New friends

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Mike walks into his house. "Hey." Max greeted. "Hey." Mike said, and hangs up his coat and sits down. "So? How'd it go?" Max asked curiously. "Uh... it was interesting." Mike said. "I should probably get out of here." Max said as she stands up. "Hey, by the way, I-I do intend on-on paying you, eventually." Mike said. "It's okay. I know where you live." Max teased, and Mike chuckles. Mike goes into his sisters' room and sits on (Y/n)'s bed, then removes a string of hair from her face and smiles.

~Time Skip~

"Hey. Welcome to Sparky's. Could I set you folks up with some appetizers?" Matt asked. Doug smiled, but Jane quickly gives Matt the menus. "Oh. We are not eating." She snapped. Matt chuckles. "Well, that's no fun. You do realize that lunch is the most important meal of the day?" Matt asked. "I thought it was breakfast." Jeff said. "Some people say that, but, you know, it's just a theory." Matt said. "Are you being paid by the word, or could we have a minute?" Jane asked rudely. "All right." Matt said. "Thank you." "Ah, where were we? Oh, you were about to tell me what a miserable failure you are." Jane said to Max. "Hey, screw you, lady. My sister went over every inch of that dump a thousand times. If there was something to find, she would have found it. Now pay up." Jeff said. "Uh, I'm sorry?" Jane laughs. "You said 200." Jeff said. "We had a deal." Max said. "Yeah, that you were gonna find me hard proof of criminal endangerment. 

Instead, you've told me what nice kids my nieces are and that my nephew sleeps a lot." Jane said. "He really does, though." Max said. "Sleeping is not a crime." Jane said. "Is that guy okay?" Jeff asked, referring to Doug, who looked uncomfortable. "I just realized, I shouldn't be hearing any of this. As a matter of fact, I shouldn't be here at all." Doug stands up, about to leave. "Sit down, Doug." Jane said, pulling him down. "So, I guess we're finished here, unless either one of you has a brilliant idea, which I realize is highly unlikely." Jane said. "Why don't we just kill him?" Jeff asked. Doug stands up and tries to leave again, and Jane glares, making him stop. "Tempting. But no. What else?" Jane asked. "Mike was saying that... he really needs this new job to, like, look good on paper for the judge or something." Max said. "Well, that's all very fascinating, honey, but I am not hearing a plan." Jane said. "We toss the place." Jeff suggested. Jane looks at him curiously. "Go on." She said. "Well, he's a security guard, right? His job is to make sure nobody gets in. So, we get in, and we mess up the place good. We help ourselves to whatever we find along the way. Your nephew gets canned. Judge gives you the kids, and you give us... $2,000." Jeff said. "One thousand. But do it fast, and don't mess it up. I mean, you know, mess it up, but don't... don't mess this up." Jane said.

~Time Skip~

Mike tries to get the Nebraska poster off the ceiling. Abby and (Y/n) walk in. "What are you doing?" Abby asked, she and (Y/n) were both wearing a security guard vest. Mike looks at the two. "Girls, do you need something?" He asked. "No." They said. "All right, quit playing and take those off. I have to go to work." Mike said as he walks over. "I know. We're coming with you." (Y/n) said. "No, you're not. Give me the vests." Mike said. "No." Abby said. Mike leans in toward them. "Give me the vests now." He said firmly. The girls lean towards him also. "We're coming with you." (Y/n) said. Max comes in and hears the commotion. "We want to go with you." Abby said. "Hello?" Max asked. "We don't want to stay here with Max." (Y/n) said. "Girls, stop." Mike said. Max hears Abby and (Y/n) screaming as Mike walks by carrying them over his shoulders. "No! You can't make us!" Abby shouted. "Yes I can." Mike said. "No, they're ours! Let go! Let go. No, no!" (Y/n) shouted. Max raises an eyebrow. "Girls, stop. Girls." Mike said. "He's taking our vests!" Abby shouted to Max. "Abby." Mike said. "We're keeping them!" (Y/n) said. "No." Mike said. Mike walks out, then looks at Max. "They're all yours."

~Time Skip~

Mike is sleeping in his office and has the same nightmare. "GARRETT!" Mike shouts as he runs after the car. He stops, then slowly turns around to see the five children again. He quickly puts his hands out. "Wait, please. Please don't-don't... don't run. Okay? I-I just want to know what you saw." He said. The children say nothing as they continued to stare. "Please. I'm begging you. Help me." Mike said. "Who took Garrett?!" Mike asked. The children all ran off again. Mike chases a different child, and when he caught up, the child turned and cut his hand with his pirate hook. He looks at the child, then the child screams as his eyes turn black with black tears. As Mike opens his eyes, the lights and cameras in the room flicker. He covers his ears as a loud ringing was heard, and "Talking in Your Sleep" by The Romantics begins blasting. Mike rushes to the breaker and flips the switch and Foxy shows up in one of the doorways. Mike flips the switch again and the lights turn on. He hears a loud beeping and goes to look at the cameras, to see a cop car on the outside. A woman in a raincoat was standing by the door. Mike walks over to the door and opens it.

"About time. Starting to think maybe you fell asleep on the job." She said. "Um... can I, uh, help you, officer?" Mike asked. "Please, my name's Vanessa. And you must be?" She asked. "Um..." Mike said. "The new security guard." Vanessa said. "Yeah." Mike replied. "You're bleeding, by the way." Mike looks at his injury. "Looks nasty." Vanessa said. "Come on. I know where they keep the first aid kit." She said, as she and Mike go into the building and Mike closes the door and looks at his arm, then at the woman. The duo were now in the office. Vanessa chuckles. "Love what you've done with the place." She said. "Why Nebraska?" She asked as she looks at Mike. "Oh, you need a hand?" She asked. "I'm fine..." Mike said. "You sure? Here." Vanessa said, as she helps him with his injury. "I'm a certified EMT. So if your heart ever goes out, I'm the one you want to call." Vanessa said, and Mike nods. "You seem to really know your way around the place." He said. "Well, Freddy's is on my beat. I like to stay well-informed. Also, I really loved this place as a kid." Vanessa said. "There. That should do it." Vanessa said, she gets up and sighs, then reaches her hand out. "Vanessa." She said. "I'm Mike." Mike said. "Pleasure to meet you, Mike." Vanessa said. Vanessa grabs the first aid kit and puts it away.

"You doing all right this evening, Mike?" Vanessa asked. "What?" He asked. "Are you good? Are you okay? Is everything copacetic?" Vanessa asked. "Yeah, I know what "all right" means." Mike said. "Do you also know that your eyes are bloodshot and your heart rate's through the roof? And aside from that gash on your arm, which... " Vanessa chuckles. "Let's be honest, is pretty frickin' bizarre, you've been acting suspicious since the moment you opened the door." Vanessa said. "Yeah, look, it's been a weird night." Mike said. Vanessa nods, then looks at the cameras. "Sounds like Freddy's." She sits next to Mike. "This place, it gets to people. It's one of the reasons why you're gonna quit." Vanessa said. "I'm sorry?" Mike blinked. "Oh, yeah. New security hires, you never last." Vanessa said, and Mike furrows his eyebrows. "Have you met them yet?" Vanessa asked. "Met who?" Mike asked. Vanessa flips on the switches and all of the lights come on as the duo leave the office. "So, what are the other reasons?" Mike asked. "Huh?" Vanessa asked. "Why you think I'm gonna quit my job?" Mike said. 

Vanessa looks at him. "Well, you tell me. Is this somewhere you see yourself ten, 20 years from now? I mean, what do I know? Maybe the benefits are great." Vanessa said, and Mike scoffs. "I didn't think so." Vanessa said. "Add to that thing with those kids going missing." Vanessa said as she walks. "Wh-What did you just say?" Mike asked as he follows. The woman approaches a red button on the wall with the word "showtime" above it. "Prepare to have your mind blown." Vanessa said, she pushes the button. Music plays and the curtains open, and Foxy walks out. Mike looks in surprise. Then the other curtain opens and Bonnie, Chica and Freddy play instruments on their stage. Vanessa smiles at the animatronics. Mike looks at the three, then back at Foxy. "This... this is..." he trails off. "The best thing you've seen in your entire life?" Vanessa asked. Mike looks at her. "Want to dance?" Vanessa asked. Vanessa turns back to the stage when Bonnie's guitar sparks, then they shut down and the curtains close. "Maybe some other time." Vanessa said, and she walks away and Mike followed. "Wait, y-you said some kids went missing?" Mike asked Vanessa, and the duo stop. "Sure. Back in the '80s." She said.

"What happened to them?" Mike asked. "It was big news. That's why the place shut down." Vanessa said. "Wow. You really didn't do your homework, did you? And you're not even wearing your badge." Vanessa said. Vanessa takes out a box of badges. "Got it." She grabs one and pins it on Mike's security guard uniform. "There. Now you're official." Vanessa smiles. Later that morning, Mike locks up the place. Vanessa drives by as he locks up. "Hey." Mike looks at her. "Some friendly advice? Don't let this place get to you. Just do your job, and you'll be fine." Vanessa smiles and Mike nods. "Yeah, sounds good." He said. Vanessa smiles and waves, then drives away. Jeff watches Mike leave, then takes out his phone. "It's showtime. As soon as he gets back, get the guys and meet me here. I think I see a way in." Jeff said. The group meet up at the back of the building. "All right. Now, be quick but thorough. Maximum damage, minimum time. You see anything valuable, grab it, and we'll, uh, settle up after. Good?" Jeff asked. "Yeah. Golden." Carl said. "Whoo! Yeah!" Jeff laughs. "Let's go, boys! Come on!" The group walk off as they go in. They start destroying everything by smashing arcade games, vending machines, posters, and stealing coins from the quarter machine. Carl knocks over a shelf of pizza boxes. He looks to the right when he hears a sound coming from the fridge. He sees two pizza boxes fall.

Carl hears another sound and begins to slowly walk towards the fridge. As he walks towards it, he hears a bang and the doors move, causing him to freeze for a moment before continuing forward. Carl slowly opens the right door to the fridge, but it was empty. He scoffs, then opens the left door to see an animatronic cupcake. He looks confused. The cupcake then opens its eyes. Carl takes out his flashlight, then quickly turns around when he hears a loud bang. He smiles in relief when he realizes it was only the pans on the ceiling, then turns around, and his eyes widened when the cupcake was no longer there. He searches for it quickly, then turns around and gasps when he sees Chica, and her holding the cupcake. Carl drops the flashlight in fear. Cupcake narrows its eyes, then lunges at him. Hank hears his scream and walks over to see Cupcake attacking Carl and Chica watching. His eyes widen and Chica turns to him with a smirk. Jeff enters the main office, sees the monitor, and smiles, taking out a baseball bat, but then sees Hank running and screaming. He watches carefully to see him run down the hall and close a door. As Max waits in the car, she checks the time. Hank tries to open the door, but it was locked. "No!" He shouted. "Come on, you stupid..." Hank said as he struggles to turn on the light. "Come on. Come on." Once he does turn the light on, he turns around to see Bonnie and screams.

Jeff hears him, then sees a shadow of Bonnie, and Hank's bloody hand touch the door. The door then opened. "Hank?" Jeff asked. Bonnie walks out and turns to him, and Jeff drops his crowbar, then runs down the hall. He quickly runs into the office and slams the door. He grabs the phone and grunts when he hears loud children's laughter and slams the phone down. He looks at all of the monitors and sees Chica and Bonnie staring at him. Chica bends down towards the vent, and the cupcake disappears. Jeff watches in confusion. Then the duo turn to look at him menacingly. Jeff then hears racket in the vent and backs away quickly, then goes to look, and Cupcake attacks. Jeff grunts as he tries his best to keep the vent closed. Eventually the banging stopped, and he slowly turns around, to see the cupcake wasn't there. The door to his office opens and he walks out and looks around.

 Then the door shuts and he tries to open it to no avail. He tries to open the other door which was locked as well. He hears loud thudding and turns to a yellow eye glowing at the end of the hall. He screams as Foxy runs at him. Max enters the building to look for her friends. "Jeff? Carl?" She asked as she looks. Suddenly a door opens. She hears child giggling and sees the spirit of Freddy. "Hey." She said. "Follow me." He said, then runs out. "Hey! Hey wait!" She shouted as she runs after him. "Come on." The boy said. "Hello?" Max asked as she enters a hallway. Max walks down the hallway slowly and enters another room. She looks around and notices spare animatronic parts. "Warmer." The boy said. Max turns to see the Freddy animatronic. "How in the heck?" Max asked. "Warmer." The boy said again. Max grabs a chair and stands on it to get a better look at Freddy. She leans in closer, staring at it in confusion, until a small hand reaches out and grabs her, lifting her up and she screams, then the spirit snaps her neck.

~Time Skip~

Abby and (Y/n) are busy drawing again as Mike approaches and sits on the sofa behind them. "Hey, girls, what you working on?" Mike asked, but they don't answer. "All right. I guess you don't want this, then." Mike gives (Y/n) the badge and she looks at it. "It's cool, huh?" Mike asked. (Y/n) puts it on the table. "Okay." Mike takes the badge and puts in a drawer, then turned to the girls. "I'm trying my best, guys, okay?" He asked. Abby and (Y/n) look at him, then walk over to the drawer but struggle to open it. Mike quickly comes back. "You two okay?" He asked. "We made a mess. We're sorry." Abby said as she and (Y/n) look at the "Family Court Matter" papers. "They're just... they're just papers, all right? They don't... they don't mean anything." Mike said. "Then why do you have them?" (Y/n) asked. "Well, that's complicated. Aunt Jane..." Mike began. "We hate her. She's mean and she smells like cigarettes." Abby whined, and Mike chuckles. "It's not funny." (Y/n) said. "You're right, it's not. It's just, uh... I don't know, it's nice that we can finally agree about something." Mike said. "Are you gonna give us away?" Abby asked. "Abs, no, I..." Mike said, suddenly there's a knocking on the door. Mike walks over to the door and opens it to see Vanessa. "Hey Vanessa." He said.

"Hey Mike." Vanessa said. "And hello." Vanessa said as she notices Abby and (Y/n) peeking out. "Vanessa, this is Abby and (Y/n). Abby (Y/n), Vanessa." Mike said, introducing everyone. "Hi, Abby and (Y/n)." Vanessa said. "Mike didn't tell me he had daughters." Vanessa said. "Gross." Abby said. "No, uh, they're my sisters." Mike said quickly. "Ah. Well, he didn't tell me he had sisters either." Vanessa said. "Are you here to arrest Mike?" (Y/n) asked. "Okay, uh, can you two go play in your room so me and Vanessa can talk?" Mike asked. "It's nice to meet you." Abby said, and Vanessa waves at them. "What, um... what are you doing here?" Mike asked curiously. "Somebody broke into Freddy's." Vanessa said. "What? Wh-What-what happened?" Mike asked. "Recognize these?" Vanessa asked, showing the bottle of pills. "Look, it's not what you think, okay? Th-Those are... They're sleeping pills. They help me sleep." Mike said. "I know what they are, Mike. It's written on the bottle." Vanessa said. "News flash: If you're too whacked out to remember to lock a friggin' door, accident or not, you're liable. It's called criminal negligence." Vanessa said, and Mike scoffs. "You wouldn't understand." He said. "Well, then help me. 'Cause the moment I file that report, it's out of my hands." Vanessa said. Mike sighs, looks back to where Abby and (Y/n) went, then back at the officer. "You want to take a walk?" He asked.

Later the duo sit next to a river. "So I used to have a brother. His name was Garrett." Mike sighs. "And when I was... about 12, he was, uh, he was taken. And I was there when it happened. They never found the guy who did it, and they never found my brother. So there's this theory that, uh, we can't forget things. Basically, it says that every single thing that you see in your entire life, down to the tiniest of details, gets stored inside of you. You just have to know how to look." Mike said. "Your brother... You think you saw who took him?" Vanessa asked. "I know I did. And I know that he's in here, but he's just... he's... It's buried. So every night, I dream, and I go back to that same memory, and I-I search for details. For any little thing that got overlooked. Yeah. And that's usually the part where people tell me I'm crazy." Mike said. "I know what crazy looks like, Mike. This isn't it. Not even close." Vanessa said. "And these?" She asked, as she holds the pills. "I mean, going back to the same dream, the same place night after night, it's not easy, so the-the pills help. Some other things, like familiar sights, familiar sounds." Mike said. "Pining for fun?" Vanessa asked, and Mike chuckles. ""Visit Nebraska." He said, and Vanessa chuckles.

"Your sisters seem cool. So it's just the three of you?" Vanessa asked. "Yeah. Yeah, it's just us. Our mom died a little while back. And Dad, he couldn't handle it, so... You know what's crazy is, uh, when... when Garrett and I were kids, they were like those perfect parents you'd see on old TV shows. Yeah, ev-every night, we would sit down together, we'd have family dinner, and we'd hold hands and say grace, and..." Mike said. "That actually sounds really nice." Vanessa said. "Yeah, at the time, I thought it was really cheesy. But then it's gone." Mike said. "You, (Y/n) and Abby, you still have each other. From where I sit, I'd say you're lucky." Vanessa said. Mike stares at her, and Vanessa stands up. "I should go." Vanessa said, she grabs a rock and throws it into the river, then looks at him. "No more sleeping on the job. 

When you're at Freddy's, you stay alert." She said. Later Mike tried to call his babysitter but she doesn't answer. "Hey, it's Max." She chuckles. "Leave a message. Or don't." "Come on, Max. Come on." Mike said. "Hey, it's Max. Leave a mes..." Mike sighs and hangs up, then walks into the hallway and sees Abby and (Y/n) drawing. They stop and smile. "I will work, and you two will sleep, and under no circumstances are either of you gonna come out of my office. Do you understand?" Mike asked the twins as he drove to work. "We understand." Abby said. "This is not a vacation, okay? You're not here to have fun." Mike said. "Okay." (Y/n) responded. "Whoa, slow down, slow down, slow down." Mike said as he, (Y/n) and Abby approached the building. "No, no, no." Abby said. "Girls?" Mike asked.

The trio walk into the building to see it ruined. "Whoa, what happened?" (Y/n) asked as she looks around. Mike reaches a hand out for them. "Give me your hands." Abby and (Y/n) grab his hand. "Watch out." Mike said. Abby yawns once they're settled in. "Do you want me to turn the light off?" Mike asked, and Abby shakes her head. "Okay. Good night." Mike said as he gets up. "It's like camping." (Y/n) said, and Mike looks at her. Mike looks at the cameras, then walks into the supply closet. He notices a small blood stain on the door, and once he goes to the shelf, recoils back in surprise when Balloon Boy was there again. Mike picks up some cleaning supplies and begins to clean, he mops the floor, puts back knocked down shelves, and puts back furniture that was knocked over. Mike looks at the time, then walks back into his office and falls asleep. "Abby... (Y/n)..." a boy's voice whispers, and they slowly wake up. They walk over to Mike and Abby taps him on the shoulder, but he stays asleep. "We'll be right back." She whispered. Abby and (Y/n) walk out towards the stage.

"Hello? We know you're back there. Might as well come out." (Y/n) said. Freddy's eyes open, and he slowly walks out towards them. Mike is in his usual nightmare. He slowly turns around and sees the blonde boy with the striped shirt on the ground. He slowly approaches him. "You're those kids, right?" He asked. "The ones who disappeared?" The boy stops what he's doing. "Look. I don't know how it's possible that you're here like this in my dream, but... I need your help. Please. Help me remember the man who took my brother." Mike said. The boy stands up and turns around. "If we show you, what will you give us?" He asked. "Anything. I'll give you anything you want." Mike pleaded, 

he looks down and sees a drawing of a rabbit in the dirt. Mike suddenly hears screaming. "Abby? (Y/n)?" Mike asked once he woke up. "Stop! Stop! Stop!" Abby shouted. "Girls?" Mike asked, quickly going to their fort and seeing they weren't there. He hears them screaming again. Mike quickly runs over. "Abby?! (Y/n)?!" Mike asked, the animations all turn to him. Freddy approaches and Mike quickly grabs a chair to defend himself. Freddy's eyes narrowed as Mike prepares to swing the chair, then holds it in front of himself. Abby and (Y/n) walk over. "Mike, they wouldn't stop tickling us. I thought we were gonna die." Abby said. "Freddy, this is our brother Mike." (Y/n) introduced. "Girls, what is this?" Mike asked as he looks around in fear. "Come on. We want you to meet the others." Abby said, then she and (Y/n) run over to the other animatronics.

Mike slowly sets the chair back and carefully walks past Freddy to the others. "Mike, this is Bonnie, Foxy and Chica. Everyone, this is Mike." (Y/n) introduced. The animatronics stare at him silently as he looks at them. "This-this is a joke, right? I mean, th-there's someone here. There's probably somebody controlling them, right? I mean... Okay, good joke! Congratulations! You got me! You can come out now! Hello?" Mike asked. "It's okay, Mike. They just want to play." Abby said. Chica turns to Abby and winks at her. "We have to go home now. Come on." Mike said. "Hold on." (Y/n) said, taking out a small notebook and starts to draw. "They really like pictures." She said. She draws a small picture of a heart and hands it to Bonnie. "We had a lot of fun tonight. Thank you for playing with us." Abby said. "Okay, okay, girls, come on." Mike said. "Okay." Abby said, but before leaving she and (Y/n) gave Freddy a hug, who hugs them back. "Bye!" They said as they wave at the animatronics who wave back as the trio leave.

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