Chapter 2 new killer friends

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We finished on the toys and we turned them on, they started to roam but when they got to the hall and saw the night guard they stood and I knew they were doing what we did. If my jaw wasn't broken I would have had the biggest smirk, I stood in my first spot to scare the night guard and I soon heard the pop goes the Wessel song and the Marrionette started to move. I knew she was after the night guard and mangle followed close behind her, I watched in amusement as the night guard tried to wind the music box. Once it was unwinded your life ended, after the scream of the night guard we went back to our positions ready for the morning.

Time skip to morning.

It was an ordinary day of me making pizza, I heard some kid screaming so I went out to see four boys carrying a smaller boy. I started to head out when the boys chucked the little boy in golden freddys mouth, he was crying while the others laughed. I knew the small boy was gunna die because when something was in golden freddys mouth it never escaped alive, golden Freddy bit down and killed the boy instantly. I looked at the boys and say they were now crying, I went to go hurt them when Freddy stopped me and sighed.
"We can not hurt them in thee day light," he sighed, I glitch screamed and stormed into the storage room.

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