Chapter 4: No More Strings

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Standing before me was a horrifying sight. Standing there was Balloon Boy, but he was different. He had menacingly sharp teeth and large claws. His eyes glowed as he stared at us.

His mouth opened as if he was going to speak.


Myra and I backed up a little.


He stepped closer. He drug his claws against the wall and came closer.


He entered the office. As he did, I heard the sound of a jack in a box tune.

"Logan, what do we do?" Myra whispered.

"Follow my lead." I whispered back.

There was a lamp on the desk. I picked it up and chucked it at Balloon Boy. It hit him in the head and knocked him over. I quickly grabbed Myra's arm and pulled her with me to the left vent. I pushed her in first and we began to crawl through.

"Logan, where does this lead?" Myra asked.

"One of the party rooms I think." I answered.

We soon exited the vent and ended up in one of the party rooms.

"We need to get out of here." I whispered. "But we have to be quiet. There's more than one animatronic here."

Suddenly, the power went off.

"I thought this place had unlimited power." Myra stated.

"Me too." I replied.

We ran towards the exit of the building, but were stopped by a dark figure. It stood in front of the door, and all I could make out was its shape.

It shaped like...a marionette.

Its eyes began to glow and it played the Toreador March tune.

"So this is what it feels like." I muttered.

It stepped closer to us. It then...began to sing.

"Wide eyed and screaming, what did we do wrong? Stay still my friend, this won't take long."

It stopped at that line and raised its claws. We went to step back, but I noticed that Balloon Boy was coming up behind us.

"We're screwed!" Myra said.

We awaited our deaths, but suddenly, a shadowy figure appeared. It wore a dark cloak and where its face should've been, was a foxy mask.

"Jack!" I shouted.

"Logan, Myra, run!" He shouted.

He tackled the puppet to the ground, giving Myra and I an opening to run. We ran out the door and towards Myra's car.

We hopped in and drove away.

We drove for a few minutes, trying to recover what just happened. Suddenly, Jack appeared in the vehicle.

"Whew! Those guys are tough!" He said.

"Are...are they dead?" I asked.

Jack shook his head. "Sadly, no. And they will follow you."

"How do we stop them?" I asked.

"I have no idea." Jack replied. "All I know is that they're after you for some reason."

It suddenly occurred to me. I realized who was behind this.

"It has to be Golden Freddy! He's got to be the one behind this!" I exclaimed.

"It's very likely." Myra said. "But I thought he was defeated."

"No, he came to me a few months ago. He offered me a wish." I explained.

"A wish? What kind of wish?" Jack asked.

"Anything I wanted." I stated.

"What did he want in exchange?" Myra asked.

"The other half of his soul." I answered.

"I see, I guess we have a choice to make." Jack said. "What will you do?"

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