First One Shot: Serene X Marionette

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It's been six days since I've been working here, and I seemed to have to been getting along just fine with the animatronics! To my surprise, they've actually turned to humans every since my second night! It's awesome!

I've also heard that there were new animatronics around! For some reason, they're called the "Toy Animatronics," and they act very strange every time I take a look at the Jack in a Box, which was just sitting there in the party room. But I don't see the problem! It's just a Jack in the Box. What could be the problem?

It was my seventh day on the job, and I ran down to the main stage to call the Toy Animatronics, who love to hide behind the curtains. It wasn't really that serious enough, though. It's not like the manager was gonna see them. But I didn't really care, after all, I actually have gotten used to it, so I won't complain.

Putting all of that aside from me, I opened the curtains, and called out my Animatronic friends. As always, Toy Bonnie would shake my hand, and Toy Chica would usually hug me. But for some reason, that didn't happen today. They just all stood there, with blank faces.

"Guys, what's wrong with you?" I asked them, scratching my head in confusion. "You should all be excited for today!"

Freddy then looked at me, and he put a hand on my shoulder. I was wondering what was up with him, but I finally found out the problem when Freddy first said his first sentence.

"Serene, I'm afraid this'll be your last day on the job."

I looked him in the eye, and simply asked, "W- What do you mean? I've done so well with you guys!"

Freddy then looked down, then looked back at me. "No one lasts over seven nights, here. Every time we become friends with a Security Guard, we usually forget to move in our appropriate spots.. And the manager eventually thinks that the Guard has been 'messing with us.'" He remarked, as he took his hand off of my shoulder, and walked into my office.

I just stood there. I didn't know what to do or say.

Does that mean.. I won't get to be friends with the animatronics anymore?

Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, and I, ran into my office, and turned on the lights. Since this is gonna be my last day here, I should just make the best of it... But wait. What about the Jack in the Box?

I looked at Toy Freddy, who was dancing around in celebration. I figured it would be the best time to escape, so I did. I sped down to the party room, and stared at the Box. The top of it said, "Marionette," but the words were written in blood. Black blood.

I then looked behind me, and saw that someone had written, "Why, Hello there, Serene," in the same black blood used on the Box. Now I was shaking. I didn't know who was in here, but whoever it was, sounded like a real creep.

I then looked behind me, and once again, I stared at the Box. I had nothing else to lose. I slowly reached for the handle, and as I finally put my hand on it, an angry Toy Freddy appeared at the door, with a large thunder boom following him. Now that scared me.

"What're you doing, Serene?!" He asked, as he walked inside. Closing in on me.

But instead of fear, I felt anger fill my body, and I finally told Toy Freddy the truth.

"Okay, listen here you big, plastic, robot.." I started, "I'm sick and tired of you, Bonnie, and Chica, telling me what to do! It's my final day here, and no one's stopping me from opening this Box!"

Toy Freddy's attraction then grew, and his eyes turned black, with a white dot in the middle. He then grabbed me by the neck, and slammed me against the wall, causing major damage to my neck. He then extended his mouth, and he brought himself closer to me. He was gonna bite my head off!

As I hung there, about to choke to death, someone came behind Toy Freddy, and tapped his shoulder. Toy Freddy then turned around, and got punched in the face so hard, it knocked his head off. Toy Bonnie, and Chica then came inside, saw the thing, then backed out.

It was just me and that thing, staring each other eye to eye. He then smiled and helped me out of the grip of the Broken Freddy. I felt safe, and to be honest, I kinda liked him a little.

I'm not sure what time it was, but I didn't care. I finally got to see what was in the Jack in the Box, it was a Marionette!

I smiled. I was glad the Marionette saved me from the hands of Toy Freddy, and to be honest, he was kinda cute. After a few minutes of staring each other down, the Marionette was the first one to speak up.

"So. You're the Security Guard that those plastic cans tried to keep away from me?" He asked, as he began stroking my hair. I was stunned for a second.

"Y- Yeah.." I replied, blushing deeply, "W- Who are you?"

"The Marionette," He answered.

"So.. What's with the mask?" I questioned him, reaching at it. But my attempt to grab his mask failed, when he grabbed my hand.

"Sorry, sweetheart," He remarked, "But no one touches the mask-- But.."

He stopped, leaving me wondering what he was about to say. But that little confusion was stopped, when the Marionette took his mask off, and kissed me. Wait.. HE KISSED ME!

Okay, now I was really blushing hard. I can't believe he actually kissed me!

"But why stop there?" I asked him, as I stopped him from putting his mask back on. I grabbed him and pulled him into a kiss of my own. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he grabbed my waist. We were kissing.

After 3 minutes, I heard a bell ring. I quickly broke the kiss, and ran to my office to look at the clock..

It was 6:00 AM

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