Chapter two: Home again

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Y/N gulped nervously as Charlie opened the door to her old house. Charlie held Y/N's hand gently as they walked into the house. Y/N laid their head on Charlie's shoulder as they walked. Charlie looked at Y/N and rolled her eyes playfully at their actions. She kissed their cheek gently. Y/N looked at their girlfriend kindly. To say Y/N felt uncomfortable being in the old and abandoned house would be a understatement, they felt like something was going to jump out and attack them. Charlie could see the fear in Y/N's eyes. "Don't worry Y/N, if anything happens, I'll protect you." She said as she patted their head gently.

"Protecting you is supposed to be my job." Y/N said to her. Charlie couldn't help but giggle. Even when they were five years old, Y/N would always be so protective of Charlie. Always protecting her from spiders, mice, broken glass, hot metal and even the animatronics of her father's business.

"Well let me protect you today." Charlie said kindly and rubbed Y/N's cheek gently and pecked their lips. Y/N smiled at her actions and what she said.

Charlie and Y/N looked around the old and dusty house. It looked like the inside of a hunted house only without the haunting. A few mice scampered away as the two walked around.

"I remember this place being much bigger." Y/N joked. Charlie chuckled a small bit at Y/N's joke. Charlie couldn't remember much about her home but their were those little special memories she had about her childhood. The furniture in the living room was still in place. Y/N and Charlie then noticed that the house was large for all the furniture.

"Wow, this place is pretty large. The coffee table is to far from the couch and the chair is so far across the room that it would be impossible to try and carry on a conversation." Y/N said. He walked over the chair and walked back to the couch. Y/N looked around the room

Y/N rubbed the back of their head gently and kept on looking around. So far none of the things that they feared would happen, happened. They walked into the kitchen, Y/N coughed loudly at the wave of dust that hit them face first. "Well, safe to say the cleaning lady hasn't shown up in seven to ten years." Y/N chuckled and looked around. The kitchen was a bit small, it looked about as big as three closets, only big enough for about two people. Y/N tried to think of a clever and funny joke to go with the kitchen, all they got out was "This a kitchen or closet?" Y/N said.

They kept walking around the kitchen. Y/N tried to open the kitchen door to see if Charlie's father left food in the fridge, for so reason. They didn't want any food, just wanted to see if anything was on there. However, that turned out to be a mistake when the door let out a ear piercing scratching sound. Y/N immediately closed the door. "I'm guessing it's too rusty." Y/N said. They then decided to look in the dish washer. To Y/N's surprise, there were still a few dishes in there.

"Ok first off, who leaves a house abandoned and leaves their dishes in the dish washer?" Y/N said and pulled out some of the dishes. "It's not stealing if nobody wants them or they are left abandoned for quite some time." Y/N remembered their bother saying that one time.

"Hey Charlie, do you still want these dishes? I understand if not, but there's no point in leaving perfectly good dishes in the middle of a house nobody will buy." Y/N said.

No response. Y/N looked behind them, Charlie wasn't there. "How come I didn't notice she was gone till now?" Y/N asked themselves. They looked in the living room, Charlie wasn't there. "Charlie?" Y/N called out. "Yes?" Charlie's voice called out from upstairs. Y/N took a breath of relief.

While Y/N was looking around the living room and kitchen, Charlie decided to check out her old room. The last time she had been in that house, she was about seven years old and it was also dark and almost everything felt wrong. She remembered being carried up the stairs, she remembered her Aunt Jen carrying her inside, shielding face from what was inside of the house.

Once they were in the bedroom, Aunt Jen sat Charlie down on the bed, closed the door and told her to pack her suitcase. However, not all her things could fit in the bag, much to Charlie's disappointment. She even cried a little. Aunt Jen said they would come back for the rest. They never did.

Charlie's thought's were interrupted once she got to her room and once she heard Y/N call out to her. "Yes?" She called out in response. "Just checking to see where you are." Y/N said. Charlie smiled and walked into her room. She felt slightly displaced there. She was slightly expecting her younger self to be in there and ask "Who are you?".

Her room was left untouched. The walls were pale pink, the ceiling sloped dramatically on one side to follow the line on the roof, was painted to match. Her bed and mattress were still intact. Although the sheets were gone. The window was opened slightly, and the rotting lace curtains wavered in the gently breeze. There was also a dark water stain in the paint beneath the window. With all the rain and snow that happened over the last decade, it was no surprise that it was there. Charlie closed the window shut and turned her attention to her father's creation's.

Her first night in the house as a child was a terrifying one. She sat up and wailed until her father and mother came to find her and one of the scooped her up in their arms. Her father promised that she would never be alone again. That morning, he got up, went to his workshop and lived up to his promise.

His first creation was a purple rabbit named Theodore. He was now less purple and more grey. He was the size of Charlie when she was three years. He didn't do much. All he did was wave a hand, tilt his head and say "I love you Charlie." In her fathers voice.

Charlie smiled softly at they toy and picked him up. His back was not faded in the sun like the rest of his back. She pressed the button at the back of his neck, he remained motionless. Charlie waited patiently and silently for eveny the smallest sound out of the toy.

"I—ou—lie." The rabbit said with pretty bad audio. Charlie sat the toy down, her face was hot and her chest pinched tightly. She didn't expected to hear her fathers voice again. "I love you, too." She thought to herself.

The door slowly opened and Y/N walked into the room. "Hey sweetie. Reliving old childhood memories I see." Y/N said and sat down next to Charlie. Charlie smiled and laid her head on Y/N's shoulder gently. Y/N smiled and looked down at Charlie and started playing with her hair softly. Charlie couldn't help but giggle at their actions. It kinda tickled a bit. She looked up at Y/N and lightly pecked their lips gently.

Y/N smiled and soon kissed her lips passionately. Charlie immediately blushed brightly at their actions but soon sank into the kiss. She wrapped her arms around their hips gently and held them close to her. Charlie slowly and calmly rubbed Y/N's back as they kissed. The two smiled during the kiss. The kiss was full of passion and love for each other.

Charlie fell in love with Y/N because of how sweet, cute, lovable, curious and funny Y/N was. Y/N was even nicknamed "Shy baby" as a child. She admired how protective Y/N could get sometime's and how they could be prepared for almost anything.

Y/N loved Charlie because of her sweetness and kind personality, along with her independent/self-sufficient personality.

The kissing kept going on for about eight minutes until the two pulled back for air. Y/N kissed Charlie's nose gently. Charlie smiled and snuggled up with Y/N.

"In all the years we dated, I never thought we would make out in your old bedroom." Y/N said as they chuckled. "Ya." Charlie said softly. She could imagine that if her father was still alive, he would probably be upset seeing Y/N make out with Charlie in the room.

Charlie's foot accidentally hit a button at the foot of her bed and a door at the end of the room opened up. A small doll emerged from the closet. It was about the size of a small child.

"Hi Ella." Charlie said as she looked at the doll. "That toy makes me think of Annabelle." Y/N mumbled. They looked at the door Ella emerged from. Three closets were on that wall, Ella came out from the smallest door.

"Why do you have three closets?" Charlie remembered John asking her when he first came over to her house. Charlie just gave him the simplest answer possible. "Cause that's how many there are." She told him.

Y/N laid down on the bed and looked to their left. Their eyes widened once they saw this unicorn.

"Jesus Christ what the hell is that?!?!" Y/N said as they looked at the freaky as hell unicorn. Charlie immediately looked at her lover, concerned about what was scarring them.

"What is it?! What wrong?!" She asked surprised and alarmed to Y/N. Y/N pointed to the unicorn. She looked at the toy and smiled. "It's fine Y/N. It's just Stanley." Charlie said calmly and picked up the toy. Y/N was still scared of the toy.

"Looking at these toys, I want to set them on fire." Y/N said. Charlie looked over at Y/N. "That's a bit harsh, don't you think?" She asked him. These toy's were all that she had left of her father. Too lose them was simply unthinkable. She didn't want them destroyed.

Y/N looked at Charlie. "Ok, that might be a bit over the top, I'll admit." Y/N said and rubbed the back of their head gently.

They looked down at their watch to check on the time. "Hey, wanna go ahead and head to our hotel? We can get ready to met everyone at the restaurant." Y/N suggested. Charlie thought for a moment and nodded her head gently. Y/N smiled softly and held her hand gently as they left the house and drove to their hotel.

(This is Y/N and Charlie's hotel room.)

"Nice place." Charlie said as they walked into the hotel room. Y/N sat their bags down and sat on the bed. "Sweet! This place has RC Cola and moonpies!" Y/N said happily as they looked at the middle of the bed. There was a tray with three moonpies and three RC Colas.

Charlie sat her bags down and soon sat with Y/N. "So Charlie, what do you wanna do while we are here? We are going to be here for a week." Y/N said as they sat the tray down on the floor so the two of the could lay down on the bed. The bed was so comfy that Y/N thought that they could fall asleep at any minute.

Charlie thought about what they could do together for a couple minutes. "Well, we could go see a movie, walk around town for a bit to see what's still here and what's changed, we could also see if....." Charlie wanted to say that they could see if Freddy's was still standing, but she couldn't get the words out.

She knew Y/N didn't have the best memories there. It was the place their father and brother died. But there was something else too, another reason Y/N was afraid of Freddy's, she just couldn't remember it. It was years ago when it happened and Y/N never talked about it, so it was no surprise that she had forgotten that reason. After the death's that happened at Freddy's, it wouldn't surprise her of the place was either closed, demolished or bombed.

She heard soft breathing and looked at Y/N. Y/N was sound asleep. Charlie smiled softly and kissed their cheek gently. "I'll tell you more when you wake up." She said softly and watched a little TV.

As Y/N slept, they began to dream.

Y/N found themselves at a birthday party, they looked like they were about five or four years old. They walked around the building they were in. It looked familiar somehow, like something from a forgotten memory. They kept walking and soon found themselves at the front entrance of the building.

Their father was outside the door. He was on his knees and had a set of keys in his hands. It looked like he had been locked out of his own business. Y/N ran to the door to let their father in, but the door wouldn't budge. It was as if someone pulled a horror game or horror movie cheat move and welded the door shut. Y/N's father looked at their child and shrugged their shoulders and kept using the keys to try and get in. It even looked like F/N was going to cry a bit. Y/N looked behind them to try and find someone to help them. All he found was a large yellow bear, in a purple hat and bow tie with a skinny clown in a black jumpsuit, giving cake to children.

Y/N looked back at F/N, who was now crying. He also had a odd look on his face, as if he knew something bad was going to happen. As of he knew something preventable was going to happen but he couldn't do anything about it. Y/N then saw a purple car drive behind F/N, and a man in a purple suit walk to F/N. F/N looked up at the man and a face of fear was stricken across F/N face. The purple man smiled and started to strangle F/N and repeatedly stab him in the stomach. Y/N tried to open the door desperately, but it wouldn't move. Y/N started the cry as they watched their father die a slow and painful death.

Y/N looked behind them. The only thing I'm that room with him now, was the puppet.

A soft crying sound could be heard from the oversized toy. But it wasn't a child's crying, it was the crying of a full grown man. Blood slowly dripped from the eyes and mouth of the puppet and it looked at Y/N, sobbing.

"I'm sorry." A soft whisper from the puppet was heard , as the puppet lunged at Y/N while screaming a ear piercing scream.

Y/N woke up in a cold sweat and screamed a bit and took a few breaths. Charlie looked at Y/N. "What's wrong? Bad dream?" Charlie asked a bit startled at what Y/N did. She rubbed Y/N's cheek gently and held their hand. Y/N thought for a moment and nodded. "Ya, bad dream. That's all it was, nothing to be worried about." They said. But it didn't feel like a dream, it felt real, like something like that had happened before.

Y/N snuggled up with Charlie and looked at the TV. "So, what are you watching?" Y/N asked. "Just some show about four women who live in Miami." Charlie said. Y/N looked at the alarm on the night stand next to the bed. Only a hour and a half until they had to meet everyone at the diner. "Wanna watch a couple episodes of this show and then start getting ready to meet everyone?" Y/N asked Charlie as the intro to the show started.

"Sure." Charlie said as they started watching the show together. After two episodes of that show, Y/N and Charlie took a quick shower, got dressed and left to meet their old childhood friends at a diner.

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