So that way tomorrow we have less dough to make," I said, Freddy nodded in understanding, my head started hurting so I sat down. Freddy came over to see what was wrong, thing was I was having a malfunction.
"F-Freddy I-I'm f-fine I-I p-promise," I said my voice glitching with each word, I couldn't help but feel like hitting something only I held it back.
"Your fine it's a malfunction trust me," Freddy said, I looked at him pleased. We sat there until my malfunction stopped, I went back onto stage ready for tonight when I would see the night guard again.

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