Secrets Revealed

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Mike turns back to Abby once he arrives home to see Abby and (Y/n) sleeping. Back inside, Mike puts Abby and in her bed under the covers, then does the same for (Y/n), Mike then walks back into Abby's room to look at her drawlings. He sits on the chair at the drawing desk, he looks at one of the pictures to see that one of them was the souls of the children. "It's them." Mike looks through more drawings. Another picture was of the children on a pirate ship. The next morning, Abby was having a sandwich with soup for breakfast. Mike sat beside (Y/n). "Hey, girls, um, we need to talk about last night, okay?" He asked, and they turn to him. "Um... So those, uh, those... machines..." Mike began. "Our friends?" Abby asked. "Your friends? Um... are they...?" Mike asked. "Ghosts?" Abby asked. "Yeah." Mike said. "Of course. How else could they make the robots move?" (Y/n) asked in a playful manner, and Mike raises an eyebrow. "Right." He said. "Can I have some more soup?" Abby asked. "Yeah, sure." Mike said. "I'll get it." (Y/n) gets up and turns the stove on and puts a pot on it. Mike glances at her, and stays quiet for a moment, before looking back at Abby. "Hey, Abby. You know we used to have a brother, right?" Mike asked, and she looked at him.

"Garrett. We don't... we don't really talk about him very much." Mike said. "Neither did Mom or Dad." Abby said. "Yeah, it was hard for them. It's hard for me, too." Mike said. Abby nods. Mike takes out the drawings from last night and walks back to Abby, giving her the drawing. "C-Can you explain this to me?" He asked. Abby takes it and looks at it. "You-you drew that, right? Okay, and... and-and you know what that is?" Mike asked. Abby nods and looks away. "Hey, hey, it's okay. Okay, I'm not, I'm not mad. I won't get angry at you. But I really need you to help me understand, please." Mike said. "That's when Garrett got taken." Abby said. "Abby, who told you about that? W-Was it a-a boy with blonde hair?" Mike asked, and she nods. "Did that boy ever tell you anything about the man driving that car? Anything at all? Okay, just think, think really hard, okay?" Mike asked. "No. All they talk about is a yellow rabbit." Abby said. "Ok." Mike said. "But... (Y/n) and I can ask." Abby said. "I would really appreciate that." Mike said. Later that night, Vanessa is staring at the drawings, bad memories playing in her mind. When they arrive, they see the cop car. "Vanessa, Mark and Jack are here." Abby said. "Yeah." Mike said. "Our friends talk about them sometimes." Abby said. "What do they say?" Mike asked. "That they're nice." Abby said. "Abby, if I asked you to wait in the car, would you?" Mike asked. "No." Abby said.

"Abby, wait." Mike said, but she runs in to the animatronics. "Guys, I'm back." Abby said. "Mike." Vanessa greeted. "(Y/n)." Mark and Jack greeted. "Hey guys." Abby said as she runs past the trio while giggling. Abby chuckles. "I missed you guys." Abby said as she approaches the animatronics, who looked happy to see her again. "You guys knew about this?" Mike asked. "Guess you figured it out." Vanessa said. "Ghost children possessing giant robots? Thanks for the heads-up." Mike said. "Guys, we need help." Abby called, and they walk over. Abby shows them a drawing of a fort they want to make. "It needs to be big so we can all fit inside." Abby said. Mike looks at the animatronics, then pulls Abby and (Y/n) to the side. "Girls, look. Now, this is all really fun and exciting, but these things are big, and they could be dangerous, so I think we need to lay some ground rules, all right?" Mike asked. "Vanessa, you're the cop, what do you think?" Mike asked. "I think we could use the tables for the fort." Vanessa said. "Everyone, follow us." Abby and (Y/n) walk off and Abby giggles. "Come on." (Y/n) said. The gang work together to build the fort, the animatronics move a table as the group move some chairs. Bonnie accidentally drops a chair he was holding and Vanessa smiles.

"It needs to be higher." Abby said. Bonnie puts up another table. "He did it!" Abby said, but then Boonie collapses. "Are you okay?" (Y/n) asked worriedly, and Bonnie gave a thumbs up. The group is now lying on the floor together. "I like it in here." Vanessa said. "Me, too." Abby said. "Me three." (Y/n) said, and Abby giggles. "But I think it's gonna rain soon." She said. "Sounds like we need a roof." Mark said. "I'll go see what I can find." He said, standing up. "I'll, uh... I'll-I'll come with you." Mike said, also standing. "Me too." Jack said, getting up from his spot on the floor. "(Y/n), don't forget to ask." Mike whispers, and she nods. Mike follows the trio. Abby turns to (Y/n). "Do you like either of them?" She asked. And (Y/n) furrows her brows. "Who?" She asked. "Jack and Mark, because I think they both like you." Abby smirks, and (Y/n) chuckles, then nudges her playfully. "Haha. Very funny." She said, and Abby laughs.

"What are you looking for exactly?" Mike asked as he follows the three. "Tablecloths. They used to keep 'em back here for big events." Vanessa said. "Right. And remind me how you know that." Mike said. "Found 'em." Mark said as he opens a box. Mike sees an animatronic, and reaches towards it. "Don't!" Jack shouted, and Mike turns to face him. "I wouldn't do that. They're spring locks. They're on all the older models." Jack said. "They were designed to keep the animatronic parts in place so that, uh, a person could safely wear the suit. They tend to be pretty unstable." He continued.

"Let's see." Vanessa said, then grabs a broom and touches it, activating the spring locks. "Ooh." Mike said. "Like I said, unstable." Vanessa said. "Is there anything else that you guys want to tell me about?" Mike asked, and they freeze, then slowly turn to face him. "'Cause you seem to know everything about this place. And what if (Y/n) came in here? What if she found that thing?" Mike asked. "You're the one who brought her here, Mike, not us." Mark said. "What I can't wrap my head around is why." Jack demanded. "All right, look. I think that they know who took my little brother.

I can't explain it, but when I'm here, I feel closer to Garrett. My dreams are more vivid, and it... it's like I can almost... " Mike said. "Change what happened?" Vanessa asked. "Did you ask them about this?" She asked. "Yeah, I tried. I don't think they like me very much. But... they do like (Y/n)." Mike said. "Mike, you need to drop this." Mark snapped, his tone suddenly changed to a more angry one, and he was about to leave. "I don't really see how that's any of your business." Mike replied. Jack walks over to him. "I'm telling you, you need to let it go!" He shouted. "Who the hell are you people?" Mike asked. "Just some people who are trying to help." Vanessa said. Vanessa storms out. Mark and Jack glance at Mike, before following her out. As Mike follows, Abby and (Y/n) are dancing to the music. "Guys, wait." Mike said. "Talk to me." He said. "We're trying. You're not listening." Vanessa said. "Please. Finding the guy that did this is the only thing that matters to me." Mike said. She looks at him, then they turn over to Abby who was walking over to Bonnie. "Abby?" Vanessa asked, she quickly ran forward. "Wait. Abby, don't!" (Y/n) shouted, quickly shoving her out the way. But she was electrocuted. "(Y/N)!" Everyone shouted.

"(Y/n)?" She heard Abby as she woke up but her voice sounded muffled. She coughs. "What happened?" She asked. "It's okay, (Y/n). You just had an accident. You're okay." Mark said, and Vanessa hugs her. "I'm so sorry." She said. Mark, Jack, Mike and Vanessa stand outside the pizzeria as Abby and (Y/n) wait in the car. "I don't know what to say." Mike said. "Just go home, Mike." Vanessa said. "Take care of your sisters." She said. "What are you guys so afraid of?" Mike asked as they turned to walk away, but froze at his words. "In the storage room... I saw your eyes. You were terrified." Jack stormed over to him. "You can do whatever you want with your own life, but if you EVER bring (Y/n) back here again, I will shoot you!" The trio walk off. "They looked so angry." Abby said as Mike gets in the car. "Why does everyone always look at you that way?" Abby asked.

Once Mike got home, he calls the last person he wanted to ask for help. "Hey, it's Mike. I need your help." The next morning, Mike enters (Y/n)'s room and wakes her up. "(Y/n)." He said, as he shakes her softly. "Is that bacon?" She asked. "Hey, why don't you uh, get dressed, wake up Abby, and then come to the kitchen, okay? I want to talk to you about something." Mike said. "Okay." She said. (Y/n) gets out of bed, woke up Abby and the two run to the kitchen. "Wow, there are my favorite girls." Jane said, and (Y/n) steps back, lightly pushing Abby behind her protectively as she glares at Jane. "Come have a seat, all right?" Mike asked. "What did you do?" (Y/n) asked quietly. "(Y/n), look, I think if you just sit down, I can explain it to you, okay?" Mike asked. "No." Abby said. "I promise you, this is not what you think it is." Mike said. "I hate you." (Y/n) said, and Mike was taken aback. "I hate you, Mike!" (Y/n) shouted. She and Abby run off into Abby's room and Abby slams her bedroom door. "Well, I-I think that went well." Jane said. Back in her room, Abby scribbles out Mike in each picture. "She reminds me of you, you know. Always with the temper." Jane said as Mike puts his coat on. "Well, look, when she calms down, can you, um, tell her that I'm sorry, and that I'll be back soon?" Mike asked. "Well, Mike," Jane began, and he turns to her.

"There's a larger conversation that needs to happen here. So when you do get back, you and I are gonna have a little chat." Jane said. "Okay." Mike said, then he left the house. Later at a pharmacy, Mike waits for his medication at the counter. "You know what works for me? A warm glass of milk with chamomile and honey. I tell you..." Mike snatches the bag and quickly walks out. "What an asshole." Later that night, Mike fell asleep. Mike hears Garrett imitating airplane noises as his father sets him at the table. "Okay, enough games, you two." The mother said. "Emergency landing." The father said. "Coming in." The mother chuckles. The father turns to Mike. "Hey, buddy." He said. "Well, don't just stand there. Dig in." His mother said. Mike stared in fear and confusion. His mother looks at him. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" She asked. "This... this isn't... this isn't how it happened. This isn't real." Mike said. "But it could be." Mike quickly turns to see the children. "What is this? This isn't what I asked for." Mike said. "But it's what you want." The boy replied. "No. I just, I just want to find the man that..." Mike said. "You're lying. You want to save Garrett. That's why you're really here." The boy said. "To change what happened. To go back." The boy said. "But I can't. He's gone. They're all gone." Mike said. "Really?" The boy asked, then points to the family at the table. "You can have this dream every night. You can be together with him again. Like before." She said. "How?" Mike asked.

"You said we could have anything we wanted. We want (Y/n)." The boy replied, and Mike's eyes widen. "(Y/n)?" He asked. "They love her, Mike, and she loves them." Garrett said. "You've seen her with them. You've seen how happy she is. It's time to let her go, sweetheart." Mike's mother said. Tears fall down his eyes and he nods. "Okay, yes..." he strokes Garett's face gently, then gets an imagine of (Y/n) smiling once he returns. "You're back." Mike's smile drops when realization hits and the boy smirks. "No. No, this is wrong. I don't, I don't want this. Listen... " Mike stands up, but the children are gone. "I made a mistake! Please, I don't want this! Do you hear me?!" Mike shouted as he frantically looked for the children. "You leave (Y/n) alone!" Mike shouted furiously. The kids begin to run past him, each time passing too fast to see. "STAY AWAY FROM HER!" Mike shouted.

The kids begin to attack. One cuts his hand, while the girl attacks from behind. Mike grunts in pain and falls to his knees as they kept attacking. One kid hit Mike's back and he falls to his side. He hears (Y/n)'s name being whispered over and over. When Mike wake up, his eyes widen when he's chained to a chair, with a machine coming toward him. Mike struggles frantically, trying to break free from the buckles around his wrists, Mike quickly unscrewed the pin holding the restraints and escapes. Mike turns to see the dead body of Max. Then turns to see multiple dead bodies in the room. He quickly stands up and runs out. The lights flickered in the hallway as he runs to the door. He tries to open it but it was locked. Then he hears humming and turns to see Foxy at the end of the hall. Mike goes back to trying to open the door frantically, then Foxy charges at him. "NO!"

~Time Skip~

Abby was in her room, with (Y/n) watching her draw. "Girls, you can't stay in there forever, you know." Jane said, but got no response. "Suit yourselves." Jane walks away. Jane walks into the tv room and grabs the remote, then sits down and watches tv, not noticing the giant Freddy behind her. In Abby's room, Abby and (Y/n) hear a loud thud and go to investigate. They see Freddy Fazbear. "Freddy?" They asked, and run over. Freddy's spirit walks toward them. "Not Freddy. They're all waiting for you, (Y/n). It's time to go play." The boy said. Abby and (Y/n) smile, then Abby goes to get her backpack. Abby stops when she sees Jane on the floor. "Silly Aunt Jane." The boy chuckles. "She fell asleep." He said, and something about the way he said that made a chill go down (Y/n)'s spine. "How do we get there?" Abby asked. Later Abby and (Y/n) get into a taxi. "Where to, ladies?" The driver asked. The car then shakes as Freddy gets in. "What the...?" He turns around to see Freddy and jumps in surprise. "Oh, my goodness!" He shouted, and (Y/n) giggles. "Not cool." He sighs.

"Why do I always get the weirdos?" He asked, then drives the car. Mike breathes heavily as he wakes up, then goes to touch the wrapped bandage. "Careful." Vanessa walks over. "I managed to stop the bleeding, but you're probably gonna need stitches." Vanessa continued. "Where am I?" Mike asked. "Police supply outpost. We found you, and, uh, you were... you were badly hurt." Vanessa said. "They tried to kill me, Vanessa. But I'm guessing you guys already knew that. Max. Her brother. You knew about them, too, right?" Mike asked. "It's complicated." Mark said. "Yeah. More complicated than possessed robots murdering innocent people?" Mike asked. "They weren't innocent." Jack shakes his head. "Yeah, (Y/n) is! You saw her playing with them. And you knew what they were capable of, and none of you said anything!" Mike shouted angrily. "Mike, please just..." Vanessa said. "(Y/n) is in danger!" Mike shouted furiously. "Tell us what happened." Mark said.

"In my dream... they asked me for (Y/n). And I said yes." Mike said. "You what...?" Mark asked quietly in disbelief. "Why would you do that?" Jack asked. "It was a mistake, and I-I tried to fix it, but... " Mike said. Meanwhile Abby, (Y/n) and Freddy arrived at the pizzeria. "Come on, let's go." Abby said. She and (Y/n) run into the building. They look for Freddy but he had vanished. "Where'd you go?" (Y/n) asked as she looks around. They walk down the hall. "Back in the 80s when those kids went missing... the police searched Freddy's from top to bottom." Vanessa said. "Every inch was accounted for. But they never found them." Vanessa said. Abby and (Y/n) walk into the diner. "Hello?" Abby asked. "The man who took them, he was a... he was a very bad man." As Abby and (Y/n) walk over to the drawings, they see the one with the yellow rabbit with the children. "A very cruel man. Also a very clever man. He knew that parents would cry, and the police would come looking. And he knew there's one place they'd never think to check

because... ...why would they?" Vanessa asked, as the lights turn on on the stages and Abby and (Y/n) approach the animatronics. "I mean, why would anyone? It's not just their ghosts that are inside of those machines. It's their bodies." Vanessa said "You have to understand, the... the kids, they don't want to hurt anyone. It's-it's him. He influences them somehow. He took everything from them, but they don't remember." Vanessa's voice trembles. "Who, Vanessa?" Mike asked. Vanessa gets up. "I tried to warn you. I really did try in my own way." Vanessa said. "But it's too late now. He knows that you're looking for him. He'll be coming." Vanessa said. "You need to tell me who he is." Mike demanded. Vanessa sighs, and takes out a picture. "His name is William Afton. He's my father." She said as she gave Mike a picture of her father in the rabbit suit and herself as a little girl, holding the same airplane toy Garrett had. "You guys knew?" Mike asked in disbelief, feeling betrayed. "Mike..." Vanessa said, tears streaming down. "This whole time. My brother, you all knew." Mike said. "About Garrett, no." Mark said quickly. "A-At least... not when we met." Vanessa shook her head. "I'm so, so sorry." She said. "Tell me how to stop them. Tell me how to save (Y/n)!" Mike shouted.

Abby and (Y/n) walk closer to the animatronics. "Electricity. Electricity is the key." Mark takes out a tool. "We use these for animal control." He holds it up. "There's a taser on your belt. It won't do permanent damage, but it'll mess with the animatronic circuitry. Hopefully buy you some time." Mark said. "Come with me." Mike said. Vanessa shakes her head and backs away. "No." She said. "Vanessa, you owe it to me, and you owe it to them." Mike said. "No, I can't. If he's there, I... I won't be any use to you, believe me." Vanessa said. "He really messed you up, didn't he?" Mike asked softly. Vanessa hears screaming coming from a little girl, and shakes her head, trying to get rid of the memories. "We'll go." Mark said, and Mike glances at Vanessa's two friends, but Vanessa quickly shakes her head. "Mark, no. It's a bad idea." She said. "But we should help." Jack said. "I know, but... as long as he's out there... you guys shouldn't." She shakes her head again, and her voice trembles, and Mike gives her a confused look. "What do you mean?" He asked, but Vanessa stays silent, then gives Mike her car keys. "Take these." Back at the pizzeria, (Y/n) smiles as Chica notices her and gestures her to come over. She walks onto the stage as Mike drives to the building. "You need to avoid the front entrance." Vanessa said. (Y/n) walks on stage over to Chica and is about to walk with her.

"There's an outlet vent on the east side of the building. That's the best way inside." Vanessa said. The trio get into the building from the back and crawl through the vent. They see a rat walk by. Once they reach the front, they see (Y/n) leaving with Chica. "No." Mike bangs on the vent, and it falls to the floor. He, Mark and Jack crawl out, standing up once they get closer. Freddy suddenly turns around and they quickly hide behind the small steps on the stage. Freddy stays still for a few moments, then looks to the side, before going back to dancing. Mike sees Chica leading (Y/n) down a hall. "(Y/n)." Mike whispered. "Chica, where are we going?" (Y/n) asked quietly. (Y/n) looks around the dark room Chica led her to. Jack grabs a bucket of water and spills it below the animatronics, then Mark grabs his gun and shocks Bonnie and Freddy, causing them to collapse. "Chica, I don't like this." (Y/n) said. Chica suddenly grabs her and she screams. "Let go of me!" She screamed. "(Y/n)?!" Mike shouted. Chica tries to put (Y/n) into the machine. "Chica, let me go!" She shouted. They quickly run in. "HEY!" Mark shouted, and Chica turns to face him. Jack takes his gun out and aims it at Chica. "Leave her alone!" He shouted. Chica narrows her eyes and steps forward, and Jack shoots Chica, and she falls back. "(Y/N)!" Abby suddenly runs to her and hugs her. She must've heard her screaming. (Y/n) hugs her back and then Mike hugs (Y/n). "Hey. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Mike asked. "I don't know what's wrong with her." (Y/n) said. "I know. I know. Hey, listen to me. I've been an idiot about so many things. I've been stuck trying to fix the past, but you and Abby are the most important things in the world to me, and I promise you I'm gonna do better." Mike said comfortingly as he holds her shoulders.

"I love you, too, Mike. But we should probably go now." (Y/n) said. "Right, okay. Come on." Mike said. The cupcake's eyes narrow. As the group run down the hall, the cupcake launches at Mike and bites his leg. "MIKE!" Abby and (Y/n) shouted. "Run! Hide! Guys, go!" Mike urged. They hesitated as they didn't want to leave him behind. "Go!" Abby and Jack run off. The spirit of Foxy sees them and hides behind the curtain. Mark grabs the tool and shocks the Cupcake just as it jumps toward Mike. Jack notices Foxy, and he backs away and accidentally bumps into an arcade game. Jack grabs Abby's right hand and leads her and Abby behind an arcade game. The three turn and sees Foxy. Abby covers her mouth in fear as Foxy looks around and Jack tenses, as Foxy slowly comes towards them. Abby whimpers as Foxy walks closer,

but once Foxy turns to their direction, they had sunk off to the ball pit and hid beneath the balls. (Y/n), Mike and Mark quickly come in. "Abby? Jack? Guys, where are you? Jack? Abby?" (Y/n) turns around and see a big yellow rabbit walk into the room. They take a step back every time he takes a steps forward. Mike grabs his gun and fires, and the rabbit laughs as it did no damage whatsoever. Mark, noticing the rabbit was about to attack, quickly shoves the siblings out of the way and the rabbit sends him flying. "MARK!" They shouted. The rabbit chuckles, then kicks Mike sending him back as well. (Y/n) gulps and counties trying to get away. The rabbit then snatches her. Foxy crushes one of the balls from the ball pit with his foot as he comes closer. Abby's eyes widen as she sees Foxy. Then a sound of a taser gun goes off, and she screams as she's suddenly lifted up, but then she is put to the ground. "It's okay." Vanessa said. "Vanessa." Jack said, as he came out of hiding once he realized it was just her. "Foxy." Abby said in concern when she saw him lying on the ground, with sparks surrounding his body now and then. "I need to get you somewhere safe so I can go help your brother and sister, okay?" Vanessa asked Abby.

Mark kept stepping back as Mike crawls to try and avoid the rabbit. "You couldn't just leave it alone, could you?" The rabbit chuckles. "Lucky me. This is perfect. The person in the suit said, and (Y/n) struggles against his grip to no avail. "Let me go!" She shouted. "(Y/N)!" Mike shouted. The rabbit tightened his grip on (Y/n), pulling on her rather roughly. "First I killed your brother. Now I kill you two. Symmetry, my friends." The rabbit said. "Stop it!" The siblings turn to see Mark, aiming a gun at the rabbit. "Leave them alone." The rabbit chuckles. "Well, well, look who we have here. Are you really going to shoot me, Mark?" The rabbit taunted. "If he doesn't, I will." They turned to see Jack pointing another gun at the rabbit. "Let her go." Jack demanded, and the rabbit chuckles. "Not surprised to see either of you again. The little ones told me you've been hanging around." The rabbit said. Mike glances between them with confusion. "You two pests are always getting in my way, sticking your noses in places you shouldn't. I should've killed you a long time ago." The rabbit said. "Bastard." Mike said furiously. "Well now I finally can. I'll kill you both next, after I kill (Y/n)." The rabbit said.

Mike glares at him. "Go to hell." He spat. The person laughed, then kicks Mike over and he is out cold. "MIKE!" (Y/n) shouted, she struggles to break free from the rabbit's grasp, wanting to run to Mike, but the rabbit holds her tightly. "Wake up, children. I have something for you to play with." The rabbit said. The animatronics wake up and begin to walk over. "This is gonna be so much fun. They also told me that you have another sister. She will love it here. You however, are finished. Farewell, (Y/n) Schmidt." The person took out a knife and prepared to strike (Y/n). "NO!" Abby shouted. Mark suddenly fires his gun at the rabbit, causing him to drop the girl and look at him in surprise. The rabbit then grabs his knife, and begins to approach the duo. "You two never learn, do you?" He said. "That's enough!" Vanessa shouted angrily. The rabbit turns to see Vanessa glaring, holding a gun of her own. "Drop the knife." Vanessa demanded. "A little old for temper tantrums, aren't we, Vanessa?" The rabbit asked, giving a mocking shrug. "I'm not kidding, Dad." Vanessa said.

The person takes off the rabbit head. "You may have forgotten your loyalties, but I assure you, they have not." The man said, gesturing to the animatronics with his knife, then tossing the rabbit head on the floor. "MIKE!" Abby and (Y/n) shouted, Abby and (Y/n) quickly kneel down to him. (Y/n) begins to shake him. "Please wake up." She said desperately. She begins to cry. "Mike, please." She shakes him again. "Now, put that thing away and help me clean up the mess that YOU created!" William shouted at his daughter. "Please. Please, Mike. Please. No!" (Y/n) sobbed. (Y/n) cries, and Abby does too, and the sisters hug each other for comfort. "Come on." William chuckles. "We both know you're not gonna use a... " Vanessa fires the gun at his other shoulder and William was surprised. "Mike? Mike?" Abby asked, and he starts to wake up. "Abby? (Y/n)?" He asked. They look at the drawing on the wall of the children and yellow rabbit. 'The Yellow Rabbit, he controls them.' "The drawings. "The Yellow Rabbit hurt your friends. Show them what really happened." Mike said. William knocks the gun out of Vanessa's hands and she screams. William walks over to his daughter slowly, pointing his knife. "You had one job. One. Keep them in the dark, and kill them if they got too close." William said. "That's two jobs." Vanessa said. William grabs her neck, chocking her, and slams her into a claw machine, as (Y/n) snatches the drawing off the wall, and before he can attack her, Vanessa grabs William's other hand. "NO!" He turns to her. "Let go!" He demanded.

"I won't let you hurt (Y/n)." Vanessa said angrily. William stabs her. Vanessa slowly looks up at William. "Dad..." Vanessa said, teary eyed, and William drops her, looking to be a bit in shock from his own actions, before quickly turning to (Y/n). "Hey. Hey." William warned, but (Y/n) pins the drawing to show the animatronics. "What have you done?" William asked quietly. Jack runs down the hall, and flips the switch on the breaker, and a light shines on the drawing, of the rabbit murdering the children. The animatronics turn to the picture and their eyes narrowed at him dangerously. They slowly turn toward William, and begin to walk towards him threateningly. "They can see you now." (Y/n) said. "They know what you did." She sneered. "Move. Move!" William shouted, as the animatronics moved closer. Multiple lights shine on William as Jack returns.

Mike, Mark, Abby and (Y/n) smile and run over. "Jack!" (Y/n) said. "Look at you. Look at the nasty things that you have become. Look how small you are, how worthless you are. You are wretched, rotten little beasts. I made you!" William shouted. Cupcake lunges at him as the others glare. A spring lock in his suit activates and he grunts in pain. Then so does another one, pushing through his body, and another. The animatronics watch as he drops to his knees, he starts wheezing for air, and quickly grabs the rabbit head. "I always come back." He declared. The animatronics glare at him. He puts the head on before he dies from the spring locks. A light then falls to the floor as the building begins to collapse. "What is happening?" Abby asked. "The spring locks." Mark said. Mike approaches Vanessa. He puts Vanessa on his shoulder and (Y/n) Mark, Jack, and Abby help carry her out as the building crumpled. Freddy lets out a cry as the group run out. (Y/n) looks back toward the animatronics as they lead Springtrap away.

~Time Skip~

Abby is at school playing with legos with two other girls, and Mike and (Y/n) come to pick her up. "It's really extraordinary, the turn she's taken these past few weeks. Whatever you're doing, keep doing it." Lillian said. "Yeah, I will." Mike said. Mike drives them home. "It's not that hard. What do you want for dinner? Pizza or spaghetti?" He asked. "What're you talking about? That's incredibly hard." (Y/n) said, and Mark chuckles. "Both." Abby said, and (Y/n) chuckles. "See?" "You got to choose. Which is it?" He asked. "But we want both." (Y/n) said. "You can't have both." Mike said, and Jack chuckles. Abby and (Y/n) look at each other, thinking about it, then smile and turn back to Mark. "Spaghetti." Abby said, and (Y/n) nods. "With meatballs." She said. "All right, with meatballs." Mike said. "You're picking that over pizza?" Jack asked in surprise. The two girls turn to him. "Wow." Jack said in disbelief, and (Y/n) chuckles, and Mike snickered. "Um, we're gonna make a quick stop, okay?" Mark asked.

They enter the hospital room where Vanessa was. "Vanessa, I don't know if... you can hear any of this, but, um... I'm having a hard time just processing everything that happened. But you were there for us when it mattered the most. And I don't think that any of us would be here today if it weren't for you. So... So get better. And we'll be here when you wake up." Mike said. He walks out. "Did you tell her I said hi?" Abby asked. "I did." Mike said. ""Let's go." He said.

All right, let's get out of here." Mike said. Later the group are having dinner together. There's a new drawing of the animatronics and their souls on the fridge. "You okay?" Mark asked softly. "I was just thinking about our friends." (Y/n) replied. "Hmm." Mike said. "They're all alone." Abby said. "Right." Mike said. "No one takes care of them anymore. Can we visit them sometime?" (Y/n) asked. "Um..." Mike said awkwardly. "You know what? You never know what can happen." He said, and Abby and (Y/n) smile. "Do you think if you drink enough milk, you just turn into a cow?" Jack asked, and the others laugh. "No." Mark said. "Would you start, like, getting, like, spots on you like a cow?" Jack asked, and they chuckle. "No." Abby said again. "What would happen? Just..." Jack continued.

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