Chapter one: Like a hurricane

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Monsters don't sleep under your bed, they sleep inside your head.

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Welcome to Hurricane Utah.

Charlie smiled wryly at the sign and kept driving. Her (Boyfriend/Girlfriend) slept peacefully in the passenger seat next to her. They had fallen asleep just a hour after they left for their trip. Charlie smiled softly looking at them. In her opinion Y/N looked as cute as a baby when they slept. Y/N tossed and turned a bit and soon had their head on her shoulder. Charlie looked down at them and gave them a soft and loving smile. She rolled her eyes playfully and kissed Y/N's cheek gently and then their forehead. She lightly brushed Y/N's hair with her hand.

Through all the hair on Y/N's head Charlie could still see scars on Y/N's head. She really didn't remember what happened that day and how Y/N got the scars. All she remembered was that she and her brother Sammy were playing in the costume room but were called by their mother. Both held her hand as their father and a friend of his lit the candle's to a birthday cake. A child sat down in front of the cake with a happy grin on their face and a big bright yellow bear and a large yellow rabbit stood behind them. Charlie could have sworn she closed her eyes for a second and then heard what sounded like a walnut behind cracked open. Once she opened her eyes again, everyone looked at the party table with a look of frozen shock.

Charlie's thoughts were interrupted when she heard Y/N yawn softly and slowly get up. Y/N rubbed their eyes gently. Y/N must have been dreaming right as he woke up because they mumbled "No officer, the purple man and ballerina did it. They are the one's who robbed president yellow bear and vise president BB." Charlie covered her mouth so she wouldn't laugh at what Y/N said. She failed.

Y/N looked at her confused on what she could possibly be laughing at. They then blushed brightly once they realized what had happened. "I talked again in my sleep." Y/N said not surprised. Charlie nodded as she laughed. She couldn't help herself she thought what Y/N said in their sleep was funny and adorable.

Y/N rolled their eyes playfully and pulled out their portable DVD player to watch Creature of the Black Lagoon. Charlie smiled softly and kissed Y/N's cheek gently. "Sorry I laughed Y/N. It's just the stuff you say in your sleep is adorable." She said softly to her (Boyfriend/Girlfriend) Y/N just smiled at her.

"So how long was I asleep for?" Y/N asked Charlie. After traveling on the road for almost a hour and a half Y/N decided to nap to pass some of the time. "About two hours." Charlie said as she drove into town center. Y/N smiled as they looked out the window and saw the diner where they and Charlie would met with they're old childhood friends. Marla, Jessica, Lamar, Carlton, John and Michael. All coming together for (B/N: Brothers name) and (F/N: Fathers name). B/N and F/N were the reasons for the trip. After all it had been ten years since they died. Actually nobody knows if they are dead or not. The bodies were never found. Y/N was only five years old when they disappeared, same age when the incident happened.

Charlie began to recognize things as they drove. A few stores and the movie theater, which was advertising the summer's latest blockbuster hit. "Sweet, a new Candyman movie is coming and a new Batman!" Y/N said excited as they drove past the theater. Charlie smiled at how excited Y/N was. She looked at her watch. Still a few hours to kill before they all met up. She thought about going to a movie, but she knew what she really wanted to do.

Y/N smiled at all the place's in town. Ten minutes later Charlie stopped the car. Y/N assumed that they arrived at the hotel and got out of the car. What they saw surprised them

"Your old house?" Y/N said surprised and confused at this. Charlie nodded her head. Y/N looked at the house nervously and surprised. After ten years it was still standing and nobody bought it yet. Of all places in Hurricane to go to, this and Freddy's were on Y/N's AVOID AT ALL COSTS list. When planning this trip Y/N had hoped to avoid those two places, for Charlie's sake. They didn't wanna bring back any bad memories for her. After all, this was the house her dad died at.

"You sure you wanna be here?" Y/N asked Charlie as they held her hand gently. Charlie turned her head to Y/N and gave them a confident smile. Charlie held Y/N's hand tightly as they walked up to the house. Well, Charlie actually kinda dragged Y/N to the house.

Y/N gulped nervously as they got up to the house. "Charlie? Sweetie? Are you sure you wanna do this? Are you absolutely, positively, one hundred percent sure that you wanna come here?" Y/N asked her nervously and confused. To say that being at this house scared Y/N a bit would be a understatement, Y/N wanted to get both themselves and Charlie out of there as quickly as possible.

Charlie looked over at Y/N and saw the nervous look in their face. She smiled softly and lightly pecked their lips to hopefully calm them down. "Don't worry sweetie. I'll protect you. Plus I don't think any monster would wanna hurt someone who is as cute as a baby." She said softly as Y/N blushed brightly.

"Ok first off, babies are cuter and so are you. Second I'm not going into that house, you don't know what's in there. Mice, rats, foxes, bats, snakes, wolves. The floors are probably not stable and could brake as you walk on them. There is probably a gas leak in there. A homeless persons probably living in there." Y/N said listing all the possible things that could be in that house. Charlie appreciated that Y/N was concerned for her safety but she wanted to look in her old childhood home, just one last time.

"Please Y/N come in with me. If you don't want to I understand, but please, for me?" Charlie asked Y/N softly and made a puppy dog eyes and a cute pouty face at Y/N. Y/N thought for a moment and looked at the car. Some toys that Charlie's father Henry made for him were in there.

Y/N took a breath "Sure. Why not?" They said

Possible other Charlie x Reader stories

Charlie x Ghostbuster reader

Charlie x Moon Knight reader

Charlie x Avenger reader

Charlie x Blade reader

Charlie x Frankenstein reader

Plot: Charlie and her friends discover that her father's friend Afton is making a monster in his basement. Spoiler: The monster gets loose.

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